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发表于 2018-6-11 17:45 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-11 17:51 编辑



Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange (Bitmex) released proprietary research reportedly geared toward their VIPs. Researchers find bitcoin core’s (BTC) deflationary aspects interesting for speculation and as a “payment system,” but predict it will ultimately not usurp government paper, describing the BTC phenomenon as simply a “useful niche,” and those who “think Bitcoin would result in a more prosperous economic system” as “naive.” It’s a strange position to take as a bitcoin exchange.

Also read: Philippines’ Crypto Wallet Reaches 5 Million Users, Adds More Coins

Before Weirdly Turning, Bitmex Praises BTC’s Deflationary Aspects

In conclusion, Bitmex researchers lukewarmly laud bitcoin core’s merits, arguing how “to many, Bitcoin’s ability to decouple debt from money and thereby result in a deflationary climate without the deflationary debt spiral problem is the point, rather than a bug.” Still, Bitcoin Economics – Deflationary Debt Spiral, published recently by the exchange for its VIPs, refers to those who believe bitcoin “would result in a more prosperous economic system” as being “naive.” Piling on in this manner, they continue, “Bitcoin is a new and unique system, which is likely to cause more economic problems, perhaps unexpected or new ones.”

Bitcoin Economics – Deflationary Debt Spiral, is the final in a three part series by the Hong Kong-based Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange (Bitmex). Hot shot, risk enticed futures traders are emboldened by the exchange’s shorting ability and 100x leveraged contracts. Contracts can only be purchased and settled in bitcoin core (BTC), all without the bother of holding actual coins. Bitcoin cash, bitcoin core, ripple, ether, litecoin, cardano round out possible contract choices.

Bitmex to VIPs: Bitcoin Won’t Replace Fiat, Just a ‘Useful Niche,’ Enthusiasts 'Naive'

The report was initially released by a cranky Twitter polemicist who claimed it to be an exclusive get, designed for Bitmex’s VIPs. Days later, the exchange would publish it on their site for all to see. The report’s focus was to “examine the deflationary nature of Bitcoin and consider why this deflation may be necessary due to some of Bitcoin’s weaknesses.”

Deflation, as a matter of course, occurs when the value of money increases. In the modern West, at least, this concept has largely been only theoretically known. And then crypto. And then bitcoin. Cursory surveys, and perhaps the reader’s own experience, revealed during 2017 the tension many bitcoiners faced. Used to government tickets eventually and methodically losing value through inflation, a bargain cut between court economists and the first to receive newly printed paper meant every incentive in the average person’s experience pointed to spending. Spend those tickets before they lose more value.

Fundamentally Different

The opposite was evident for most of last year. And this third report by Bitmex takes into consideration long held beliefs about money in this respect. “Critics have argued that history has taught us that a finite monetary supply can be a poor economic policy, resulting in or exacerbating, economic crashes. Either because people are unwilling to spend appreciating money or because the real value of debt increases, resulting in a highly indebted economy. Bitcoin proponents are often called ‘economically naive,’ for failing to have learnt these economic lessons of the past,” researchers explain.

Bitmex believes economics, when it comes to bitcoin core, are “fundamentally different” from anything preceding. “There may be unique characteristics about Bitcoin, which make it more suited to a deflationary policy,” they argue. “Alternatively, limitations or weaknesses in Bitcoin could exist, which mean that too much inflation could have negative consequences not applicable to traditional forms of money.” Bitmex to VIPs: Bitcoin Won’t Replace Fiat, Just a ‘Useful Niche,’ Enthusiasts 'Naive'

Deflation’s bad rap in the United States, for example, can be attributed to Irving Fisher’s appraisal of causes and exacerbation of the Great Depression of 1929. And the Bitmex part three meditation presents his arguments well as a chain of consequences where hoarding, or as crypto enthusiasts understand, hodling, only served to severely worsen the problem, according to Fisher. Yet, “maybe Fisher’s view on inflation was correct for the economy in the 20th century, however by 2150 technology may have fundamentally changed to such an extent that another inflation policy may be more appropriate for society,” they contend.

Turning from mere description, Bitmex researchers hit upon a rather novel concept: bitcoin is not a debt based currency, the kind government paper all over the world is. That is a fundamental difference, and it follows economies would behave differently should something like bitcoin core take hold. In a bitcoin based, deflationary economy, an economic downturn’s “impact of increases in the real value of debt could be less significant than one may think. This could make the deflationary debt spiral argument less relevant in a Bitcoin based economy,” they note.  

A Cynical, Dismissive Way to View Bitcoin’s Potential

Given BTC’s deflationary aspects, its being so fundamentally different, and how traditional economic theory is at a loss to grapple with it, Bitmex would seem to hold the coin in high esteem. No, not really. Not at all, in fact. Very near the report’s end, VIPs are given the candid, unvarnished truth as the exchange sees it. Bitcoin core is a speculative plaything, an interesting project to perhaps make some interim profit if one is positioned well.

“Much of this discussion focuses on the economics of Bitcoin, assuming Bitcoin is widely adopted, such that the inflationary dynamics have an impact on society,” the report tantelizes. Curiously, the report doesn’t account for BTC’s notorious problems as a functioning currency in terms of block size, mempool congestion, and transaction fees – a debate lived out along side BTC by bitcoin cash (BCH). Researchers do not believe BTC will be widely adopted.  

Bitmex to VIPs: Bitcoin Won’t Replace Fiat, Just a ‘Useful Niche,’ Enthusiasts 'Naive'

“In our view [wide BTC adoption] is an unlikely outcome and perhaps should be considered even more unlikely by Bitcoin’s critics. In our view, Bitcoin may satisfy a useful niche, that of making both censorship resistant and digital payments, but it’s unlikely to become the main currency in the economy. Therefore the debate about Bitcoin’s deflationary nature should be considered as largely irrelevant anyway. Hence, it is therefore somewhat odd that some critics use this as an argument against Bitcoin,” thereby negating almost the entirety of the previous report findings.

The last thought left with readers is a cynical, just-in-case principle: “if one thinks these economic problems associated with deflation have a remote chance of being relevant, like the critics indirectly imply, that would mean Bitcoin has a significant chance of becoming widely adopted and hugely successful. In that case, perhaps the sensible thing to do is buy and ‘HODL’.”


发表于 2018-6-11 17:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-11 17:45

据Bitcoin消息,BTC商品交易所Bitmex针对其VIP客户发起了一项研究。研究 ...




发表于 2018-6-11 18:04 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-6-11 18:14 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-11 18:23 编辑



11 Jun 2018The Irish TimesMARK PAUL Business Affairs Correspondent
Irish are curious about, rather than suspicious of, cryptocurrencies
New research obtained by The Irish Times suggests about 120,000 people in Ireland own a cryptocurrency, a 300 per cent increase in the past four years.
The study also suggests that more than 180,000 people have at some stage in recent years traded or used Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency. The researchers say their survey suggests public sentiment towards cryptocurrencies is shifting “from suspicion to curiosity”.
The joint study of attitudes was carried out by Amárach Research and communications agency Red Flag. They conducted a survey last month of a representative sample of 1,000 people over the age of 16. They say it is “the first in a series” of studies examining currency and fintech innovations.
Cryptocurrencies – digital currency equivalents that are controlled by technology independently of state central banks – have garnered substantial media coverage.
This is reflected in the increased recognition among Irish people of the biggest such currency, Bitcoin, of 85 per cent, compared to less than half of adults in a separate Amárach study in 2014.
The survey results suggest men are only slightly better disposed towards using cryptocurrencies than women. The most favourable attitudes are to be found, unsurprisingly, among 25-34 year old millennials, who are three times as likely to own a cryptocurrency than the average person.
“Cryptocurrency advocates still have a long way to go in driving higher adoption in Ireland,” said Gerard O’Neill, the chairman of Amárach. He said the upswing in interest, however, creates “ideal conditions for higher take-up”.
Deirdre Grant, managing director of Red Flag Ireland, said The level of understanding is still quite low, with one in eight respondents believing [cryptocurrencies] are used mainly by criminals.”

Bitcoin: Who really owns it, the whales or small fry?

Long-term holders cash out to short-term speculators, notes data

Sat, Jun 9, 2018, 04:00
Hannah Murphy

Some argue there is an art to trading bitcoin but others are unconvinced bitcoin millionaires show investment nous, drawing parallels with gambling

On the final day in his insurance job last week after 14 years in the sector, Donnie wore a T-shirt emblazoned with a rocket logo, the symbol for bitcoin, and the slogan “to the moon”.
The phrase, one that characterises the fervour espoused by bitcoin enthusiasts who say its price knows no bounds, was fitting.
Over five years, the 39-year-old has made enough money from trading digital currencies to pay off his mortgage, buy a Mercedes and now swap office life for managing his remaining crypto investments full-time.
“It was very euphoric...It’s been life-changing for me at this point,” says the California-based father of two, who has a cult-like Twitter following under the pen name ‘bitcoin Dad’.
Donnie is just one member of a clubby community of early investors in bitcoin who have been able to reap the benefits of its dramatic bull run, cashing out some holdings as its value more than doubled in the space of a month to peak at about $20,000 in mid-December.
He will not reveal his exact returns because his new-found wealth has already left him the victim of hacking and extortion – part and parcel of the freewheeling digital currency marketplace.
Six months after its peak, bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, though its price has sunk to about $7,500 at the time of publication. It follows that for each of the bitcoin millionaires, there have been numerous casualties; the “get rich quick” punters who entered the market a little too late.
‘Jump on bandwagon’
“These are people that see something moving up and start buying – they jump on the bandwagon,” says Campbell Harvey, a finance professor at Duke University and an investment strategy adviser for Man Group.
“Initially in the crypto space, you had people who really understood the technology. Then there was a typical bandwagon investor situation and you know how it ends – and it did.”

But how many have gained – and lost – from the bitcoin bubble? Exclusive data from blockchain research company Chainalysis provides some tantalising answers.
The Chainalysis data quantifies this distinct shift in the make-up of bitcoin owners from longer-term investors – those who held the asset for more than a year – to short-term investors who have traded more recently, by analysing how regularly coins have changed hands.
Last November – before December’s pricing peak – the amount of bitcoin held for investment was roughly three times that held by traders.
However, by April 2018, the data show the amount held by investors – about 6 million bitcoin – was much closer to the amount held by short-term speculators, with 5.1 million bitcoin.
‘Liquidity event’
Indeed, Chainalysis estimates that longer-term holders sold at least $30 billion worth of bitcoin to new speculators over the December to April period, with half of this movement taking place in December alone.
“This was an exceptional transfer of wealth,” says Philip Gradwell, Chainalysis’ chief economist, who dubs the past six months as bitcoin’s “liquidity event”.
Gradwell argues that this sudden injection of liquidity – the amount of bitcoin available for trading rose by close to 60 per cent over that period – has been a “fundamental driver” behind the recent price decline. At the same time, bitcoin trading volumes have now fallen in tandem with the prices, from close to $4 billion daily in December to $1 billion today.
So will the price of bitcoin ever surpass December’s peak? Part of the answer lies in who holds bitcoin now that the hype has died down.
Born in 2009 in the wake of the financial crisis, bitcoin is rooted in a libertarian quest for a means of exchange that is unshackled from the central banking system. Proponents – among them, computer experts and political activists – heralded the arrival of an alternative monetary system that could replace fiat currency.
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Crypto boom
But despite the recent crypto boom, there are few signs that this is happening. According to research published this month by Morgan Stanley, only four of the top 500 US ecommerce merchants accepted cryptocurrencies in the first quarter of 2018, compared with three at the beginning of 2017.
Chainalysis notes that the “vast majority” of transactions it analysed showed bitcoin being received from exchanges and rarely sent to merchant services to pay for goods or services.
Only a finite number of coin – 21 million – can be created. Of this, about 4 million are yet to be mined. Just as physical coins can be lost down the back of a sofa, so can bitcoins if users lose or forget the passwords needed to access their online wallets. The Chainalysis data separates out coins it deems to be lost or unused for years – which total 3.7 million bitcoin, worth about $28 billion.
The proportion of bitcoin it estimates to be held by groups such as exchanges or merchant services held steady between December and April at about 2.2 million bitcoin.
Critics argue that bitcoin’s volatility and a lack of fundamental underpinnings disqualifies it as a reliable store of value, and that this is unlikely to change. This leaves droves of new opportunists dabbling in what has been dubbed a “Wild West” marketplace, with regulators still weighing up how best to tackle the space.
“Speculation remains the primary use case for these digital assets; merchant or institutional adoption does not appear to be a primary driver of price,” says Preston Byrne, an English structured finance lawyer and cryptocurrency observer.
Pure speculation
Given this breakdown in bitcoin owners, most market watchers do not rule out another rapid price run-up. However, they say this would likely be the random movement of pure speculation or market manipulation rather than anything else.

“It’s very important to stress, this is not in any sense a rational market,” says David Gerard, the author of Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain.
“It’s very thinly traded, very badly structured...and it’s stupendously manipulated,” he adds. “Anyone who goes in not realising just how manipulated the crypto markets are will get skinned.”
Some argue there is an art to trading bitcoin regardless – but it is a stressful business that takes nerves and can be addictive. Donnie, aka bitcoin Dad, puts his successes down to careful research, “patience” and avoiding the trap of obsessive, leveraged day trading.

But others are unconvinced that bitcoin millionaires actually show investment nous, drawing parallels with gambling.
“It’s the luck of the draw, where everyone who won the draw seems to feel like they deserved it for being smarter,” Vitalik Buterin, the Russian-Canadian programmer who invented the smart-contract blockchain Ethereum, said recently.
The Chainalysis data also show that the bitcoin marketplace is skewed in terms of wealth distribution. A small cluster of investors – known colloquially as “whales” – capture a hefty proportion of the market, which stands at odds with bitcoin’s mission to democratise finance. This brings its own risks.
Bitcoin wallets
Overall, some 1,600 bitcoin wallets – managed by both speculators and investors – contained at least 1,000 bitcoin each in April, according to Chainalysis, collectively holding nearly 5 million bitcoin, or close to a third of the available total.
Of those, just under 100 wallets owned by longer-term investors contained between 10,000 and 100,000 bitcoin – so between $75 million and $750 million at today’s prices.
“This concentration of wealth means that bitcoin is at risk of volatility, as the moves of a small number of people will have a large effect,” says Chainalysis’ Gradwell.
However, the situation suggests bitcoin’s volatility is “of low risk to the wider financial system”, he adds, as “only a small number of people will face large changes in crypto wealth”.
Still, there are opportunities particularly for the larger players to engage in market manipulation, due to the dearth of regulation and existence of informal over-the-counter markets – and this leaves smaller players at a disadvantage.
“When you build up a big enough position in any asset you can move the price,” says Dr Garrick Hileman, head of research at Blockchain and co-founder of Mosaic.io, a platform for market intelligence on crypto. “A number of these larger holders do communicate with each other, they know [each other], they take stock of market activity.”
Sophisticated investors
Analysts at Morgan Stanley echoed this concern in a note this month, saying that it was “noteworthy” that the more sophisticated investors were “willing to give up traditional investor rights for potentially faster liquidity”.
Nevertheless, some point out that the excitement and influx of fresh funds into the market has allowed its infrastructure to mature – albeit gradually – which could be a boon for those looking to trade bitcoin more safely in future.
Buying and selling bitcoin had traditionally been challenging for all but the most tech-savvy. As last year’s cryptocurrency frenzy heated up, however, some consumer finance businesses rushed to capitalise on the zeitgeist and offer their customers access to digital coins through apps they were already familiar with using.
Many exchanges have strengthened their due diligence processes in response to customer concerns and invested in bigger customer services teams. Transaction fees have come down as technology has improved – but hacks are still commonplace.
Institutions have also been making inroads. These include prominent US futures exchanges, such as the CME Group and Cboe Global Markets, which now offer bitcoin futures. Meanwhile, Nasdaq’s chief executive, Adena Friedman, said this year that the group would consider offering cryptocurrency exchange services in future.

Alternative funds are also muscling in. Morgan Stanley data show there is now more than $3.5 billion in estimated assets under management across 250 dedicated crypto funds, although the pace of the creation of new funds has slowed recently.
A more formalised over-the-counter market has started to develop, with players such as Cumberland, an arm of Chicago-based DRW, and Goldman Sachs-backed Circle growing rapidly.
Much of the future of bitcoin trading will depend on the approach that regulators take, experts say. There are stirrings across the world, though – to date – little coherence. Asian financial centres such as Tokyo are now regulating crypto exchanges, while China has banned them outright. Meanwhile, the US Securities and Exchange Commission last month announced a criminal probe into potential bitcoin price manipulation.
Banks in particular have been reticent to engage with cryptocurrencies and the companies that handle them, partly due to the difficulty of conducting anti-money laundering checks on transactions.
“Bank compliance officers really, really hate cryptos ...be prepared to demonstrate the provenance of every penny from every crypto,” says Gerard.
Hileman predicts that one day there will be a “legitimate regulated retail investment market” in bitcoin, although not anytime soon. “We’re talking years,” he predicts.
Any more widespread adoption of bitcoin would need regulators, central banks and tax regulators to allow the transfer of wealth movement from the current financial system into the new one, says Gavin Brown, senior lecturer in financial economics at Manchester Metropolitan University and director of cryptocurrency hedge fund Blockchain Capital.
Nevertheless, there are those who still hold unwavering faith in bitcoin.
Sunnie, who has been investing in bitcoin since she started working for a crypto exchange back in 2014, did not cash out in December, burnt by a previous experience in 2016 when she sold thinking the price was high.
Blockchain technology
With 50 per cent of her assets currently in 10 bitcoin – bought initially at $3,000 a piece – she believes in its potential as the first project that uses burgeoning blockchain technology.
“If bitcoin can survive under such a high rollercoaster period, I have faith in it,” she adds. “When I reach six figures I’m probably going to cash out what I have and completely retire. The price will go to the moon again – maybe higher.” – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2018


发表于 2018-6-11 18:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-6-11 18:26 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据cryptonews消息,目前非洲国家对数字货币交易的需求增长推动非洲数字货币交易业务不断增长。纽约时报援引ICOWatchlist的一名官员的话称,津巴布韦人和其他非洲国家的公民正在选择数字货币进行交易。同时依据“福布斯”撰稿人拉克什·夏尔马说法,在过去一年里,约15个数字货币相关业务在非洲开展。卢旺达“新时代”指出,总部位于南非的Luno Exchange目前在全球40多个国家拥有150万客户。上月南非投资管理公司Sygnia宣布计划在2018年第三季度启动一个数字货币交易所,以应对该国数字货币交易需求的增加。

发表于 2018-6-11 18:28 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 firststeps 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 firststeps 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-11 18:26

据cryptonews消息,目前非洲国家对数字货币交易的需求增长推动非洲 ...



发表于 2018-6-11 18:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整




发表于 2018-6-11 18:52 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据bitcoin消息,近日日本六家上市公司正计划推出自己的数字货币交易所,其中包括Money Forward。另外Samurai&J Partners、Appbank Inc、I-Freek Mobile Inc三家公司也宣布了他们的计划,将推出不同产品。

Following reports of six publicly listed companies launching their own cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan, three other firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange have announced plans to enter the space with various crypto offerings.

Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space

Publicly traded companies in Japan are increasingly seeking to enter the crypto space to offer various crypto-related services. News.Bitcoin.com recently reported that six public companies are planning to launch their own cryptocurrency exchanges including Money Forward, which operates one of Japan’s most popular personal finance apps. An additional three companies have also announced their plans to enter the space with different product offerings.

Samurai & J Partners

Samurai & J Partners (TYO:4764), established in 1996, offers investment banking, fintech, and IT services. In its core business, the firm “invests in listed companies using the method called PIPE (private investment in public equity) investment,” its website describes.

A subsidiary of the company operates a crowdfunding platform that “connects individuals wanting to manage assets and companies that need money.” The platform, called Samurai, already lists a crypto-related fund called the Virtual Currency Mining Fund. On its website, the company also indicates a new service for token offerings.

Furthermore, the firm recently announced its plans to enter into a “money lending business for virtual currency holders.”

Appbank Inc

More Japanese Public Companies Entering the Crypto SpaceAppbank Inc (TYO:6177) plans, produces and manages content distribution such as through videos and live broadcasts of social games. It operates a gaming and smartphone-related media site called Appbank.net. Launched in October 2008, the site claims to be “Japan’s largest Iphone media” service.More Japanese Public Companies Entering the Crypto Space

Last week, the company announced the launch of its Virtual Currency Distribution Content Platform called @Blast, with the grand opening event planned for this month. The firm explained:

@Blast is a web service platform that distributes virtual currencies through various content centered on games and entertainment.
Using this platform, the company plans to “promote the spread of virtual currencies while providing users a place to interact with virtual currencies through this service.”

I-Freek Mobile Inc

I-Freek Mobile Inc (TYO:3845) provides mobile content to cell phone users. The firm recently announced that it has modified its Articles of Incorporation to add “virtual currency exchange” business. The amended Articles are expected to be adopted at the company’s general meeting of shareholders on June 27.

Minkabu publication quoted the company detailing:

We add virtual currency exchange business…[to expand] the content business of the company and its subsidiaries and [to] prepare for future business development.


发表于 2018-6-11 18:55 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-11 18:59 编辑


据分析师Joseph Young消息,华尔街日报称BTC价格下跌是因为韩国小交易所Coinrail被黑客攻击。但下跌实际上是因为人们卖出BTC而没有足够多的人愿意买,不是因为一次小小的黑客攻击。


发表于 2018-6-11 19:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据Bitcoin消息,coin.dance数据显示,最近几周智利、秘鲁和委内瑞拉以及加拿大比特币市场出现大幅增长,为Localbitcoins交易的比特币数量创下新的历史新高。在5月26日秘鲁本地市场一周内产生106 BTC交易,突破此前历史最高80 BTC;5月第一周智利通过Localbitcoin获得近2.344亿美元的智利比索(约合37万美元)BTC交易创下新高;委内瑞拉在6月2日这周P2P市场价值约为375万美元;在5月19日这周,加拿大P2P市创造了1213万加元(约合933万美元)创历史新高。



发表于 2018-6-11 19:15 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-11 19:18 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-6-11 19:19 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-11 19:23 编辑

比特币开发人员Jameson Lopp:Netflix节目对比特币描述不实

据CCN消息,前BitGo首席工程师、比特币开发人员Jameson Lopp批评娱乐巨头Netflix,认为Netflix旗下节目表达了很多关于比特币的不实信息。此前,Netflix在2018年初推出了一个名为“Explained”系列节目,旨在为从Kpop到区块链技术等各种主题提供独到见解。最近的“Explained“节目内容涉及比特币和加密行业的结构,但Lopp表示,节目里说大多数比特币被用于非法交易这一说法是错误的。

Jameson Lopp, a former lead engineer at BitGo and a prominent Bitcoin developer, has criticized Netflix, the $159 billion entertainment giant, for one of its “Explained” series focused on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market.

Wrong Arguments
In collaboration with Vox, a US-based media company that runs a popular YouTube channel that delves into difficult subjects and produces informative videos, Netflix created a series called “Explained” in early 2018 to offer unique insights into a variety of topics, ranging from Kpop to blockchain technology.

One of the most recent “Explained” episodes delved into Bitcoin and the structure of the cryptocurrency industry, with an attempt to evaluate blockchain technology and the use cases of Bitcoin as a widely-recognized and utilized currency.

While the episode did come across as a well-informed explanation of Bitcoin and the basics of the currency, Lopp emphasized that Vox and Netflix failed to provide accurate analysis of the technology behind Bitcoin and the current use case of the dominant cryptocurrency.

Lopp outlined the following factual errors in the Netflix “Explained” episode on Bitcoin:

Most bitcoin is spent on illegal services.
Byzantine Generals’ Problem is about being able to transact privately.
Satoshi invented the blockchain.
All cryptocurrencies use blockchains
The Byzantine Generals’ Problem, origin of the blockchain, and the applicability of the blockchain are relatively simple concepts that need to be explained properly to newcomers and beginner users, as they are considered as the fundamentals of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.

Technically, Lopp explained that Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, did not create the concept of the blockchain, which in essence is a timestamp technology that secures information through the application of cryptography.

“’Blockchain’ can be traced to 1991 when Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta described the first work on a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. In 1992, they incorporated Merkle trees into the design allowing several documents to be collected into a block. Technically the paper refers to a chain of timestamps but the main point is that ‘blockchain’ is just a data structure that has nothing to do with consensus mechanisms that may be built around such a data structure,” explained Lopp.

No, Bitcoin is Not Criminal Money
Apart from these technical errors, Vox and Netflix also incorrectly concluded that Bitcoin is mostly spent on illegal services, completely dismissing the fact that Bitcoin, by nature, is transparent and not anonymous. The non-anonymous nature of Bitcoin ultimately led many dark web marketplace operators and illicit content distributors to leak their identities to the authorities in both covert operations and public investigations.

Transactions on the Bitcoin network can be traced using blockchain explorers, and anyone on the Bitcoin network can view all transactions and wallets that exist on the Bitcoin network. The transparency of Bitcoin makes the cryptocurrency a poor transaction method to be used on dark web marketplaces.

Instead, criminals utilize anonymous cryptocurrencies like Monero, Zcash, and Dash, to store, receive, and send private transactions, as the Japanese government previously noted.

“It’s a typical money laundering scheme. In a way, I’m not surprised. If you are going to do something illegal, then everyone knows to use the ‘three anonymous siblings,’” said a Japanese government official from the Financial Services Agency (FSA), referring to Monero, Zcash, and Dash.


发表于 2018-6-11 19:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
冯仑:御风资本将发起成立总规模20亿人民币的未来信息技术产业投资基金 专注区块链等前沿项目


发表于 2018-6-11 19:27 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
加拿大政府发布新法规草案 规定数字货币交易和支付处理商为货币服务业务

据Cointelegraph消息,加拿大政府日前发布了关于数字货币交易和支付处理商的新法规草案。该草案规定,将数字货币交易所和支付处理商规定为货币服务业务(MSB),要求其报告超过1万加元(约合7700美元)的大额交易,并且需在交易额超过1000加元(约合770美元)时进行KYC(Know Your Customer)验证。

Canada drafts new AML/ATF regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges
Monday, June 11, 2018 5:59 AM UTC 0 comments
The government of Canada has published an official draft on amendments to strengthen the country’s Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/ATF) Regime to include cryptocurrencies and prepaid cards among other things.

According to Canada Gazette, the proposed amendments are aimed at mitigating the money laundering and terrorist activity financing vulnerabilities of cryptocurrencies in a way that is “consistent with the existing legal framework, while not unduly hindering innovation.”

“Persons and entities that are “dealing in virtual currency” would be financial entities or other entities deemed domestic or foreign MSBs, as the case may be,” the draft states.

Under the proposed regulations, all persons and entities dealing in cryptocurrencies would be required to implement a full compliance program and register with FINTRAC.

“A financial entity shall keep a large virtual currency transaction record in respect of every amount of C$10,000 or more in virtual currency that it receives from a person or entity in a single transaction, unless the amount is received from another financial entity or a public body or from a person who is acting on behalf of a client that is a financial entity or public body,” it states.

For virtual currency transactions of C$1,000 or more, then the entities would be required to keep records relating to the date of the transaction and the KYC details of those involved in the transaction, among other things.

According to the cost-benefit analysis included in the draft, the regulations would cost around C$61 over the next 10 years with requirements for businesses dealing in virtual currency amounting to around C$270k.


发表于 2018-6-11 19:39 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-11 19:51 编辑



MelissaSweet1, a camgirl in Arizona, started accepting cryptocurrency as payment for her erotic webcam performances three years ago. But usually, she would promptly convert it into fiat.

Until last year that is, when she started squirreling away the digital coins in a hardware wallet. Rather than simply an expedient way to get paid, crypto became a part of her retirement plan.

Like MelissaSweet1, several other sex workers recently interviewed by CoinDesk described similar shifts in their crypto usage. While others in the blockchain industry debate whether bitcoin is primarily a transactional currency or a global store of value, sex workers are already using the technology for both.

The trend speaks to both the surge in cryptocurrency prices, which has made it more rewarding to hold on to coins rather than cash out, and an intensification of the very problem that led the sex industry to turn to blockchain technology in the first place.

Namely, it's even harder than it was just six months ago for people in this line of work to get any kind of mainstream financial services in the U.S. – not just the payment processing that's long been elusive for them.

"More banks are viewing any sex work as high risk, and an increasing number of banks are refusing to accept direct deposits from adult industry companies," said MelissaSweet1, who like other sex workers did not want to give her real name.

In such an environment, sex workers – a broad category that includes not only escorts but lawful workers such as erotic dancers, porn stars and even film production professionals – see saving money the old-fashioned way as increasingly risky because their accounts can be closed and funds frozen without warning. Some are afraid that centralized crypto services will start to do the same.

So, in addition to hodling the crypto they receive from clients, they're also moving their digital money offline from third-party services to cold storage methods under their control.

Adult performer and token enthusiast Brenna Sparks alluded to the new state of affairs in a tweet last month. Recounting a conversation with a makeup artist on set, Sparks wrote:

"She happens to invest [in crypto] as well. 'I'm trying to retire.' I shook my head in agreement. 'Same.'"

Self-sovereign savings

But since retiring on crypto means securing it for years or even decades to come, these freelancers often evangelize in closed groups about the importance of cold storage. This is the practice of keeping the private key to a wallet – which is like a long, indecipherable and hard-to-remember password – offline, either on a piece of paper or a hardware device.

"I've seen an increase," camgirl and adult film actress Ginger Banks, who has been in the industry for eight years, told CoinDesk about her peers discussing how to manage private keys. "Just recently myself, people have been encouraging me to get my stuff off of Coinbase."

As long as users control their private keys, their crypto cannot be confiscated, a risk that even legal sex workers face when they keep money in the bank.

"The reason that security is taken so seriously by the adult industry is because they are so used having their accounts discontinued or frozen without warning by traditional centralized institutions," Nathan Smale, chief operating officer at the crypto startup Intimate, told CoinDesk.

"You are dealing with women and men who have always had to take responsibility for their own safety and protection, rarely being able to rely on others to actually help them," Smale said. "Is it any wonder that they would take control of their own funds and manage them?"

Even those who continue to use regulated, third-party services are hedging their bets. For instance, Leah, a 20-year-old sex worker who specializes in a form of BDSM, told CoinDesk she worries the government will create stricter regulations for cryptocurrency transactions, which would result in the kind of discrimination and account closures sex workers have long encountered from legacy financial providers.

So Leah uses a hardware wallet in addition to exchange accounts on sites like Coinbase. The flipside of cold storage, as seasoned crypto users know, is that key management can be stressful and involved. If lose your key, or forget the PIN or the recovery passphrase for a hardware wallet, you'll never be able to access your money.

"Cryptocurrency is something still pretty new, it's decentralized so you have to hold yourself more responsible," MelissaSweet1 said.

More to come

Despite the headaches involved, the trend among sex workers of using crypto to save for retirement looks likely to grow, as an unintended consequence of recently enacted and pending legislation.

First, there was the SESTA/FOSTA legislation package that passed in the U.S. in March, which conflated consensual sex work with sex trafficking, and weakened legal protections for internet service providers (including online financial platforms) used by sex workers.

While traditional banks and payment networks like Visa have been inhospitable to sex workers for at least a decade, these new laws gave them one more reason to fear for their reputations if they come anywhere near the industry. Now there is another bill working its way through Congress, which could criminalize providing banking services for "traffickers."

"These laws do pose a real threat to me," MelissaSweet1 said.

But that's not to say these crypto users want to break the law. Indeed, while naysayers may be quick to point out that saving for retirement without a licensed service provider could lend itself to tax evasion, blogs and social networks for sex workers are full of freelancers sharing tips on how to file taxes – including taxes on bitcoin payments.

"There is a way to report income even when you're doing something that might be, in some states or locations, outside the law," Mike Stabile, communications director at the Free Speech Coalition, a nonprofit adult industry trade organization, told CoinDesk. "Those people who are working in sex work do pay taxes. They do have deductions."

To that point, MelissaSweet1 said she has been checking all her legal compliance boxes while working in the adult entertainment industry for the past five years and plans to continue doing so because she is proud of her work.

Besides, she said:

"To my knowledge, there are no retirement services that specifically cater to sex workers."

Looking ahead, some sex workers are thinking about other potential wealth-building applications for blockchain technology. For example, Ginger Banks said she hopes to someday establish her own studio using smart contracts to send royalties (which are rare in the adult entertainment industry) directly to individual cryptocurrency wallets for long-term income throughout retirement.

"It feels like I am a part of history if I hold these coins for the future," Banks said.


发表于 2018-6-11 19:52 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据新浪财经报道,立陶宛财政部周五发布ICO的综合指南,成为欧盟首批对发行ICO项目或出售虚拟代币出台明确准则的国家。立陶宛希望借助此举吸引ICO项目、投资者和企业家落户立陶宛。其财政部长维柳斯·沙波卡在新闻公报中说:“我们应该努力使立陶宛成为那些愿意在透明和有序的合法环境下运营ICO项目的发起者的主要总部。” 这些指导方针涵盖了ICO项目的监管,公司,间接税收,会计和反洗钱等方面。据立陶宛财政部称,2017年,立陶宛ICO项目在全球范围内募资超过4亿欧元(4.7亿美元),“占到全球市场10%的份额”。立陶宛央行最近表示,立陶宛人管理的ICO项目今年头三个月在全球筹资至少2.5亿美元。


发表于 2018-6-11 20:06 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



In several countries throughout Africa, citizens are spending an average of 27 cents to top up their mobile airtime, and they're using a crypto token to do it.

That might sound strange to many in the crypto industry, since the vision of today's blockchains allowing the movement of millions of microtransactions across the globe has proven a challenging one to reach.

Yet, a South Africa startup, Wala, is proving that a little ingenuity and an effective embrace of a nascent technology can make cryptocurrency a better payment mechanism than any of the traditional options many citizens of African nations currently have.

"We really believe cryptocurrency is what is going to drive a financial revolution in Africa," said Tricia Martinez, the CEO of Wala, which raised $1.2 million selling ethereum-based "dala" tokens in an initial coin offering (ICO) in April.

And it seems like that is starting to play out.

Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, Wala is now facilitating roughly 6,300 daily dala transactions for more than 57,000 wallet accounts across Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The vast majority of those transactions are micropayments under $1.

As such, the startup is displaying that, not only are blockchain micro-transactions possible, but also that the narrative that cryptocurrency is better suited for people in developing countries is right on the money.

Because before the token sale, Wala was facilitating customer transactions via its mobile app with the existing infrastructure in these African countries. To support their business models, though, local banks charge high fees – not just on transactions but for nearly every function, including customer inquiries on fraudulent account activity, Martinez said.

This was hurting Wala's customer base and the company's business model.

"Zero-fee is the solution, but banks could not support this," Martinez continued.

Cryptocurrency offered an out by allowing them to facilitate payments across a peer-to-peer network with lower fees.

And with 100,000 merchants offering goods and services through Wala's platform, the startup has created a small-scale circular economy – something crypto enthusiasts have long vied for.

"They can buy airtime, data, pay their electricity bills or their kids' school fees," Martinez said, adding:

"Not only can they do it in their country, but they can do it across 10 markets. So if you are in South Africa and your mom lives in Zimbabwe, you can buy her airtime or pay for her electricity."

Microraiden for micropayments

So how is Wala facilitating these microtransactions on the ethereum blockchain, which has been dealing with growing scaling concerns as of late?

Sure enough, according to bitinfocharts.com, this year ethereum transaction fees have ranged from between $0.17 to $4.15, which would make sending microtransactions like Wala users are facilitating too expensive.

But by using a technology called microraiden, Wala is able to get around those transaction fees.

Microraiden is a slimmed down version of raiden, a technology similar to bitcoin's lightning network, which pushes transactions off-chain in an effort to increase scale. Unlike raiden which facilitates multiple channels and payments hopping bidirectionally, though, microradian allows decentralized app developers to set up a channel that only receives payments.

As such, Wala takes in all user payments through that channel and then batches those transactions at some point to settle them onto the ethereum blockchain.

While that settlement process does incur a transaction fee, Wala is currently able to absorb that cost because of the money it raised through the token sale and its venture capital investment ($2.2 million total).

Still, even though the system functions for Wala now, the company is looking at other options should scaling become a problem.

"We're also actually exploring the opportunity to work with a few different blockchains simultaneously," Samer Saab, Wala co-founder and COO, told CoinDesk, adding:

"For us, it's too big of a risk to take to go all in on anyone blockchain."

This is a strategy other token issuers that have launched on ethereum, have taken recently based on concerns over scale.

As Saab envisions it, multiple blockchains and scaling solutions could provide a "buffer between consumers, people who are actually engaging with the blockchain via dala, and the effects that might be happening at the base layer."

Centralized for now

Until then, though, another way Wala is getting around the costs and delays of transacting on blockchains is by centralizing their operations somewhat.

As mentioned, Wala acts as the intermediary party between dala users and the ethereum blockchain.

And for now, being that custodian – one that understands user habits because the team has lived and worked throughout Africa for years – for customers is useful.

"At the rate at which our users lose phones, delete the app, share phones, do these things, it would be very difficult," Martinez said. "You can't solve these problems unless you are living amongst your customers."

Still, Martinez said the company has plans to slowly decentralize themselves out of the equation.

"Our plan for decentralization is dependent on how ethereum scales in the future," she said, adding:

"Our goal, on that path toward decentralization, is to enable users to control their own private keys in order to have more ownership and control over the entire process."

Alongside this effort, Martinez is also looking for ways to make dala more attractive than cash.

"Our biggest competition isn't the banks, it's cash," she said.

One way Wala is enticing new users is adding rewards they wouldn't get from using cash. For instance, users can earn dala by recommending the app to friends, plus later this year, the company will launch a 'microjobs platform,' which will offer dala for simple tasks like filling out research surveys or taking pictures.

"We're trying to make a continent-wide currency," Martinez said.

Partnering with the incumbents

This year, Wala plans to expand to 11 countries, including the United Kingdom, through various partnerships.

Cross-border payments from expats in countries like the U.K. are an integral part of many African economies. But such remittance services are expensive and are often bogged down by delays.

According to the World Bank, Africa is the most expensive continent in the world to send money to. And Quartz reported remittance payments to sub-Saharan Africa can cost more than 9.7 percent of the sum received. That's where the global dala network comes in.

"Consumers can receive remittances and then go purchase products in the app, or in person. So it's a fully functioning financial product a consumer can use instead of cash," Martinez said.

Even though Wala can afford to take on the costs of operation, for now, long-term plans require monetization at some level.

For now, the startup brings in revenue by buying commodities – like airtime – in bulk at a discount, then selling smaller chunks of these commodities to users at the market price.

But above and beyond that, Martinez said the company will have several new partnerships to announce this year. For instance, Wala is partnering with the British trading firm Block Commodities to provide the equivalent of $10 million in dala loans for subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

The startup will reap a small percentage of those loan payments.

Wala plans to partner with a bank in Zimbabwe and the global microfinance bank FINCA to offer similar loan products, and possibly also savings services.

Whereas the U.S. dollar in the U.S. is a strong currency to invest, Martinez said currencies like the Ugandan shilling or the South African rand are not as stable and so could lead to problems when invested.

As such, Martinez concluded:

"Enterprises are looking for more stable, alternative solutions so they can move value across borders and start investing in these emerging economies."


发表于 2018-6-11 20:14 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-11 19:15

据中金投X消息,红杉资本拟领投比特大陆4亿美元IPO预售轮,比特大陆目 ...



发表于 2018-6-11 21:12 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原创: 狂人  数字货币趋势狂人  今天












发表于 2018-6-11 21:15 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原创: 币姥爷  币姥爷  2 days ago








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发表于 2018-6-11 21:18 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原创: 币姥爷  币姥爷  Yesterday















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发表于 2018-6-11 21:51 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原创: 0x2  区块律动BlockBeats  4天前



昨日,一篇在 Reddit/虚拟货币的帖子引发了全球网友的热烈讨论,原作者 gverno 写了寥寥几百字来质疑来自中国的虚拟货币全新诈骗模式。

他指出,某个项目通过堆叠时下流行的技术指标来获得媒体关注,并付费进行 Youtube 大 V 推广,将少量的 Token 通过众筹卖掉,在很短的时间内就在知名交易所上币,随后在交易所交易时拉升币价,团队在过程中偷偷出货。

本文的中文翻译(点击文末阅读原文查看 Reddit 原文)

第一步:把项目的 TPS 提高到 10 万!不不不,太低了,100 万 TPS!

第二步:先大批量私募预售,只留下一小部分对公众 ICO。ICO 的比例低于 25% 是最好的,30% 其实也 ok。

第三步:花重金宣传这个项目,让投资者觉得能在 ICO 里买到这个币简直就是幸运之神眷顾。而且还要有 YouTube 视频博主做视频猛推,当然也要有不少大 V 帮忙宣传。


第五步(重要):一定要保证对外公募的 Token 可以在市场交易,这样在交易所上币后可以创造一个无与伦比的市值——公募卖出去的越少越好——15% 的就 ok,5-10% 的流通量能产生最好的结果。

第六步:坐在办公室嘲笑西方投资人居然会陷入这样傻 X 的骗局。


1、项目是否宣传 TPS 达到 100 万

2、公募的比例是否低于 30%

3、花钱在 youtube 上找博主推广


5、流通量低于 15%

来,跟着区块律动 BlockBeats 侦探君,一起寻找这个外国人口中的空气币的蛛丝马迹!


Reddit 网友 Rabbit0123 回复:是 PChain。

PChain 在 5 月份的媒体中宣称 PChain 系统可以在普通机器上跑到 10000TPS,其公募众筹比例为 35.7%,高于作者留下的提示线索。

在 Youtube 上,我们也看到了一些关于 PChain 的推广视频,但大都是没有多少观看量的视频。而且 PChain 主要在一些小型交易所进行交易,还包括区中心化交易所,流通量为 35%。

可以看到,PChain 的各项指标都不符合空气币的描述。我们继续调查其他可疑对象!


Reddit 网友 SmellyFrontBum 问:是波场(TRON)吗?

经过区块律动 BlockBeats 调查,Tron 只有一项符合描述。

波场 TRON 发行于 2017 年 9 月份,在最初宣传的时候,孙宇晨表示以太坊过于拥堵(每秒可以处理 20-30 笔订单),所以波场要技术升级,准备把 TPS 提高到 1500。最新的媒体报道中,孙宇晨表示 Tron TPS 为 10000。

但波场当初公募众筹出售的比例过高,因为波场是目前全球前 10 的数字加密货币,所以在 9 个月的时间里,在 Youtube 上出现了超过百万个关于波场的视频。波场的流通量为 65%,也超过了作者描述的低于 15%。



Reddit 网友 Jimpeem 说:OCN 每一项都符合!

经过区块律动 BlockBeats 调查,OCN 只有两项符合描述。

实际上,OCN 在这些币种都没有可比性,因为 OCN 项目并非一个公链项目,所有没有 TPS 一说。

而且 OCN 也未公布过公募 Token 的比例,也没有多少大 V 为其进行推广。作为今年年初上马的项目,它早已经在火币、Upbit 等多家知名交易所进行交易,流通量为 20%。

虽然 OCN 有两个指标符合空气币的描述,但很显然因为不是公链项目,所以不是本文提到的空气币,可以直接排除。


是 ONT 吗?

Reddit 网友 mebeast227 回复:

ONT 现在有几乎令人疯狂的市值,而做到这一切他们只用了空投+发行少量的流通币。没有任何产品,但是市值在前 25 名。搞什么东西?

经过区块律动 BlockBeats 调查,ONT 有多达四项符合描述。

区块律动 BlockBeats 看到 ONT 在媒体上提到的 TPS 数值只有 3000,这与描述的 100 万+的 TPS 相差甚远。

而且 ONT 采取的是空投模式,之前曾空投 2000 万 ONT 给 NEO 的持币者,其实可以将空投的部分理解为公募,这样算下来,ONT 公募的比例为 2%。

在 Youtube 上,我们确实看到了有不少大 V 为 ONT 站台做宣传视频,而且 ONT 也顺利地在 OKEx、币安、火币、Upbit 等多家知名交易所上币交易,流通量占总 Token 数量的 24%。

ONT 本体看起来非常符合空气币的描述,但是以内在 TPS 上依旧与 100 万相差太多,还是被排除了。



sparingnickel 等多名 Reddit 网友:是 QuarkChain(夸克链)吗?

经过区块律动 BlockBeats 调查,QuarkChain 有五项符合相关描述。

在最新的媒体采访中,夸克链的创始人周期表示测试链的 TPS 已经达到了 2000,QuarkChain 的预期是 100 万 TPS。

而且在 QuarkChain 的预售白皮书里,可以清楚地看到 QKC 的预售量为 20%。

在 Youtube 上,有大量的知名数字货币博主为 QKC 制作宣传视频,甚至还有视频直接告知大众 QKC 可以增长 100 倍。这些视频密集地发布于一个月前,而一个月前 QuarkChain 被 ICODROPS 网站评为 VERY HIGH 推荐购买项目。

QuarkChain 在 6 月 5 日直接登陆币安交易所进行交易,未经过投票上币流程。

目前 QuarkChain 的流通量为 20%,超过了上述所说的 15%,但原文也说越低越好,是被网友质疑的空气币中流通量较低的币种。

综上所述几乎可以确定,Reddit 网友热议的空气币项目应该就是 QuarkChain。


Reddit 网友 SpaaceMILK:

每一个在虚拟币市场的人都应该看一下这部名叫《The China Hustle(中国骗局)》的纪录片,了解下这些人是如何在一个规范的现代市场中为所欲为的。虚拟币?相比之下,对中国人来说这就是小儿科。看完之后,最少能让你眼界大开。



Reddit 网友 Hik_hik 总结出了中国空气币团队的套路公式:

1、在名字后面加个 Chain,可以蹭早期项目的光辉。

2、设计一个很 low 的网站,用一些看起来很夸张的字体,然后用大写字母拼写错误的单词。

3、用一些美哭的背景图片,字小到只有 51 吋的显示器才能看清楚。


最后他总结道:Dem Chinese got the formula right!(干!中国人已经搞懂了加密货币赚钱的公式!)


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我决定做一个air token (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧



首先呢,歪果仁(美国人)发明的庞氏骗局和丝绸之路,歪果仁(俄罗斯人)传销出来的比特币,我们要感谢比海天盛宴还牛逼的大趴是歪果仁哄抬起来的,我泱泱大国的失意传销分子才能有机会在天朝发扬光大,资金盘,拆分盘,传销盘都不是我们天朝原创,却能在牛鬼蛇神的努力下,拉着没有为国为民献计献策却荷包嗷嗷待哺的叫兽们,十八线研究中心的猪人们,羞羞答答蹭国家队名称的伪砖家们,把这个骗局发扬光大,登峰造极的路上高歌猛进,然后歪果仁觉得天朝骗纸们太离经叛道了,本来全世界的骗子们借着密码学包装之下的区块链的链圈技术,都竖着牌坊玩一下bitch 币圈游戏,恪守骗子的原则不会吃干抹净之后不吐骨头,但是天朝的菁英收低智商韭菜税的时候,有点忘乎所以了,骨头不吐还要食髓知味,被歪果仁骗子们提醒一下,注意点吃相,看官们,呗闹,套路之所以迷人,是因为可以套用,歪果同仁们把套路指出来,那是挡人财路,不过歪果骗纸同行扭扭捏捏的不敢直呼其名,天朝的菁英团队不会蹦出来争辩,最多就是蹭热度的几个空气币山寨币都不如的垃圾币出来吆喝吆喝,这事就这么了了,贻笑大方,韭菜继续百倍的梦想一枕黄粱,笔者如果不想解梦,最好少报道这些,之前就说过,做币圈的3.15不是什么好差事,把良心藏起来,拿着两个比特币一个首页banner 广告的广告费,一篇报道六个以太坊的润稿费,为骗纸们穿穿皇帝的新衣,该多好







哈哈哈哈哈 投票结果有毒






发表于 2018-6-11 23:25 |显示全部楼层
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2小时前 来源:中国金融博物馆  164






















发表于 2018-6-11 23:44 |显示全部楼层
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8小时前 来源:OneToken  660

























发表于 2018-6-11 23:54 |显示全部楼层
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如果你将数字货币视为一种适用于去中心化应用程序(DApps) 的应用程序平台,即去中心化互联网,那么用户增长和DApps的增长将与互联网用户和网站数量增长相一致。




发表于 2018-6-12 14:48 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-6-12 14:50 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-12 17:09 编辑
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-12 14:48

FT今日在Fcoin大涨33.85%,现报0.81美元。FT自5月31日上线以来,直线上扬,从 ...




发表于 2018-6-12 17:23 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
中国央行数字货币研究所副所长狄刚: 区块链的可信非常重要

在上海区块链技术及应用研讨会上,中国央行数字货币研究所副所长狄刚发表题为《金融科技时代系统架构演进探讨》的演讲。狄刚表示: 区块链是技术上的去中心化,不是管理上的去中心化。物理上的分布与逻辑上的统一并不矛盾。 只用区块链解决不了问题,架构混搭才是最优。区块链是对现有架构的一种优化和补充。 技术共识不等于业务共识。 区块链的可信非常重要,如果不是可信主体搭建的区块链,未必会得到信任。


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