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[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-5-24 19:07 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-24 19:12 |显示全部楼层
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美联储顾问:比特币缺乏实际价值 但采矿赋予其价值

旧金山美联储顾问Joost van der Burgt在近期发出的一份报告中认为,比特币没有与任何商品交易,它缺乏内在的实际价值;而且比特币不适合被视为证券,因为不会产生利息、红利、资本利得。他还认为比特币类似于石油、黄金等商品,虽然比特币缺乏内在价值,但是采矿行为赋予其价值。

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco released a report on May 18 discussing the volatility of the bitcoin price and its impact on the ways bitcoin should be classified, whether as a currency, security, or commodity.

Joost van der Burgt, author of the publication and fintech policy advisor at the Federal Reserve’s San Francisco branch, confirms what many have already said: that bitcoin straddles the properties of all three asset classes. However, he draws interesting points over properties that make bitcoin fit into one category better over others.

Burgt also shows historical evidence that suggests bitcoin is in a bubble, without saying firmly whether it is or not.

bitcoin price
Bitcoin Price Chart
Though the price volatility would be an obvious reason why bitcoin struggles as a real-world currency, Burgt looks more closely at the ways it is currently used in the market place alongside central banking structures.

His conclusion comes as no surprise: bitcoin is not traded for goods much at all. In additional to increasingly unfavorable global regulations, he says that bitcoin lacks a corresponding real value, which is a key part in exchange for goods.

He writes:

“…the exchange rate between two currencies can be regarded as a broad measure of the prices of one country’s goods and services relative to another country. When looking at the Bitcoin ‘exchange rate,’ this category of determinants seems to be inapplicable – there is no current native Bitcoin economy with native Bitcoin prices for goods and services.”

As a security, bitcoin fares better in the current framework, though not great. Securities are either purchases of debt or stakes in a company. Bitcoin doesn’t fit into either of these categories since it does not generate interest, dividends or capital gains.

As a commodity and an oft-mentioned “store of value“, however, bitcoin behaves much like entrenched commodities like gold and oil, at least according to Burgt. Though he argues that bitcoin lacks intrinsic value, he points to mining as the key form of placing value on the asset — a value, he says, that approximates to roughly $1,800 per coin.

He writes:

“Although Bitcoins do not possess any real intrinsic value, from a commodity valuation perspective, we can estimate a hypothetical value based on its production costs. Recent estimates regarding the energy involved in mining a single Bitcoin by professional energy-efficient mining rigs put it at about $1,800 when mined in China (where 80% of the currently mined Bitcoins originate).

The hypothetical value of $1,800 is far lower than bitcoin’s current price. Burgt only strikes the bubble fear home with a look at the stages of bitcoin’s FOMO and euphoria cycles that pattern previous bubbles in the market place (such as the 2007 financial crisis). In a unique development, however, Burgt mentions John McAfee’s $1 million bitcoin price target as a counterpoint.


发表于 2018-5-24 19:15 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-24 19:31 |显示全部楼层
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Tim Draper:区块链和人工智能技术可解决政府低效问题

美国投资者Tim Draper 在奥地利维也纳GovTech Pioneers会议的开幕主旨演讲中认为,未来人们可以利用区块链和人工智能技术改变国家的角色和责任,解决政府的低效问题。




发表于 2018-5-24 19:32 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-24 19:34 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-24 19:37 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-24 19:38 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-24 19:32

据btcmanager消息,数字货币ATM运营商AlphaVend在利物浦安装了该市首个比 ...



发表于 2018-5-24 19:39 |显示全部楼层
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John McAfee:今年将是数字货币爆发的一年

著名杀毒软件公司McAfee创始人John McAfee近日在接受采访时表示,现在加入数字货币货币并不迟,到今年年底,则可能为时已晚。今年将是数字货币真正爆发的一年,过去看到的与今年将要看到的相比毫无意义。


发表于 2018-5-24 19:40 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-24 20:01 编辑

V神与研究者合作 开发以太坊新投票方式

以太坊联合创始人V神与微软公司研究者、经济学博士Glen Weyl合作,就为以太坊用户提供新的投票方式展开实验。V神在最近发布的博客中介绍,它可能解决以太坊面临的管理挑战,以及协调有争议问题的解决方案。据悉,新投票方式的目的是让投票者关注他们热衷的问题,并接受指导。和以往在参与者之间平均分配选票不同,用户可以购买额外的选票,在某些问题上有更大的发言权。


When people think of ethereum, they generally think also of the protocol's developer Vitalik Buterin, now - off his creation - a multi-millionaire.

No doubt, Buterin is a leader of sorts for the community, even if decision-making is somewhat decentralized. And above that, ethereum's most active developers have a significant amount of say in the direction of the technology.

Recently, however, the protocol's decision-making has been called into question as a series of controversial proposals have arisen - be it the development of new forms of mining hardware or the recovery of lost funds due to various vulnerabilities.

As the community debates the various pros and cons of such proposals, Buterin has begun working with economics researcher Dr. Glen Weyl to experiment with the idea of enabling a new kind of voting for the ethereum users. In a blog post announcing the collaboration on May 21, Buterin described how ideas from Weyl's recent book, "Radical Markets," could help address these governance challenges and coordinate solutions for contentious issues.

Speaking to CoinDesk, Weyl, who received a Ph.D. in economics at Princeton University and is now a researcher at Microsoft, explained that quadratic voting aims to focus voters on issues they are passionate about and educated on. Rather than votes being distributed equally across participants, users can purchase extra votes to have a greater say in certain issues.

"The idea is it allows people to express how important things are to them, and not just which direction they feel about it," Weyl said.

The collaboration comes at a time when other ethereum researchers have banded together in an effort to come up with ways to better measure community sentiment.

And although Buterin wasn't directly involved in those meetings, in the blog post, he noted his belief that existing proposals for decentralized decision-making either put too much authority into the hands of those who own ether or, in trying to reach a larger pool of stakeholders, are vulnerable to attack by fake accounts and malicious actors trying to sway the vote.

As such, Buterin and Weyl write, the quadratic voting proposal is a more "moderate alternative" to other forms of decentralized governance.

Weyl told CoinDesk:

"[Quadratic voting] allows for decisions to be made for the greatest number of people."

Connecting communities

The duo's post on the matter seems aligned with an announcement made earlier this month by Virgil Griffith from the Ethereum Foundation, the not-for-profit that funds ethereum-related research, that it was seeking applications for projects wanting to test experiments based on Weyl's theories.

Prior to fully fledged announcements, however, Buterin and Weyl's blog post hints at ways the method could occur.

"Citizens can use a (possibly artificial) currency to buy votes at the cost of the square of the votes bought on the issues that are most important to them," the blog post states.

Weyl echoed this in conversation to CoinDesk, saying, "We would like to make a voting system where people make trades, so I give up the things that are less important to me and you give up the things that are less important to you, we all are happier."

In an effort to block a small number of the financially elite to buy up a large portion of votes and in turn disproportionately affect outcomes, the system would make the price per 1,000 votes, 1,00,000 credits, which should prevent that from happening.

Elaborating on the concept, Weyl explained that it's part of an overall attempt to implement economic theory into technological systems.

He told CoinDesk:

"Even if exact solutions don't turn out the way we want, the mechanism design community has such a natural synergy with the blockchain community [that] we can build a real collaboration between those."

While Weyl won't be involved in the technicalities of building the model for ethereum, he does believe this is the first step towards a deeper collaboration between his and Buterin's respective communities.

'A perfect balance'

It's maybe surprising that these two communities haven't directly overlapped previously since both emphasize cooperation, equality and decentralization in their visions for the future.

"Our ultimate goal is to shape a society that would work differently," Weyl said.

However, Weyl said that blockchain projects current governance structures aren't living up to their values.

Lacking a more formal governance method, the ethereum community specifically has struggled to reach consensus on key topics throughout the years - one such debate over The DAO hack even leading a dissenting minority to split off the main chain and create ethereum classic. While on-chain governance exists to some extent - and other methods are being tested on other protocols, such as Gavin Wo0d's Polkadot - some believe that these methods lack the fairness necessary for public blockchains.

But the communities are stuck at a crossroads. For one, more traditional voting structures whereby every person gets a single vote don't take into account that some people have a bigger stake in the system.

But on the other hand, if the system were to reward one vote per coin a user holds, many worry the same issues seen today in the broader world - whereby the rich have significantly more power than the poor - would be recreated.

"What quadratic voting allows you to do is to strike a perfect balance between the two ideas," Weyl said, adding:

"It matches pretty perfectly to the desires of the system to on the one hand to have an egalitarian flavor but also to acknowledge that people are committed to different degrees."

Identity is key

That said, there are technical issues that would need to be resolved before such a system could be viable.

For instance, Weyl said that quadratic voting can only work if voters are pegged to identities, otherwise, it is as liable to manipulation. Indeed, if one user was able to sell their votes through separate accounts, they could exploit the system.

"I am hopeful that blockchain will not be an identity-free zone because if it is, it will be a plutocratic zone, and that does not accord with ideas people of the space have," Weyl said.

But Weyl isn't particularly worried about this since restructuring identity online has been a hot topic both inside and outside the blockchain space for some time.

Overall, though, in spite of whether a quadratic voting system gets instituted into ethereum, Weyl hopes that going forward, the blockchain will provide a "critical testing ground" in order to scrutinize the effectivity of quadratic voting, potentially to scale it up to bigger political systems.

Weyl concluded:

"We're really trying to create a bridge between radical mechanism design and community on the one hand and the ethereum community on the other."


发表于 2018-5-24 19:50 |显示全部楼层
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eguan88 发表于 2018-5-24 19:38




发表于 2018-5-24 19:56 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-24 20:05 编辑


据彭博报道,德国证券交易所(Deutsche Boerse AG)客户、产品及核心市场负责人Jeffrey Tessler23日在一项活动中表示,在向任何比特币那样的产品迈进之前,希望保证自己了解标的资产的交易,这并不容易做的事,公司正在评估是否提供数字货币产品。Tessler承认,德意志交易所和去年12月推出比特币期货的美国芝商所(CME)不处于同一个阶段,在行动之前,德意志交易所希望了解比特币,保证和客户一致、和监管方一致。

Deutsche Boerse’s Tessler Says ‘Deep at Work’ on Bitcoin
By Viren Vaghela

May 24, 2018, 2:13 AM GMT+10

Deutsche Boerse AG is evaluating whether to offer cryptocurrency products, Jeffrey Tessler, the company’s head of clients, products and core markets, told an industry event Wednesday.

The German company could only look on last year as U.S. rivals Cboe Global Markets Inc. and CME Group Inc. started Bitcoin futures to great fanfare. No major European exchange felt able to follow suit, mindful of regional authorities’ cautious approach to regulating the nascent market.

“Before we move forward with anything like Bitcoin we want to make sure we understand the underlying transaction which isn’t the easiest thing to do,” Tessler said at an event in London organized by the Association for Financial Markets in Europe. “We are deep at work with it,” Tessler said, acknowledging that the group is “not at the same stage” as CME.

Before moving forwards with anything like Bitcoin, Tessler said, “we want to understand the volatility and make sure clients are in line and make sure regulators are in line.”



发表于 2018-5-24 21:17 |显示全部楼层
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今日,IBM研究院发布了Crypto Anchor Verifier,一款以人工智能(AI)驱动的伪造品检测器。用户可以使用手机的相机和相关区块链技术来验证物品的真实性。


If eyes really are windows to the soul, IBM’s latest product could lead to blockchain enlightenment.

Called a crypto anchor verifier, the technology, which is part artificial-intelligence software, part insanely sophisticated, internally developed lens, can see the cells of animals and distinguish between them.

Powered by a lens capable of rendering objects as small as a single micron, the verifier is also designed to search out—and understand—the difference between a fake drug and the real deal, a cheap bottle of wine and an expensive one, and imperfections in diamonds that are undetectable to human eyes.

Perhaps even more remarkable, the verifier is designed to do all this by downloading software developed by IBM to any smartphone. A custom lens placed over the phone’s camera turns the device into a scanner with the potential to extract immense value from every layer of a supply chain.

But all that data has to be stored somewhere. And as a rising tide of blockchain companies are competing to connect global supply chains to a shared, immutable ledger, IBM fellow Donna Dillenberger thinks that’s exactly where the real potential of the crypto verifier will be unlocked.

“You can use it without a blockchain,” Dillenberger says. “But you need to put the record somewhere.”

At the hardware level, the lens enables a smartphone camera to record details as small as one-millionth of a meter. By searching for optical characteristics such as shape, viscosity, saturation value, spectral values and the microscopic details of an object’s surface, the lens helps generate a heap of data.


发表于 2018-5-24 21:26 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


The Justice Department has opened a criminal probe into whether traders are manipulating the price of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, dramatically ratcheting up U.S. scrutiny of red-hot markets that critics say are rife with misconduct, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The investigation is focused on illegal practices that can influence prices -- such as spoofing, or flooding the market with fake orders to trick other traders into buying or selling, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the review is private. Federal prosecutors are working with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a financial regulator that oversees derivatives tied to Bitcoin, the people said.

Authorities worry that virtual currencies are susceptible to fraud for multiple reasons: skepticism that all exchanges are actively pursuing cheaters, wild price swings that could make it easy to push valuations around and a lack of regulations like the ones that govern stocks and other assets.

Bitcoin extended its Thursday declines after Bloomberg News reported the investigation, and was down 3 percent to $7,409 as of 9:32 a.m. London time. It’s down more than 20 percent since a May 4 peak.

Such concerns have prompted China to ban cryptocurrency exchanges and nations including Japan and the Philippines to regulate them, contributing to a slump that has sent Bitcoin below $8,000 this year. Still, digital coins continue to be a global investment craze, drawing legions of loyalists to industry conferences, generating celebrity endorsements and increasingly attracting the attention of Wall Street.

Traders Colluding?

The illicit tactics that the Justice Department is looking into include spoofing and wash trading -- forms of cheating that regulators have spent years trying to root out of futures and equities markets, the people said. In spoofing, a trader submits a spate of orders and then cancels them once prices move in a desired direction. Wash trades involve a cheater trading with herself to give a false impression of market demand that lures other to dive in too. Coins prosecutors are examining include Bitcoin and Ether, the people said.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment and CFTC officials didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Spoofing Is a Silly Name for Serious Market Rigging: QuickTake

The investigation, which the people said is in its early stages, is the U.S.’s latest effort to crack down on an industry that was initially embraced by those who were distrustful of banks and government control over monetary policy.

But Bitcoin’s meteoric rise -- it surged to almost $20,000 in 2017 after starting the year below $1,000 -- has been a lure for mom-and-pop investors. That’s prompted regulators to grow concerned that people are jumping into cryptocurrencies without knowing the risks. For instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission has opened dozens of investigations into initial coin offerings, in which companies sell digital tokens that can be redeemed for goods and services, due to suspicions that many are scams.

Read More: SEC Tries to Scam ICO Investors to Show Them How Easy It Is

Cryptocurrency trading is fragmented on dozens of platforms across the globe, and many aren’t registered with the CFTC or SEC. As a derivatives watchdog, the CFTC doesn’t regulate what’s known as the spot market for digital tokens -- which is the trading of actual coins rather than futures linked to them. But if the agency finds fraud in spot markets, it does have authority to impose sanctions.

Fraud Target

The limited oversight of crypto trading makes it a target for crooks, said John Griffin, a University of Texas finance professor who has studied manipulation, including in digital-coin markets.

“There’s very little monitoring of manipulative trading, spoofing and wash trading,” Griffin said. “It would be easy to spoof this market.”

Signs are emerging that some crypto exchanges realize the industry’s growth could be constrained if large swaths of investors conclude that trading platforms have a “buyer beware” approach to oversight.

Cameron and Tyler WinklevossPhotographer: David Paul Morris
The Winklevoss twins, who are known for getting rich off Facebook Inc., hired Nasdaq Inc. last month to conduct surveillance of digital coins trading on their exchange, Gemini Trust Co. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss have also urged trading platforms to band together to form a group that would serve as a self regulator for the industry.

Read More: A Crypto Giant Fights Cheating. Another Says That’s Mind Control

Some market participants have alleged that crypto manipulation is rampant. Last year, a blogger flagged the actions of “Spoofy,” a nickname for a trader or group of traders that have allegedly placed $1 million orders without executing them.



发表于 2018-5-24 21:30 |显示全部楼层
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1小时前 来源:数字货币趋势狂人  222





发表于 2018-5-24 23:59 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-25 00:07 编辑
红树林 发表于 2018-5-24 19:34





发表于 2018-5-25 00:08 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-25 00:35 |显示全部楼层
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2011年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、理性预期学派领袖人物、著名经济学家托马斯·萨金特(Thomas J. Sargent)在出席1月12日在伦敦举行的SSC全球路演活动时表示,区块链代表了科技的力量,是未来发展趋势,足以改变市场。

https://www.chicagofed.org/publi ... n-papers/2017/pdp-3

诺贝尔奖得主斯蒂格利茨:比特币的存在是对金融体系的滥用, 个人没必要持有比特币

据彭博报道,诺贝尔奖经济学奖获得者Joseph Stiglitz斯蒂格利茨表态: 美元已是一个很好的交易媒介,为什么人们想要比特币?为保密。银行系统可以而且已经在朝着更多使用数字支付的方向发展,但个人不需要比特币来实现这一点。在他看来,要创造效率和消除不平等,就必须有一个引导的手。因此,比特币“不提供任何社会有用的功能。”在达沃斯世界经济论坛上描述了比特币的危险。他认为比特币的存在是因为对金融体系的滥用。必须要通过管制比特币来反洗钱。去年12月,他就曾表示比特币应为非法的,需要被禁止。
据日经中文网报道,诺贝尔经济学奖得主约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)在谈及中央银行发行数字货币的趋势时表示:“我赞成停发纸币,改用数字货币。与纸币相比,更有透明性。将易于掌握经济活动,进行宏观管理,但唯一的问题是信息过度集中于政府。恶劣的政府有可能加以滥用。”

诺贝尔经济学奖Robert Shiller在达沃斯世界经济论坛数字资产泡沫会议上表示,比特币是一个聪明的点子,它会像货币一样病毒式传播,但是它不会稳定。比特币给人一个有趣的体验,但是它不会永久存在。“我倾向于把比特币看作是一个有趣的实验,而不是我们生活中永久的特征。我们过于把目光聚焦于比特币上了,其实应该扩大到区块链的技术上,因为它将有其他的应用。大部分其他比特币的批评者也持有与席勒的类似观点。例如,马克·扎克伯格认为用区块链技术可以用来改Facebook。

他最近在接受CNBC旗下Trading Nation栏目的采访时发表了对比特币(BTC)的看法。他认为,比特币可能是一个泡沫,但这并不意味着它将会破灭或永远消失,可能会持续一段时间。他还强调,“聪明人”已经投资了加密货币,包括他的许多学生。

诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Robert J. Shiller认为数字货币与其他货币一样,是一个观念的信仰声明,如欧元帮助欧盟成为欧洲人心中的统一体。而BTC与此类似,在一定程度上是一个新世界主义者社区,他们将自己视为高于政府的组织,将政府视为不平等和战争的驱动因素。他认为公众对BTC的迷恋归结为背后的技术,实际上人们迷恋的就是BTC本身。

诺贝尔经济学奖得主Eric Maskin:高度认可区块链技术数字货币存在缺点和危害,希望区块链让所有的交易变得便捷安全

诺贝尔经济学奖得主Eric Maski在3月21日于2018全球科技金融峰会上表示,区块链技术的某些应用非常棒,它真正地改变了我们的生活。匿名性是我们进入新时代的新一步,或许区块链技术可以改造传统的法定货币存在的缺点,让其更安全、更方便地转账交易,但数字货币存在的缺点和危害,却很难被改造。此外,Eric Maskin指出,不可能大范围流通、政府难以监管,是他反对加密数字货币的两大原因。

5月20日大湾区经济与发展论坛上,2014年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Jeae Tirole表示,比特币和区块链是不同的,区块链是一个创新型的科技,应用面非常广泛,比如智能合同、记录和转移资产、公司投票等;而比特币是没有价值的,同时伴之而来的泡沫还会带来很大风险。Tirole认为,比特币的社会价值不同于自认价值,当央行发行货币的时候,不管日元、欧元还是人民币,都会获得一些制币收益,这对公共财政来说是有好处的。因此,从政府的角度出发,之所以会限制比特币的发展与应用,不仅因为它被用于洗钱、避税和一些非法活动,更因为它没有给政府带来收益,而这些收益全部到了私人手中。

5月24日,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者迈伦·斯科尔斯(Myron Samuel Scholes)在出席上海的SAIF-CAFR名家讲堂时表示,金融的功能包括促进贸易、让交易效率更高,目前已经出现了越来越多的移动交易,越来越少用到现金,并且也出现了其他一些类型的交易,例如区块链。区块链是非常有价值的技术,可以帮助解决欺诈的问题。



发表于 2018-5-25 00:45 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-5-25 00:48 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-25 00:51 编辑

Tom Lee:比特币若重新上涨,将在数天内飙升至2.5万美元
2小时前 来源:默泓币读  750

5月23日,美国财经频道CNBC报道称,基金公司Fundstrat的联合创始人兼策略师汤姆•李(Tom Lee)坚持自己的预测,即比特币(BTC)将达到2.5万美元。李指出了三个关键因素,令他相信比特币价格将会超过2017年的历史高点。



第一个关键因素是比特币的生产和复制成本。周二,在CNBC的“Futures Now”节目中,李说比特币目前几乎就是以成本价进行交易,其生产成本(包括挖矿、社区维护等)几乎等于交易价格。李表示,比特币的生产成本约为6000美元,以比特币目前的价格来看,其价格略高于成本。







发表于 2018-5-25 00:56 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-25 00:57 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

6小时前 来源:区块律动BlockBeats

无法提币的现货拿来砸穿比特币价格,再去隔壁交易所做空比特币,这种事情的重复发生,仅仅过去了 2 个月。

黑客花了 2 个小时,将比特币砸到 7400 美元,爆掉了近 3 万张期货多单,成功收割期货和现货。

这一次,黑客攻击的主角是火币 Pro 上的 EDU Token。


区块链安全团队 PeckShield5 月 23 日晚间发布 EDU 智能合约漏洞报告。在 EDU 智能合约中存在一个 transferFrom 函数,该函数缺少 Safemath 验证,可以让攻击者从任何一个 EDU 余额不为 0 的账号内向另外一个账号转出 EDU Token,也可以理解为可以从智能合约里偷币。

PeckShield 团队向区块律动 BlockBeats(微信号 BlockBeats)透露,黑客的攻击从 5 月 20 日开始,当天完成了 4 笔交易,第一笔交易就是利用 Allow 函数的漏洞从项目方的地址中偷走了 30 亿枚 EDU Token,随后利用三次交易将 Token 进行了转手。


黑客的 Token 得手后,开始往交易所进行充值,目前 EDU 只在火币 Pro 上进行交易。

充币完成之后,黑客从 5 月 20 日午夜开始抛售 EDU Token,从上面的 K 线可以看出,除了黑客带来的抛售之外,也引发了市场的进一步恐慌,EDU Token 的价格持续走低。

从 K 线交易量来卖出的 EDU Token 数额超过 20 亿枚以上(包括市场恐慌抛售和黑客蓄意抛售),这些不明来源的巨额交易引发市场进一步恐慌,价格持续走低,也有不少不明真相的投资者选择在价格暴跌的时候抄底,买方和卖方的博弈以卖方的持续低价抛售不断取胜,买入即套牢。

这种交易对峙的局面,持坚持续到 5 月 23 日深夜。

此时,火币 Pro 交易所一经发现合约漏洞的问题,随即暂停了 EDU/BTC 和 EDU/ETH 的交易对,因为全球范围内只有火币 Pro 可以交易 EDU Token,所以 EDU Token 的市场交易在此全面停止。




是否感觉剧情有点熟悉,和 2 个月前 3.7 事件一样,同样的剧情再次上演。


按照上面提到的交易数额 20 亿枚 EDU Token,黑客的账户上已经具备了超过 1000 个以上的比特币,虽然黑客的账户无法进行提币操作,EDU 已经无法进行交易,但是其账户内的比特币依旧可以进行市场交易。

于是乎,黑客选择了和 3 月 7 日区块律动 BlockBeats 报道的一样的方式进行了本地交易所抛售比特币引发市场波动,同时跨交易所的期货做空交易。

在火币 Pro 交易所内,23 日 23 点 30 分到 24 日 1 点 30 分,共计交易了约 4300 枚比特币。

其中就包括黑客手上这 1000 枚可流动的比特币,1000 枚,足以造成明显的涨跌。

区块律动 BlockBeats(微信号 BlockBeats)也发现了黑客跨交易所做空的线索。

23 日 23 点 30 分,EDU 交易全面停止。按照之前漏洞曝光后的常见结果,Token 会随之大跌,但并不会对比特币价格产生的大的影响,但是比特币价格开始震荡。

比特币价格在 23 点 30 分开始暴跌,从 7880 跌到 7400 美元,2 小时内跌幅达到 6%。

与此同时,OKEx 的期货交易中多单开始爆仓,从 23 日 23 点 36 分开始到 24 日 1 点 49 分结束,期间一共爆掉了 28664 张多单,共计 369 枚比特币。期间 OKEx 期货市场上做空交易额达到了 1.58 亿美元。

如果黑客在此期间按照自己砸比特币价格然后做空的思路,在 OKEx 上下了空单,可以赚到 2000 万人民币离场。

再加上在火币发现问题之前黑客已经套现离场的比特币数量和其他币数量,黑客在这 4 天内通过现货和期货交易,可能已经实现了财富自由。


区块律动 BlockBeats(微信号 BlockBeats)在跟 PeckShield 团队沟通的时候,PeckShield 创始人蒋旭宪教授表示几乎每周都能发现以太坊智能合约中存在的漏洞。

从 BEC,到 SMT,再到 EDU 和 BAI,PeckShield 团队已经发现并命名了 10 余个以太坊智能合约的漏洞(已获得官方CVE),其中包括一些已经在交易所进行交易的 Token。

PeckShield 团队认为,因为以太坊区块链上所谓「代码即一切」的原则精神的存在,导致目前没有有效的安全防护手段来修复这些问题,而且因为 Token 交易背后牵扯着巨大的利益,是无法在多个交易所进行同步防护的。

因为中心化交易所只是对 Token 进行记账式的交易,项目团队与交易所配合之后回滚是可以一定程度上保护投资者利益的,但是如果在去中心化交易所进行交易那么投资者的损失将无法挽回,同时,利用交易所反应的时间差以及金融工具的差异,黑客也可以实现在多个交易所套利。


你们对上 HADAX 的 Token 不做审核义务,那么对上火币 Pro 的 Token 也不尽审查义务吗?


发表于 2018-5-26 00:04 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据Seattletimes消息,伦敦网络犯罪侦查人员从26岁的黑客Grant West手中获得价值66.7万美元的BTC。Grant West在全球范围内进行网络攻击,利用钓鱼邮件诈骗多家公司财务数据,将7800万个用户名和账户密码在暗网上出售获得BTC。5月25日该黑客因网络攻击被判处10年零8个月监禁,警方从其手中获得价值66.7万美元的BTC。

LONDON (AP) — London police have seized half a million pounds ($667,000) worth of bitcoin from a prolific computer hacker in a case described as the first of its kind for the 188-year-old department.

Cybercrime detectives seized the bitcoin from Grant West, 26, who was sentenced to 10 years and 8 months in prison Friday for attacking some 100 companies worldwide, largely using ‘phishing’ email scams to obtain the financial data.

Once he obtained the data, West would then sell the material to market places on the dark web and convert his profits into bitcoin.

The London Metropolitan police discovered evidence of cyberattacks on 17 major firms including Uber, Just Eat, Sainsbury’s, Asda, the British Cardiovascular Society and the Finnish bitcoin exchange.

Officers also recovered a memory card containing approximately 78 million individual usernames and passwords.

Which 17 Websites Were Hacked?

The websites that were hacked by Grant were:

Just Eat
T- mobile
British Cardiovascular society
RS Feva Class Association 2017
M R Porter
Truly Experiences Ltd
The Finnish Bitcoin Exchange.


发表于 2018-5-26 00:06 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-26 00:07 编辑
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-26 00:04

{:12_776:} 现在大家知道微信上那些便宜的几乎不要钱的优步代订的套路是什么了吧?




发表于 2018-5-26 00:10 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


The Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said he's open-minded about digital currency while speaking in a panel discussion on "The future of central banking?" at Sveriges Riksbank’s 350th-anniversary celebration in Stockholm.


发表于 2018-5-26 00:15 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


Xapo, a bitcoin technology company, announced today that it will be expanding its operations in Gibraltar. The company already holds a financial services license in Gibraltar and is in the process of seeking further authorisations from the regulatory bodies of the British overseas-territory.

Xapo was founded in 2014 and is purported to be the largest custodian of bitcoin in the world. The company offers customers ‘cold storage’ for their bitcoins meaning their stashes of the cryptocurrency are stored offline in secure vaults. The firm used to offer bitcoin debit cards but Visa, along with regulatory authorities, put an end to the service earlier this year.

Crypto paradise?
Today’s announcement follows in the wake of a flurry of interest from cryptocurrency companies, such as eToro, in Gibraltar. Unlike other jurisdictions, the Gibraltarian government has been reasonably hospitable towards cryptocurrency firms.


发表于 2018-5-26 00:19 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


The mining pool of HDAC, a blockchain platform and company operated by Hyundai BS&C, a subsidiary of South Korea’s biggest car manufacturer and major conglomerate, experienced a hacking attack on May 24 and was forced to halt withdrawals temporarily.

Mining Pool Breach
According to local cryptocurrency media outlet TokenPost, HDAC’s mining pool fell victim to a server breach that led hackers to gain access to the internal system of the mining pool. Earlier today, the HDAC team stated that it is currently recovering the platform from the server hack and until the details of the hack are disclosed, the HDAC team emphasized that withdrawals will be halted.

HyundaiPay, the fintech branch of Hyundai BS&C, told local reports that the HDAC mining pool breach is not related to its operations and said that it is not responsible for the hacking attack on the mining pool, even though HyundaiPay is a subsidiary company of Hyundai BS&C that has been tasked to develop the HDAC platform.

“The cryptocurrency mining pool of HDAC has no connections to HyundaiPay and its ventures. The HyundaiPay team has no knowledge about the security breach and it does not intervene in the operations of the mining pool. The HDAC blockchain itself is not impacted by the breach,” a HyundaiPay spokesperson said.

“Currently, there are 299 individuals in the HDAC cryptocurrency mining pool and not all of the participants have been affected. While HyundaiPay cannot provide exact details in regards to the reach of the hack, the team estimates that the vast majority of miners have been affected.”

Is Hyundai in the Blockchain Sector?
Hyundai is one of the most influential conglomerates in South Korea alongside Samsung, Hanwha, and Lotte. It’s operations are spread across the car manufacturing industry, real estate sector, and other major industries.

According to local reports, since mid-2017, Hyundai has actively been involved in the blockchain sector, developing decentralized applications and blockchain networks with a vision of commercializing blockchain technology in the traditional finance sector.

HDAC, the blockchain project associated with the mining pool, is an VeChain-like blockchain protocol that enables businesses to better utilize blockchain technology and Internet of Things (IoT) to efficiently store, send, and receive data.

“The technology can be applied to smart factories, smart homes, smart buildings, and various industries. Also, M2M transaction for mutual contracts and operation between IoT devices are implemented to bring a platform where rational consumptions and transactions are possible. It is also where we can implement Transaction Innovation,” the HDAC development team explained.

Despite the recent downturn of the cryptocurrency market, the hype around blockchain technology and open-source decentralized networks like Ethereum is still relatively large. Businesses like Kakao, Naver, SKT, and Hyundai are trying to position themselves at the forefront of blockchain development to commercialize the technology at a large-scale and increase the mainstream adoption of the blockchain.


发表于 2018-5-26 00:24 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

2小时前 来源:巴比特  1031




亿万富翁数字货币投资者、前对冲基金经理、数字货币商业银行Galaxy Digital的创始人Mike Novogratz表示,美国司法部对比特币价格操纵的调查是一件好事,这将有助于数字货币市场的长期健康发展。他说:“清理市场中的不良行为者是一件好事,对市场的健康发展来说不是什么坏事。大量的交易所都用这些人为制造的虚高数字来营造数字货币投资的火热氛围假象。”

数字货币交易所Gemini总裁Cameron Winklevoss赞成这一观点,他表示该公司欢迎任何有利于健全市场规则并阻止不良行为者的调查,并且表示Gemini将使用纳斯达克的软件监控其平台可能存在的滥用交易行为,抵御市场操纵。

此外,Fundstrat Global Advisors研究主管Tom Lee在邮件中说:

“这是一个非常受欢迎的消息,因为这意味着成熟监管的到来。”对于目前的行情低落,Tom Lee在CNBC的采访中表示“比特币被低估了”。他认为目前的下跌只是“典型的市场波动”。他坚持预测比特币将在年底达到2.5万美元,因素有三:1、比特币挖矿成本,他认为比特币是按照生产成本交易的。2、机构投资者涌入。3、历史曲线。

BitBull Capital的创始人兼首席执行官Joe DiPasquale在CNBC的报道中表示:“我没有看到比特币市场操纵价格的任何证据,但我当然赞成加强监管,因为这只会有助于给数字货币市场注入更多的信心。”Joe DiPasqual认为,加大审查力度将会消除不良行为者,并使市场足够健康,以供机构投资。他说:“从长远来看,这是非常乐观的。如果美国司法部和商品期货交易委员会觉得他们已经‘清理’了市场,那么这将为美国实物支持的比特币ETF铺平道路,并带来机构投资者。”

CNBC贡献者、BKCM创始人Brian Kelly说,“从长远来看,这是非常乐观的。如果美国司法部和CFTC觉得他们已经“清理”了市场,那么这将为美国支持的比特币ETF铺平了道路,并引导机构投资者入场。”


发表于 2018-5-26 00:42 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-26 00:44 编辑



There’s a Crypto-Mining Machine in Every Home in Caracas

The craze is the result of hyperinflation mixed with free electricity.

By Daniel Cancel

May 25, 2018, 8:00 PM GMT+10

Editors Note: There are few places as chaotic or dangerous as Venezuela. “Life in Caracas” is a series of short stories that seeks to capture the surreal quality of living in a land in total disarray.

Crypto fever may have cooled across much of the globe, but don’t tell that to folks here in Caracas. They’re mining coins like crazy.

One buddy of mine who works in advertising bought a machine, set it up in his home and told his 20-year-old son to run it 24/7. They’re grinding out about $6 a day. Another friend, an unemployed programmer, also installed one in his apartment. The darn thing was so loud, though, that the neighbors complained until he moved it to his parents’ home across town. And still another friend invested with his family in three machines. They’re now clearing $1,000 a month. That’s a small fortune here.

Heck, even the $6 a day is half-decent money in a country mired in a horrific economic depression. One key to my mining pals’ success: electricity, while spotty, is basically free, the result of an odd combination of hyperinflation and government-mandated utility price freezes. (It’ll cost you 900,000 bolivars—or about $0.90 at the black-market rate—for a coffee, pastry and juice at a cafe, but you can pay your monthly electricity, water, gas, internet and phone bills for about 300,000 bolivars.)

Students inspect mining rigs inside the cryptocurrency mining farm and school at the Ministry of Youth and Sports facility in Caracas.Photographer: Carlos Becerra/Bloomberg

I caught up with these old friends while back in town to cover last weekend’s elections. They form part of the ever-shrinking Venezuelan middle class. Many of their peers have been thrust into poverty. And countless others have fled overseas.

For those that remain, there’s something of a steely resolution. “Human beings can adapt to anything” is a line I heard again and again.

A key aspect to that adaptation is managing someway, somehow to set up a steady flow of revenue in dollars or some other foreign currency. It’s the only way to keep up with inflation that a Bloomberg index estimates to be running around 16,000 percent a year. A family of four can live reasonably well in Caracas on $500 a month.

Gamers at a cybercafe in Caracas.Photographer: Wil Riera/Bloomberg
So if it’s not crypto mining, it’s programming services for overseas companies or playing online fantasy games or collecting remittances from family members who are now working abroad. That last segment is booming. It’s odd to see. Remittances were always something that powered other economies in the region—such places as Honduras and El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. But Venezuela, the party-hearty, free-spending OPEC nation that I cut my teeth in as a young journalist years ago?

“Countries don’t disappear.”

This is another phrase I heard a lot this past week. It’s true. But they do implode.



发表于 2018-5-26 00:46 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-26 00:47 编辑
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-26 00:42

据彭博社消息,受恶性通货膨胀和廉价电力影响,加拉加斯出现了挖矿热潮,家家户户都有 ...

{:12_789:} 少儿活动中心竟然有比特和以太矿机展览室!!!!!!!!!

{:12_760:} 小朋友还这么认真的做笔记。。。吃饱饭就靠矿机24/7/365挖挖挖。。。生存压力这么大。


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