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发表于 2018-5-17 02:34 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 02:37 编辑





发表于 2018-5-17 02:39 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 02:41 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-17 02:39




发表于 2018-5-17 02:43 |显示全部楼层
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据BusinessInsider报道,南非将在约翰内斯堡的Northwold Spar设立该国第一台数字货币ATM机,支持比特币、以太币等数字货币。负责安装ATM的Northwold Spar公司总经理George Neophytou表示,这将消除购买和出售数字货币中的阻碍,并有望帮助数字货币成为主流。


发表于 2018-5-17 02:44 |显示全部楼层
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A law concerning cryptocurrencies came into force on Sunday, May 13th, stipulating that virtual currencies are to be treated as digital assets. The framework had been put together earlier this year but it has come into effect yesterday.

This year has been quite dynamic for the crypto field in Thailand. Back in February, the Bank of Thailand barred banks from investing in or selling digital currencies, grant loans to their clients with hopes to purchase crypto and also prohibited financial institutions to provide advisory support on the matter of crypto.

Bangkok, Thailand

Yet, the Finance Minister of the Country, Apisak Tantivorawong said that:

The government will not ban cryptocurrency trading. A regulatory framework to govern digital currencies will become clearer within a month.

The royal decree which is to formally regulate transactions associated with digital assets came into force on Sunday, May 13th. This falls in line with the position of the finance minister who said that regulations were necessary in order to regulate cryptocurrency as well as digital tokens comprehensively to prevent tax avoidance, crime, money laundering, and other illegal activities.

The law, which is 100-sections long, stipulates that cryptocurrencies and digital tokens are seen as digital assets. At the same time, puts them under the purview of the country’s watchdog – the Security Exchange Commission (SEC).

Cryptocurrency sellers now have 90 days to register with the SEC. Stringent sanctions will fall upon those who fail to meet the terms. They will be fined no more than twice the amount of the digital transaction or a minimum of 500,000 baht (roughly around $15,671 USD). Jail time is also on the table of possible sanctions for up to two years.

SAFT - The Not So 'Simple Agreement for Future Tokens'

Going further, the SEC and the Ministry of Finance will be working together on putting down comprehensive laws which would require digital asset exchanges, dealers, and brokers to register with the relevant institutional authorities.

The country’s position is particularly clear: this decree is a step forward as this doesn’t prohibit transactions with digital assets. Neither does it forbid Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) from being carried out in Thailand. It’s a step in the right direction of regulating the relatively new field, which desperately needs clarity to boost investor confidence.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:46 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 02:50 编辑

Coinbase副总裁:推出4款产品 可解放100亿美金机构资金进场

据newsbtc消息,Coinbase计划推出四款新产品,来吸引机构投资者加入数字货币市场。四款产品分别为Coinbase Custody(托管),Coinbase Markets(市场),The Coinbase Institutional Coverage Group(机构覆盖组)和Coinbase Prime(子交易平台)。其副总裁兼总经理Adam White 表示这一系列产品将可以解放100亿美元的机构投资者资金到数字货币市场中来。

Earlier today, San Francisco-based digital currency exchange Coinbase announced four major products geared entirely towards facilitating and encouraging institutional investment — signaling that the herd is indeed on its way.

First and foremost, Coinbase has partnered with an SEC-regulated broker-dealer to created Coinbase Custody, which the company claims is the most secure cryptocurrency storage solution on the market today. Explains the company in an official blog post:

Coinbase Custody is proud to offer a service that couples Coinbase’s cryptocurrency security excellence with third-party auditing and financial reporting validation that operates at the high standard of an SEC-regulated, custodial broker-dealer.

Some of Coinbase Custody’s launch partners include MetaStable, Autonomous Partners, Polychain Capital, Scalar Capitan, WaldenBridge Capital, and others.

Coinbase Custody

In its push to become the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase has announced a new electronic marketplace, known as Coinbase Markets. Explains the company:

Coinbase Markets provides a centralized pool of liquidity for all Coinbase products. Over the course of the year Coinbase Markets will introduce new features like low latency performance, on-premise datacenter colocation services, institutional connectivity and access, and settlement and clearing services. These additions will allow for a more efficient price discovery process to occur, creating tighter markets, deeper liquidity, and increased certainty of execution.

Additionally, the San Francisco-based company is opening a new office in Chicago, which will greatly expand the company’s presence across the United States. Notes Coinbase:

We are thrilled to open an office in Chicago and have access to a large talent pool of engineers with deep exchange infrastructure experience. This office will serve as the home for our Coinbase Markets team and enable us to continue offering the most performant and reliable cryptocurrency exchange. Chicago is an ideal location for our newest Coinbase office and we hope our investment will continue to position the city as a growing hub for technological innovation.

Coinbase Markets

Coinbase has also announced its plan to launch Coinbase Prime, a new platform built specifically to provide tools and services to institutional investors looking to trade cryptocurrency. Explains the company:

This product will fill a missing piece of critical infrastructure needed for institutions. Over the course of the year we intend to offer lending and margin financing products to qualified clients, high touch and low touch execution services like over-the-counter (OTC) trading and algorithmic orders, and new market data and research products. We will also introduce platform improvements like multi-user permissions and whitelisted withdrawal addresses.

It is all but guaranteed that Coinbase Prime will accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency across the globe by helping shepherd institutions into the new and exciting market.

Coinbase Prime

Finally, Coinbase has announced The Coinbase Institutional Coverage Group, which is focused entirely on “serving the needs of institutional clients by providing sales, sales trading, research, market operations, and client services support.

The group is headquartered in New York City and pulls talent from the New York Stock Exchange, Morgan Stanley, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Writes Coinbase:

By guiding clients through the onboarding process and advising on execution strategies, this team will deliver a best-in-class client experience. We are proud to offer personalized white-glove service and help institutional investors navigate the increasingly complex world of cryptocurrency investing.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:54 |显示全部楼层
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据Odaily星球日报消息,区块链身份识别初创公司“剑桥区块链(Cambridge Blockchain)”宣布完成了一笔700万美元的A轮融资,领投方为台湾制造业巨头富士康旗下投资部门HCM Capital,根据剑桥区块链本周二发布的公告显示,富士康正在探索部署该公司开发的软件,旨在改善互联设备和全球供应链管理。

Identity startup Cambridge Blockchain has closed a $7 million Series A round led by HCM Capital, the investing arm of the Taiwanese manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology Group.

According to Tuesday's announcement, Foxconn is "exploring deployments" of software developed by Cambridge Blockchain to improve the management of connected devices and global supply chains.

Other participants in the financing round include Partech Ventures and Digital Currency Group, both of which also invested in Cambridge Blockchain's $2 million funding round in February 2017.

The funding also marks the latest move by the Foxconn unit in financing startups in the blockchain space. Explaining its interest in this use case, Jack Lee, founding managing partner of HCM Capital, said in a statement:

"Digital identity is a critical building block to achieve value through decentralized information transfers."

As reported previously by CoinDesk, HCM Capital notably put $18 million in the $250 million investment venture Galaxy Digital, founded by Wall Street veteran Mike Novogratz.

Matthew Commons, Cambridge Blockchain's CEO, said of the deal:

"Foxconn's HCM brings a compelling strategic view of blockchain and digital identity. We're delighted to have their involvement, as well as the renewed backing of Partech and DCG."


发表于 2018-5-17 02:57 |显示全部楼层
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据彭博消息,数字货币交易所Kraken态度有所软化,其CEO Jesse Powell表示,因为监管机构持续打击数字货币,他们可能会在美国证券交易委员会SEC先注册为经纪商,然后再是ATS(另类交易系统)。

Kraken, the digital-currency exchange that recently refused to respond to inquiries from New York’s top lawyer, seems to be warming up to regulators -- at least federal ones.

The San Francisco-based company, founded in 2011 in the wake of Mt. Gox’s collapse, will probably register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as regulators continue cracking down on cryptocurrencies, Chief Executive Officer Jesse Powell said.

“We would probably get registered as a broker dealer and then an ATS,’’ Powell said in an interview Tuesday in New York, where he was attending an industry conference. “I don’t think it necessarily helps the business. I think we’re doing everything right anyway.’’

An ATS, or alternative trading system, is a trading venue that operates outside traditional public stock exchanges. Any new U.S.-based ATS must be approved by Wall Street’s top watchdog, the SEC, and is subject to its authority. Being labeled an ATS would bring Kraken -- or any crypto exchange that pursued the distinction -- more directly under the SEC’s oversight. The agency has been encouraging firms in the crypto arena to pursue ATS applications.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:58 |显示全部楼层
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清华系区块链企业入驻青岛市北区 试点探索区块链政务应用



发表于 2018-5-17 02:58 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 02:59 |显示全部楼层
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区块链共识大会受热捧 技术商用迎爆发



发表于 2018-5-17 03:04 |显示全部楼层
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据CCN报道,全球金融服务集团野村、数字资产安全解决方案提供商Ledger和国际投资公司Global Advisor Holdings合作创办加密资产托管服务公司狛犬Komainu,该公司将建立一个运营框架,为投资者在新兴的数字资产部门提供最佳服务。该项目包括资金管理、数字资产安全、资产管理等。

Komainu to Protect Mutual Funds
Bitcoin in Brief Wednesday: Coinbase Goes After Big Money as Nomura Creates KomainuKomainu is a new venture established to help overcome barriers for institutional investment in crypto-assets with a custody solution and offering new services, standards and best practices. Its founders include Tokyo-headquartered global investment bank Nomura (NYSE: NMR), hardware wallet developer Ledger, and Global Advisors, parent company of Coinshares.

Jez Mohideen, Global Chief Digital Officer at Nomura, said: “Global investment managers have long been held back from full participation in digital asset markets, limited by operational and regulatory risk. Our new partnership will set the required standards that will bring peace of mind to digital asset investors, and provide tools and products to enable better integration with more traditional investment vehicles such as mutual funds.” Jean-Marie Mognetti, Co-Principal of Global Advisors, added: “After 6 years of research, and collaboration with our administration partner and its regulator, we now have demonstrable progress. This partnership is a progressive stepping stone towards the creation of the necessary prerequisites for further growth within the digital asset ecosystem. This will open new and exciting opportunities to global participants and contribute to move digital asset closer to mainstream offerings.”


发表于 2018-5-17 03:05 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 03:06 |显示全部楼层
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Schmidt's Naturals:可用比特币支付个人护理产品

据CNBC消息,本周一,联合利华旗下的个人护理用品公司Schmidt's Naturals开始接受比特币在线支付。该公司首席全球战略官Michael Cammarata表示,在一个数字货币的时代,该公司正在向消费者提供他们想要的东西。就目前而言,比特币是唯一被接受的数字货币,如果有需求,数字货币的业务也会随之扩展。

Schmidt's CEO talks Unilever acquistion        Schmidt's CEO talks Unilever acquistion  
21 Hours Ago | 03:47
Schmidt's Naturals, a personal care products company owned by Unilever, now accepts bitcoin for online payments.

Michael Cammarata, co-founder and CEO of Schmidt's, told CNBC that in an era of cryptocurrency the company is giving consumers what they want.

"Some of the [website's] subscribers were like, 'Hey, we want to be able to pay in bitcoin,'" he said Tuesday on "Power Lunch."

Now customers can shop on the company's website for a variety of natural products — including deodorant, toothpaste and soap — and check out with bitcoin.

The company uses BitPay, a bitcoin payment service provider, for online transactions.

Bitcoin was priced around $8,500 on Tuesday. While the price disparity between a single bitcoin and a bar of soap, for example, may be huge, Cammarata said BitPay allows users to pay a fraction of each bitcoin. In addition, most shoppers use the coins to buy monthly or yearly subscriptions, not "one-off purchases," he said.

Michael Cammarata, CEO of Schmidt's Naturals.
Adam Jeffery | CNBC
Michael Cammarata, CEO of Schmidt's Naturals.
Subscriptions, he said, are "totally customizable," allowing customers to order on a long-term basis and decide what and how much they want. Cammarata said that so far, most people using bitcoin are parents who are buying yearly subscriptions, or packages of toiletries, for their college kids.

Schmidt's is the first Unilever store to accept bitcoin as a payment. It started on Monday. The company, which Unilever recently acquired, also sells products at retailers such as Target, Macy's, Bloomingdale's and drug stores nationwide, Cammarata said. But for now, bitcoin can only be used for payments on the website.

And, for now, bitcoin is the only digital coin accepted. But Cammarata said the payment method might expand to include cryptocurrencies such as ripple and ethereum.


发表于 2018-5-17 03:08 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 03:10 编辑

保险巨头MetLife Asia发布InsureChain

保险巨头MetLife Asia在Coindesk 2018共识会议上发布了InsureChain,该产品使用智能合约为患者自动付款,目前正在试验选定的商业合作伙伴。该项目的合作伙伴LumenLab的Subhajit Mandal表示该项目目前正在通过新加坡的监管沙盒。测试将首先提供给新加坡300名即将成为母亲的女士,以验证付款是如何通过分布式系统完成,在此之后该项目才会推出。



发表于 2018-5-17 03:12 |显示全部楼层
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美国司法部(DOJ)助理副检察长Sujit Raman在coindesk2018共识会议上表示,DOJ的首要任务是保证人们资金的安全,大量资金不经过金融机构便流入市场是目前最大隐患,从国家安全角度或反洗钱角度来看,必须进行监管调查。


发表于 2018-5-17 03:14 |显示全部楼层
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今日在Coindesk 2018共识会议上,Distributed Lab的创始人Pavel Kravchenko表示区块链无法验证任何数据,不允许即时交易、不可变、不加密、不能替代服务器。 同时,他也给出了区块链的五个用例,即投票、公共注册、供应链、分散交易及调和。Pavel认为,目前数字货币的营销方式是非常危险的,“必须在其他人富起来之前现在立刻购买比特币”的宣传方式是错误的方式。


发表于 2018-5-17 03:16 |显示全部楼层
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《币世界》跟踪报道共识会议,SAP的最高领导Torsten Zube在台上发表讲话,讲述信任与零售业务之间的价值。Zube表示,信任才是最终的货币,在可信赖的环境中共享数据使我们能够从根本上简化流程。Zube还说,“如果区块链不是唯一的技术,请证明给我看”。

Trust is the ultimate currency,” said Torsten Zube of SAP. Germany’s Zube is a vice president and Head of Blockchain at SAP SE.


发表于 2018-5-17 03:16 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 03:19 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 03:21 编辑



Amazon is moving into blockchain with a new partnership
The tech giant's cloud computing arm is partnering with a start-up called Kaleido to make it easier for customers to put their services on blockchain.
"Introducing Kaleido to AWS customers is going to help customers move faster and not worry about managing blockchain themselves," Amazon Web Services says.
Founder of Ethereum blockchain Joseph Lubin calls it is a "heavy duty" move by the tech giant to get into blockchain.
Kate Rooney        | @Kr00ney
Published 10:00 AM ET Tue, 15 May 2018  Updated 22 Hours Ago
Amazon is moving into blockchain with a new partnership        Amazon moves into blockchain with a new partnership  
1:17 PM ET Tue, 15 May 2018 | 00:52
Amazon's cloud computing arm is looking to make it easier for customers to use blockchain with a new partnership announced Tuesday.

The cloud computing giant will team with a new start-up launching Tuesday called Kaleido, which was born out of leading blockchain incubator known as Consensys. The company is aiming to give AWS customers an "easy button" to get into the same technology that underpins bitcoin.

"They can focus on their scenario and they don't have to become PhDs is cryptography, we give them a simple platform to build their company on blockchain," said Steve Cerveny, one of the founders of Kaleido.

How to start your very own cryptocurrency        How to start your very own cryptocurrency  
7:15 AM ET Wed, 9 May 2018 | 03:13
Blockchain technology records transactions on a public, distributed ledger, which advocates say gets rid of the need for a third party in many cases. The technology is touted as faster and more secure by advocates.

"Introducing Kaleido to AWS customers is going to help customers move faster and not worry
about managing blockchain themselves," Amazon Web Services said in a statement. It is the first Blockchain SaaS solution available on the AWS Marketplace and will help them rapidly advance their blockchain projects."

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that offers a paid subscription for cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments. AWS is using a partner-led strategy instead of building from the ground up.

"They've been looking for partners to help get blockchain into their customers' hands," Cerveny told CNBC. "They're putting it in the marketplace will accelerate what their customers are going to do with it."

The founder of the Ethereum blockchain platform, which is what Kaleido and AWS will be using, said this is the biggest move yet by the tech giant to get into blockchain.

"This is a heavy duty, full stack way of getting the company into blockchain solutions," said Joseph Lubin, founder of Ethereum.

Blockchain can help Amazon in other arms of the ever-expanding business he said, using supply chain as one example. Lubin said Consensys, which oversees more than 50 blockchain projects, has seen a major increase in interest around the technology.

"Three years ago we were getting calls from companies trying to spell blockchain and trying to order one in a color because their boss told them they should get a blockchain," Lubin said. "At this point there are tens of thousands of companies around the world that have real sophistication around this."

Amazon joins other tech giants including Microsoft and Facebook exploring use cases for blockchain.

Facebook announced last week it is going through a reorganization that will include a new blockchain effort and aims to address privacy concerns. The experimental blockchain group will be led by David Marcus, the executive most recently in charge of Facebook's Messenger group.

IBM, Accenture, Deloitte, JP Morgan, and HSBC are among the other corporate names working on blockchain initiatives.


发表于 2018-5-17 03:24 |显示全部楼层
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euter’s news service has launched a cryptocurrency real-time data feed in conjunction with two of the worlds largest exchanges according to an announcement on their website.

Reuters to Provide Real-time Data on Cryptocurrency
Thomas Reuters posted a press release on their website to announce their real time virtual currency data feed the news service has dubbed Cryptocurrency Real Time Rates. The product provides real-time information across six currencies gleaned from major exchanges, including bitFlyer and BITpoint, in the cryptocurrency market.

According to the findings of Reuters own survey, 20% of the financial institutes they questioned indicated they will begin trading in cryptocurrencies in the coming year. The launch of the new service is a reaction to the expanding mainstream interest in trading cryptocurrency and Reuter’s commitment to the nascent space according to the press release.

The Reuters announcement comes only hours after the CME Group made their own press release announcing their partnership with cryptocurrency exchange Crypto Facilities to generate a daily price benchmark for Ethereum.

Michael Go, Head of FX Market Development – Asia Pacific at Thomson Reuters commented on the new product, saying;

“The immense growth in the cryptocurrency market in the last decade highlights the strong momentum around this new technology and tradable asset class. Thomson Reuters Cryptocurrency Real Time Rates enhances our rate offering and helps create a transparent and efficient global marketplace, vital to the future stability of cryptocurrency trading to support the investor.”

Reuters Partners With Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchanges
The press release also includes this quote from CEO and co-founder of bitFlyer, one of the participating exchanges, Yuzo Kano who said;

“As the world’s largest Cryptocurrency exchange, bitFlyer has made efforts to facilitate the development of cryptocurrency markets. We are the first company to obtain a license to trade cryptocurrencies in Japan, the US and Europe and we are delighted to be able to provide valuable data to customers worldwide through Thomson Reuters.”

Genki Oda, President, Representative Director at BITPoint Japan, said;

“Through Thomson Reuters, a global leader in financial news and data distribution, we are highly honored to deliver our cryptocurrency real-time data to investors worldwide. We are pleased to cooperate with Thomson Reuters in the further enhancement of its services and hope that our data will become a benchmark for the cryptocurrency industry as a global cryptocurrency trading exchange.”

The move and comments like Mr. Go’s have given rise to rumors that Reuters is testing the crypto waters for a move to include digital assets to its own trading platforms.  Thomas Reuters has been a leading source of news and information operating in 100 countries for over 100 years


发表于 2018-5-17 03:24 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 03:37 |显示全部楼层
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全球最大的加密币交易所Bitmex首席执行官Arthur Hayes 在接受CNBC采访时称,预测全球领先的加密货币比特币将在年底前达到5万美元。



发表于 2018-5-17 03:38 |显示全部楼层
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Penta首席科学家Steve Melnikoff:区块链面对量子计算并非无计可施

近日,Penta首席科学家,知名计算机科学家、物理学家和数学家Steve Melnikoff博士发表了关于量子计算的最新文章,以科普的角度阐释了量子计算将给区块链技术和密码学构成的威胁,认为“‘量子比特’或者‘量子位’取代位将会颠覆整个区块链行业的玩法,所有的加密体系都面临淘汰。”但他也认为,区块链在量子计算面前并非毫无招架之力,比特币和其他加密货币也会采取相应措施,比如提高芯片性能。不过Steve Melnikoff提醒威胁仍然存在,PoW共识采用的椭圆曲线哈希电子签名算法最快在2027年就可用单台量子计算机破解,因此区块链公司必须提前布局,在一定程度上对平台和基础设施进行灵活设计,确保其系统能够尽可能方便地从传统架构转移到后量子架构。


发表于 2018-5-17 16:18 |显示全部楼层
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据RFP消息,纽约经济发展联盟(NYCEDC)近日宣布将推出多项举措,推动纽约成为区块链技术中心,其中一个重要议题是使监管环境对创新型企业更具吸引力 。NYCEDC还计划在2018年底启动一项竞赛,旨在通过区块链技术改进市政服务,作为第一步,该机构将向想要参加竞赛的组织发出征求建议书。

It's Blockchain Week in the Big Apple, but if city leaders have their way, New York will become more than just a nice place for the industry to visit.

Announced Monday, the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is launching several initiatives to put the city on the map as a blockchain technology hub. Foremost among them is a plan to open a "Blockchain Center" that will both promote public awareness of the technology and facilitate conversations among industry stakeholders.

A key topic of the center's conversations will be making the regulatory environment more attractive to innovative businesses - which will inevitably mean examining New York State's BitLicense regulations, widely blamed for driving away startups since they took effect in 2015.

The NYCEDC also announced a competition, expected to launch in late 2018, intended to generate ideas for improving municipal services with blockchain tech. As a first step, the agency will issue a request for proposals (RFP) from organizations that want to run the contest.  

Kicking off its charm offensive, over the weekend the NYCEDC, along with the non-profit GrowNYC and CoinDesk, co-sponsored a hackathon in Times Square where developers worked to come up with blockchain-based solutions for tracking the food supply chain for farmers markets around the city.

Last but not least, the agency is co-sponsoring Blockchain Week with CoinDesk. Underscoring the NYCEDC's motivation, the series of events around town will include a free job fair Wednesday at the New York Hilton Midtown, the venue for Consensus 2018.

Karen Bhatia, a vice president at the agency, said it sees the city's major industries - finance, healthcare, media and real estate - as potential beneficiaries of blockchain.

"We've been looking into blockchain for probably close to a year now. We've been monitoring it," Bhatia told CoinDesk. And while New York already boasts more blockchain job openings than Silicon Valley, according to analytics firm Burning Glass, she added:

"We saw an opportunity to be at the forefront of experimentation in blockchain as sustaining more of a foothold."

A strategic industry

Taken together, these moves signal that the NYCEDC views fostering blockchain activity as a strategic play that can create thousands of jobs for New York. The NYCEDC is the city's official economic development corporation, and its board members are appointed by the mayor and other senior leaders.

For the Blockchain Center, the NYCEDC will provide $100,000 in seed funding for the first year "as a pilot test, to see what the learnings are," Bhatia said, though she expects additional funding to be available as needed from private sources, given the amount of investment in the sector overall.

"Funding is not really the biggest issue when it comes to blockchain," she said.

The plan is for the center to have a full-time staff, she said, though the NYCEDC is not yet sure how big it will be. The agency is looking at several potential locations, including a city-owned property at South Street Seaport.

Ideally, the center will have street frontage and be open to passersby, Bhatia explained.

"The goal of this is to be a community center where people can walk in and learn more about what blockchain is, both the public as well as people who are working on new ventures and want some sort of a roadmap for how they should proceed," she said.

Elephant in the room

Yet the center will also likely play host to some heated discussions since another of its express goals is to get entrepreneurs and regulators to - in Bhatia's words - "sit down and have a real discussion about how these regulations are affecting innovation and entrepreneurship in New York City."

While federal regulators will be invited to take part, so will the New York State Department of Financial Services, which created the BitLicense.

Bhatia noted that the NYCEDC took part in a February roundtable hosted by two state senators on revisiting the controversial regulation.

And though the NYCEDC recognizes the need for regulations to protect consumers, the center will look for ways to do that without squelching startups, Bhatia said, concluding:

"We're very well aware that the regulations are affecting blockchain companies here in New York."

From center: New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio, Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen and NYCEDC President James Patchett. Image via New York City Economic Development Corporation.


发表于 2018-5-17 16:27 |显示全部楼层
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据俄罗斯消息报报道,俄罗斯国家杜马立法工作委员会将支持一项倡议,该倡议将把数字经济的基本准则添加到俄罗斯联邦民法中。这是俄罗斯监管数字货币的最新举措。俄罗斯联邦政党和立法工作委员会主席Pavel Krasheninnikov在接受采访时表示,该举措旨在将与数字货币相关的风险最小化,如恐怖主义非法集资,欺诈等方面。 这项计划将于下周进行审议,这并不意味着数字货币现在将成为合法的支付手段。相反,由中央银行、财政部和经济发展部制定的另一项法律将为数字货币设定条件,即数字货币可以作为支付手段,但是数量要受到控制。

Russia’s Digital Economy Bill Supported by State Duma Committee in Move Towards Crypto Regulation

Russian State Duma’s Committee for Legislative Work will support the first reading of an initiative that will add the basic norms of digital economy to the Russian Federation Civil Code.  This is the latest step on the road to regulating cryptocurrency in the country, local news outlet Izvestia reports Wednesday, May 16.

Pavel Krasheninnikov of political party United Russia and head of the Legislative Work committee, told Izvestia that the initiative aims to “minimize the existing risks of using digital objects for transferring assets into an unregulated digital environment for legalization of criminal incomes, bankruptcy fraud or for sponsoring terrorist groups.”
The initiative, which is scheduled to be considered next week, does not mean that digital currencies will now become a legitimate means of payment. Instead, a separate law developed by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Economic Development will set conditions for digital currencies to be used as payment “in controlled quantities.” The initiative does assert that digital confirmation by a user in a smart contract is equal to his written consent.
Russia first prepared a bill “On Digital Financial Assets” in March of this year, which would provide federal laws governing cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) inspired by President Vladimir Putin’s decision to begin crypto regulation on July 1.
The March 20 draft defines crypto and digital tokens are assets only to be traded on authorized exchanges, also requiring user account at crypto exchanges to comply with AML and counter terrorism financing regulations. A review draft of the bill from mid-April added that the exchange of crypto for fiat above around $9,600 will be subject to mandatory currency exchange regulation.
Igor Sudets, the director of the program “Blockchain for Lawyers” at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Moscow, told Izvestia that “it is important that the crypto currency and tokens are included in the legal field of the Russian Federation”:
“On the one hand, these are opportunities that we have no right to miss. On the other hand, while they are outside the legal field, they can be used to give bribes, withdraw money in the case of bankruptcy, pay ‘black salaries, and simply get stolen - with no repercussions [for criminals].”


发表于 2018-5-17 16:42 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 16:50 编辑



The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has revealed its intention to probe the use of blockchain for Centrelink welfare payment delivery.

Acting CEO Randall Brugeaud told the CeBIT Australia conference in Sydney on Wednesday that a prototype could be in the market come mid-2019.

"Our plan is to look for use cases across the Commonwealth with an initial focus on the welfare payment delivery system, then working with our digital service standard, we'll conduct user research with a view to having a prototype by the end of next financial year," he explained.

Must read: Austrac looks to extend Human Services data-matching project to law enforcement

The DTA was given AU$700,000 to explore distributed ledger technology as part of the 2018-19 Budget last week, and according to Brugeaud, it gives the innovation agency an opportunity to explore innovative ways to securely and efficiently deliver government services using blockchain.

Pointing to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) replacement Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) project, Brugeaud said the DTA is looking to existing instances across both government and the private sector to determine the best way forward for blockchain-based Commonwealth service delivery.

"The potential of blockchain to securely record transactions will be investigated, drawing on the experience of other public and private sector organisations," he said.

"We'll also build on work done across government already, such as the CSIRO's work on distributed ledgers."

The DTA is also looking into artificial intelligence and machine learning, with Brugeaud noting in particular the agency is looking at how such technologies can drive better government service delivery.

"We're looking at how these technologies might offer automated service channels that are closer to the human experience; this might include intelligent chatbots, or voice-enabled channels which are proving to be effective in other sectors," he continued.

"We think these have the potential to deliver significant benefits for government service delivery."

Brugeaud, who has been with the DTA for seven weeks while its CEO is overseas on leave, is the Australian Bureau of Statistics' deputy Australian statistician.

He said the DTA is looking at making its services more "consumable" by other government departments, and also private entities. Additionally, he said the DTA is looking to governments around the world for ideas.

As first reported by Computerworld, the DTA has also pencilled in October for the delivery of the first Govpass pilot.

"Our international experience demonstrates the importance of digital identity ... digital identity opens doors for more digital transformation and joined-up services. It's a critical first step making it easier for end users to deal with government," Brugeaud told CeBIT on Wednesday.

Currently, there are more than 30 different log on views across the Australian government to provide access to digital services; under the new digital identity solution, users will only need to establish their identity once and then use it multiple times across government services.

"By the end of next financial year, we will have rolled out pilots to almost half a million users of government services," Brugeaud said.

One of the first pilots relates to tax file numbers (TFN), which was revealed during Senate Estimates in March.

Users are able to complete their TFN application online, but this needs to be printed and taken along with identity documents to an Australia Post Office to be finalised. There are 750,000 applications for TFNs each year.

"With a digital identity, the current month-long process will be shrunk to minutes, without leaving a computer," Brugeaud continued. "The pilot will be available in October 2018.

"After this, we will be gradually bringing other services online, including grants management, business registration, student services, and some Centrelink services."

The DTA anticipates that around 2.8 million transactions will be moved online as a result of this.

This work will also be underpinned by a new digital identity platform that will comprise two main components: The identity provider and the exchange.

"Together they will deliver seamless experience and protect users' identities," the acting CEO continued. "To provide users with control and choice, we are delivering a federated model, governed by the trusted digital identity framework (TDIF) ... allowing users to choose from a range of accredited identity providers."

Initially, there will be one Commonwealth identity provider, with Brugeaud saying the DTA will be encouraging providers such as Australia Post and others across the private sector and state and territory governments to be accredited.

The Department of Human Services will operate the exchange between services and the identity provider.

"The exchange will be critical in protecting the privacy ... services providers will not see any of the users identity information and in reverse, identity providers will not know what services each user is accessing," Brugeaud said.

CommBank looks to commercialise blockchain solution down under
Home Affairs considers blockchain for Australia's trade supply chain visibility
House of Reps committee ponders taxation on the blockchain
Blockchain development in Australia overseen by eight regulatory bodies
DTA seeks identity validation platform for Govpass program
Australia's digital identity platform moves into final beta
DTA considering international 'brokerage' of digital identities
ATO to work government's identity play into tax time requirements
Australian government seeking digital identity credential-proofing
RBA wants banks involved in Australian government digital identity solution
Vault Systems to host Australia's digital identity solution
Why identity management is one of the biggest challenges for blockchain (TechRepublic)


发表于 2018-5-17 16:50 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 16:52 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 16:55 |显示全部楼层
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