


· 个人对VCE 华裔Local学生参加家教/补习班一点建议(悉尼家长也可参考)【申请精华】 (2010-1-18) 韬光养晦 · 搭配参考宝典,不定期更新~~(电梯见1楼) (2007-7-17) 飞行
· 历时4个月终于找到专业工作,发个帖子感谢论坛TZ的支持 (2006-10-6) Dreamcatcher · 大结局,记录下跟邻居为了fence,plants走法律途径的过程 (2021-2-6) Jasmin365

[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-5-14 19:42 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-14 19:46 |显示全部楼层
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21分钟前 来源:火球财经  52









就在本月上旬,中国台湾晶圆代工大厂台积电以 16 纳米制程技术切入,规划月产能为 2 万片的南京 12 英寸厂生产的首批晶圆的出货对象就是虚拟货币挖矿机厂商比特大陆。



发表于 2018-5-14 19:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

1小时前 来源:三言财经  212












参与人数 1积分 +2 收起 理由
coollong + 2 感谢分享




发表于 2018-5-14 19:56 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-14 20:08 编辑


1天前 来源:数字货币趋势狂人  1809





发表于 2018-5-14 20:10 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

1天前 来源:互联网金融法律顾问  563







(1)2017年7月25日,美国SEC根据《1934年证券交易法》第21(a)条发布了The Dao的调查报告,该调查报告运用Howey 测试得出Dao币是证券的结论。因此,发行和销售Dao币的行为受到联邦证券法的约束。报告还解释说,以分布式账簿或区块链技术为基础的证券的发行人必须对发行和销售这样的证券行为进行注册,除非有适用的有效的豁免登记条款,提供该等证券交易的平台也必须在SEC注册为全国性的证券交易所或根据豁免注册运作。

(2)2017年7月25日,美国SEC发布《投资者公告:首次代币发行》,表示根据每个ICO的实际情况,发行或出售的虚拟货币或代币可能是证券。如果发行或出售的虚拟货币或代币是证券,ICO 发行和出售的这些虚拟货币或代币受联邦证券法的管辖。


2017年8月24日,加拿大证券管理委员会(下称“CSA”)发布了《工作人员通知46-307——加密货币发行》,表示每一个ICO/ITO项目都是独一无二的,必须根据其自身特点来评估是否构成证券,CSA同样使用Howey 测试进行评估。如果符合有价证券定义,那么发行企业必须符合招股说明书要求或取得豁免。同时,完成ICO/ITO的企业可能以商业目的进行证券交易,这时还要求获得经销商登记或豁免经销商登记。







如果代币的价值与ICO计划的管理有关,ASIC 很可能认为ICO的发行者提供的是一个有管理的投资计划(MIS);当一个ICO被创建来为一个公司提供资金(或者为一个看起来像公司的事业提供资金),那么由ICO发行的代币所附带的权利可能会被定义为股份;如果一个ICO的代币,其定价基于一些因素(如金融产品、市场价格、资产价格在某个时间或事件发生前向某个方向移动),导致付款请求附加为代币权利或义务的一部分,那么ICO可能构成衍生品。
























支付ICO:对于其代币意图作为一种支付方式使用并且已经可以转让的ICO项目,FINMA 将要求其遵守反洗钱条例。然而, FINMA不会将这种代币视为证券。









一个代币被认为是WpHG第2(1)款项下或MiFID II第4(1)(44)款项下定义的证券必须满足以下几个条件:




代币不能满足支付工具的标准(如WpHG第2(1)款或MiFID II第4(1)(44)款所述)。

如果一个代币满足WpHG或MiFID II定义下的金融工具的标准,或满足WpPG定义下的证券标准,将会导致在证券监管领域的法律规则适用于市场参与者,包括在这项条文中的监管要求。特别是,可能引入WpHG、WpPG、MAR、金融工具监管市场法(MiFIR)、VermAnIG以及其他相关法律和在证券监管领域内可适用的全国性和欧盟法律。在代币满足投资基金的份额标准的情况下,将适用KAGB。








(1)2016年3月, 欧洲央行(ECB)在名为《欧元体系的愿景——欧洲金融市场基础设施的未来》的咨询报告中公开宣布,正在探索如何使区块链技术为其所用。




(2)2018年1月2日,GFSC发布了名为《分布式账簿技术监管架构》的新闻稿,表示分布式账簿技术监管架构已于2018年1月1日起生效,所有使用分布式账簿技术进行价值储存和转移的企业现在开始必须要获得牌照,牌照申请会有3个月的评估期,相关企业在申请前可以向GFSC的风险与创新团队(Risk and Innovation Team)取得关于商业模式、服务类型等方面的建议,GFSC的风险与创新团队会主导申请的评估。申请评估需要向GFSC支付评估费用£2,000,取得牌照后还需缴纳年费。同时,如果企业申请牌照被许可,GFSC会进行实地访视以证明其提供材料的真实性。GFSC的风险与创新团队在评估企业商业模式和活动的内在风险与复杂性时,主要考虑以下因素:













迪拜于2016年初成立了全球区块链委员会,目前拥有超过30个成员,包括政府实体(智能迪拜办事处、迪拜智能政府、迪拜多商品交易中心(DMCC)、国际公司(思科、IBM、SAP、微软)以及区块链创业公司(BitOasis、 Kraken 以及YellowPay),其计划在2020年之前全面启动区块链应用,使之成为世界首个区块链全面应用的国家,进而成为区块链和物联网应用领域的世界领袖。



(1)2017年5月9日,俄罗斯联邦信息技术和通信部(Ministry of Communications)宣布计划于2019年实现区块链合法化。

(2)2018年2月26日,Russia Insight放出一段视频,内容是俄罗斯总统普京与该国最大的银行Sberbank(俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行)总裁Herman Gref之间的讨论。在谈话中普京提到了俄罗斯、监管机构和当地银行采用区块链技术的必要性。





发表于 2018-5-14 23:00 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-14 23:58 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

59分钟前 来源:深链财经  348






“删软件,再见了。” 炒币客S发完这条消息就退群了。






在大李眼里,炒币人分为两种: “2017年9月4日”前和“2017年9月4日”后。这是一条分辨新老炒币人的界线——只有在那次存活下来的人才算是强者。




大李们放长线的依据是ETH的爆发。大李在2016年以每枚70元价格买了700个ETH, 在2017年底以每枚4200元价格卖出,这是他在币圈最大一次获利,280万元。


























发表于 2018-5-15 16:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
密码技术传奇人物Whitfield Diffie:区块链技术让加密技术出现“复苏”

据Coindesk消息,公钥加密技术奠基者,密码技术传奇Whitfield Diffie在纽约共识大会上赞扬了区块链和加密货币,称这项技术代表了他从20世纪70年代就开始帮助个人和加强隐私的工作的“复苏”。他说:“最近几年,加密技术又一次出现了复苏,而区块链现在又重新聚焦于这些东西的加密技术方面。”

"This is very fulfilling because when you thought the subject [of privacy and cryptography] must have run its course, it flares up again."

Those words, from cryptography legend Whitfield Diffie, perhaps captured the essence of the first day of CoinDesk's Consensus 2018 conference. Diffie famously co-authored a landmark paper in 1976 that laid the foundations for public key cryptography, a key element of modern internet security and of cryptocurrencies.

During a freewheeling, jovial fireside chat with zcash founder Zooko Wilcox, Diffie praised blockchains and cryptocurrencies, saying the technology represents a "resurgence" of the work he helped start in the 1970s to empower individuals and strengthen privacy.

The current era, he said, reminds him of the time around 1997, when attendance at cryptographers' conferences suddenly jumped from the hundreds to the thousands.

Diffie remarked:

"These last few years have been another resurgence of cryptographic technology, and blockchain is now a huge refocus on the cryptographic aspects of these things."

Wilcox echoed that sentiment and credited Satoshi Nakamoto for triggering this renaissance - causing Diffie to joke that they should "get another chair" on stage for bitcoin's unknown, pseudonymous creator. Still, Diffie - whose work has focused more on securing communications than financial transactions - similarly gave props to Nakamoto for accomplishing what many before in his field could not.

"There were a good 10 years when privacy and cryptography were almost embarrassing to talk about in public," Wilcox said.

He cited the famous (or infamous) 1999 quote from Sun Microsystems co-founder Scott McNealy, who remarked: "You have zero privacy anyway, get over it."

"In the ensuing 10 years, everyone sort of fell in line on that - until Satoshi," Wilcox said.

Diffie echoed that, saying: "For years many people [in cryptography] thought about how to develop money techniques, and nobody succeeded before that."

That solicited a deadpan response from Wilcox - "Yeah, I know" - alluding to his own work in the 1990s at Digicash, a storied but unsuccessful digital currency venture.

'Bulletproof or useless'?

On a related subject, Diffie said he was not worried that the financial fortunes of the cryptocurrency market would compromise its cypherpunk ethos.

"In some sense, you can't be a revolutionary force without eventually taking over the establishment," he said, drawing laughter from the audience. "So I don't see a conflict between business development and political development."

In fact, Diffie said that introducing market forces into protocols (as cryptocurrencies do) can be a powerful catalyst for the advancement of privacy-enhancing technology since battle-tested systems are likely to earn higher valuations than vulnerable ones.

"I like that phrase 'introduce market forces,'" Diffie said in response to a question from the moderator and CoinDesk research director Nolan Bauerle. "The market force view of the development of cryptography may be the best single one we have, because so few things depend on this balance ... of offensive techniques and defensive techniques."

Wilcox agreed in theory, though he cautioned that in the case of cryptocurrencies, market forces don't tend to distinguish between different coins at present.

Cryptocurrency prices tend to go up and down in unison, he said, "regardless of whether the coin has proven to be bulletproof or useless." In the long term, though, "I assume they eventually will because I think the markets do that," Wilcox said.

Looking back on the breakthrough he helped bring about decades ago - which is widely hailed for breaking governments' monopoly on cryptography, thereby giving private companies and citizens access to encryption tools - Diffie said it had a similar decentralizing effect compared to today's blockchain projects.

"If you don't have public-key [cryptography], it's not that you have to know the people you talk to, but you have to be connected to them by an administrative authority," he said, adding:

"That works wonderfully for the U.S. military, it has lots of employees, a million or more and has a key management structure that follows. That just plain won't work for an internet of commerce."


发表于 2018-5-15 16:45 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-15 16:47 编辑


据globenewswire消息,百慕大总理兼财政部长David Burt与国家安全部长Wayne Caines一起,率领20人的百慕大代表团参加在纽约举行的由8000名政府官员和区块链行业业者参与的区块链共识会议。该岛的代表团由百慕大政府、百慕大金融管理局(BMA)、百慕大商业发展署(BDA)和业界人士组成,其中还包括几家百慕大律师事务所。

NEW YORK, May 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bermuda’s pioneering work to regulate the global blockchain industry was praised by delegates to one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency conferences, as New York celebrates “Blockchain Week.”

Premier and Finance Minister David Burt, accompanied by National Security Minister Wayne Caines, led a 20-strong delegation from Bermuda to Consensus 2018, a three-day midtown conference running May 14–16 that has attracted more than to 8,000 delegates encompassing a wide array of industries and government entities. The island’s contingent comprises members of Bermuda’s government, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA), the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA), and industry, including several Bermuda law firms.

“It’s gratifying to go to an event like the one today, when people already know what’s going on in Bermuda,” said the Premier, who also sat down with BBC Online, Bitcoin Magazine, and Coindesk, a news site specialising in virtual currencies which also organises Consensus. “People we’ve met want to find out more about what we’re doing, how we’re moving forward. We certainly have a story to tell—and a very good one.”

The Premier addressed a full auditorium of attendees before a midday panel on regulation, highlighting the island’s quick progress to become a global hub for fintech enterprises and innovation through ground-breaking recent legislation to govern regulation of digital assets.

“The government of Bermuda—all the way up to the Premier himself—is showing remarkable leadership in the blockchain space,” keynote speaker, author, and Executive Director of the Blockchain Research Institute Don Tapscott said afterwards.

“Bermuda is attempting to figure out an environment that enables both an innovation economy and entrepreneurship, on the one hand, and protecting the interests of consumers and investors on the other. Our institute intends to collaborate much more closely with Bermuda in the future,” said Tapscott, a leading authority on the impact of technology on business and society.

Bermuda delegates were deluged throughout the day by inquiries on setting up businesses and launching initial coin offerings from the island. Meetings were held in a Bermuda suite, where a networking reception also attracted entrepreneurs and technologists looking to leverage the island’s respected regulatory environment and sophisticated infrastructure.

“It’s impressive to see the volume of people who have come through our meeting suite—since the speech, it has been non-stop,” said the BDA’s Head of Business Development Sean Moran. “I’ve talked to dozens of groups that want to launch their ICOs out of Bermuda, they want to establish service provider companies in Bermuda that would help support the growth of our digital asset industry. Everyone is excited by what they view to be a jurisdiction that would offer a positive and welcoming environment for new businesses in the blockchain space.”

Consensus continues tomorrow, with the Premier slated for interviews with Nasdaq and Bloomberg Radio, among other media. The Bermuda group will also visit the New York offices of law firm Norton Rose Fulbright to give a presentation on Bermuda’s economy and the island’s innovative approach to business over many decades.


发表于 2018-5-15 16:55 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 16:45




发表于 2018-5-15 17:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据news.bitcoin消息,摩尔多瓦近期开设了新数字货币交易所Drachmae Market并发行代币。该交易所最初将交易10种数字货币,8种法币,其中包括BTC,BCH和ETH等主流货币,以及Zozo coin和Drachmae自主发行的DTMI代币等摩尔多瓦代币。法币包括美元,欧元,卢布等。

Cryptocurrencies have been steadily gaining popularity in Moldova, a former Soviet republic that is economically and politically on a crossroad between East and West. The local crypto community has recently announced developments reflecting this trend – a new exchange and a new token have been presented, both labeled “Made in Moldova”. Add to that an indirect permission from the central bank.

Also read: Another Post-Soviet Jurisdiction Welcomes Crypto Miners

10 Cryptos, 8 Currencies

Drachmae Market will be trading 10 digital coins initially, including leading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Core (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Ethereum (ETH), as well as a couple of Moldovan tokens like Zozo coin and Drachmae’s own DTMI token. The trading platform also supports transactions of eight fiat currencies, among which euros, dollars, rubles, and of course, Moldovan leu (MDL). Drachmae Market, set up with the help of the local Digital & Distributed Technology Moldova Association (DTMA), has been announced as the country’s first crypto exchange. It is already accepting subscriptions.

DTMA was created in the beginning of this year to facilitate the implementation of distributed ledger technologies in the country’s economy. It is also closely working with Moldovan authorities and regulators on a proposal to establish a special tech zone with tax breaks and incentives for blockchain startups. A similar project has been realized successfully in another former Soviet republic – Belarus, where a growing number of fintech companies are now taking advantage of their membership of the Hi-Tech Park in Minsk.

Moldova with New Crypto Exchange and a Token

The news about the launch of Drachmae Market, which came out from a major blockchain and cryptocurrency event hosted by the Moldovan capital, was covered by both local and foreign crypto media. On Friday, the World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit in Chisinau welcomed participants and speakers representing communities from countries across Europe and Asia, from Lithuania to India, according to Cryptovest. Founder and president of DTMA Lee Gibson Grant announced at the conference that the exchange had received a notice from the central bank, which could be interpreted as an indirect permission to operate legally.

In the letter presented at the summit, the National Bank of Moldova basically says that as there is currently no legal framework regulating cryptocurrencies in the country, no authorization is needed to provide crypto trading services, Mybusiness.md reports. At the same time, Drachmae Market will have to comply with the country’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws because it offers trading pairs with fiat currencies. This means its operator is required to share financial data about money flows and processed transactions.

Central Bank Softens Stance

The correspondence also indicates some softening of the central bank’s position on cryptocurrencies. Last fall NBM released a statement to clarify its stance warning that cryptos are neither issued nor guaranteed by a central bank or a government agency. The bank acknowledged that the “virtual currency represents digital value” and is “used by individuals or legal entities as an alternative to cash,” but stressed that “it is not tied to the national currency.”

“The use of virtual money is not regulated in Moldova. [Cryptocurrency] is not a form of electronic money in the context of the Law on Payment Services and Electronic Money, and the activities of issuing [digital coins] and executing transactions with them are not controlled by the competent authorities,” NBM pointed out.

Moldova with New Crypto Exchange and a Token

The financial authority listed a number of risks, to which crypto users are exposed, including fraud, high commissions, loss of funds, market volatility, and last but not least – no guarantees that merchants would accept cryptocurrencies. Cryptos in Moldova, however, are becoming more popular with both users and merchants. For example, a large furniture store in Chisinau announced in December that it had introduced bitcoin payments.

Moldova still has to catch up with strong regional competitors. Ukraine has a rapidly developing crypto sector whose expansion recently prompted the country’s securities commission chief to state: “The point of no return has been passed.” Moldova’s own separatist region, the unrecognized republic of Transnistria, has adopted crypto friendly legislation that legalizes mining and provides incentives for foreign investors in the sector. Pro-crypto sentiments are also strong in Moldova’s closest neighbor,


发表于 2018-5-15 17:31 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 17:05




https://www.newscientist.com/art ... for-the-first-time/




发表于 2018-5-15 17:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-15 17:45 编辑


据Coindesk消息,比特币衍生品平台LedgerX推出了一种新的简化界面,让比特币投资者可以从自己持有的资产中获得利息。根据LedgerX总裁兼首席风险官Juthica Chou的说法,这项新服务于周二宣布,其运营方式与现有的比特币看涨期权类似。

Bitcoin derivatives platform LedgerX is launching a new, simplified interface that lets bitcoin investors earn interest on their holdings.

The new service, announced Tuesday, operates similarly to its existing bitcoin call options with a streamlined user face for investors, according to LedgerX president and chief risk officer Juthica Chou.

Chou explained:

"We're seeing more and more demand for people who want to earn some sort of interest off their bitcoin and lending is not exactly natural to people - especially lending where they earn their interest back in bitcoin. So we're seeing participants come back to trading."

Essentially, participants place a bet on what bitcoin's price will look like at some point in the future. If the price grows to that level within the time period, the participants recoup their investment. In the event that it doesn't, participants can sell their coins and receive fiat currency from the profit on that sale.

This is "by far the largest trade that we've seen people coming in to do," Chou said. "I would say that more than half our volume has been in this kind of trade."

"The contract that people are entering into here is such that they're selling an upside call option, so probably call it [two times] where bitcoin is now. If bitcoin tanks, they still collect the exact same premium and if bitcoin goes up then they end up selling bitcoin at about [two times]," she explained.

Chou added that "overall, I think the volatility is what impacts us ... the more [bitcoin's price] moves, the more fiat [investors] can collect."

Only eligible contract participants, as defined by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, can trade in these call options, however. Users need to undergo "the same [know-your-customer] and application process as standard LedgerX" participants, said Chou.

She concluded:

"I think given the price action people are going to be more and more interested ... we're very excited, because this is something we've seen a lot of on the LedgerX platform."


发表于 2018-5-15 18:02 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-15 18:07 编辑


5月15日消息,据国外媒体报道,摩根大通旗下区块链项目负责人安布尔·巴尔代特(AmberBaldet)终于宣布了她的下一步行动——创办一家新区块链公司,名为Clovyr。该公司由 Baldet 与前摩根大通开源区块链项目主管 Patrick Nielsen 共同建立,将打造建立在区块链上的、类似于应用商店的去中心化应用商店。


<iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/2111767321001/default_default/index.html?videoId=5760452115001' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe>




发表于 2018-5-15 18:16 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 18:02

5月15日消息,据国外媒体报道,摩根大通旗下区块链项目 ...




发表于 2018-5-15 19:25 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-15 19:27 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 19:25


{:12_784:} 洗钱利器ZCash


发表于 2018-5-15 19:33 |显示全部楼层
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​​​5月14日,Block.one副总裁Thomas Cox在GitHub发布了EOS节点协议,共计15条,指出EOS节点(Block Producer)需要遵循的原则。每个节点至少提供四个满足最低配置要求、运行完整节点的公共端点。



发表于 2018-5-15 19:47 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-15 19:49 编辑



Following the lead set by Google, Facebook and Twitter, the search service Bing has confirmed that it’s now set to ban cryptocurrency advertising too.

The announcement came on the Bing Ads blog, where advertiser policy manager Melissa Alsoszatai-Petheo said that “because cryptocurrency and related products are not regulated, we have found them to present a possible elevated risk to our users with the potential for bad actors to participate in predatory behaviours, or otherwise scam consumers”.

She added that “to help protect our users from this risk, we have made the decision to disallow advertising for cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency related products, and un-regulated binary options”.

The policy change will be implemented across the Bing Ads network starting in June, with full rollout expected in late June and early July. It’ll be completed by the end of July.

Whilst some have found (temporary) ways around the ad bans on other platforms, it does add to the growing feeling that some kind of cryptocurrency regulation is needed. In lieu of it, more and more big platforms are taking the easier way out, and simply implementing blanket bans. Bing is unlikely to be the last to do so.

发表于 2018-5-15 19:51 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 猫儿不笨 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 猫儿不笨 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 19:25




发表于 2018-5-15 19:59 |显示全部楼层
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猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-5-15 19:51




发表于 2018-5-15 20:01 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 19:59


我一直看好Dash,Zcash和 Monero


发表于 2018-5-15 20:19 |显示全部楼层
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猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-5-15 20:01
我一直看好Dash,Zcash和 Monero



发表于 2018-5-15 20:24 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-15 20:19

但是,Dash已经是千倍币了,感觉 ...

在英国Dash 很受欢迎,一间很大的付款公司就用bitcoin 和 Dash


发表于 2018-5-16 14:23 |显示全部楼层
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警方提醒警惕新型非法集资 提及虚拟货币



发表于 2018-5-17 02:08 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-17 02:11 |显示全部楼层
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据路透社消息,近日,印孚瑟斯技术有限公司(Infosys) 与七家私营银行合作,成立了一个以区块链为基础的贸易融资网络,以提高银行业的效率,并加强其产品供应。

Infosys today said it has set up India Trade Connect, a blockchain-based trade network in India, in partnership with seven lenders, including Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, IndusInd Bank and RBL Bank. The other partner banks include Kotak Mahindra Bank, South Indian Bank and Yes Bank.

"The network is being used by the banks to run a successful pilot of Finacle Trade Connect, a blockchain technology based solution developed specifically to address the trade finance process requirements of banks," Infosys said in a statement.

Finacle Trade Connect will enable increased automation and transparency, while helping efficiently manage risks in trade and supply chain financing operations, it added.

Infosys said the network is designed to digitise trade finance business processes, including validation of ownership, certification of documents and making payments, while working on a distributed, trusted and shared network.

"The network will create new business opportunities for participating banks, while eliminating the inefficiencies in the existing trade processes and enabling everyone involved in a transaction to have a single source of the truth," the statement added.

It noted that financing decisions (using the system) are more informed since the banks involved in a transaction are aware of the exact position of a bill as well as the exposure of the corporate with its respective partner bank.

The range of functions include Bill Collection, Letters of Credit, Open Account for Trade, Customer to Customer, Transactions for Trade, Business to Customer transactions for Trade, PO financing and Invoice financing.

Sanat Rao, Chief Business Officer at Infosys Finacle, said like any innovative technology, the usage of blockchain-based applications will gradually increase from early adopters to others who will join based on proven and tangible benefits.

"We are committed to helping our clients realise the path breaking benefits of blockchain technology and we look forward to many more collaborations to strengthen this consortium and building other networks across the world," he added.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:14 |显示全部楼层
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Russian telecoms major MTS has placed commercial bonds worth a total RUB750m, on central depositary NSD's blockchain platform, in a transaction managed by investment bank Sberbank. The transaction covers the full life cycle of a security in the form of a set of smart contracts – from placement to the full performance of the issuer’s obligations to investors.

"MTS is testing and implementing new technologies in all its business areas, including corporate finance and FinTech spheres. We set a task to accelerate the process of putting innovative solutions into operation after the test phase. With our partners’ assistance we have successfully implemented the first Russian issue of commercial bonds via smart contracts based on blockchain in the entire settlement chain – from placing securities and receiving funds to the full execution of the issuer’s obligations to investors. MTS will continue to use the blockchain technology, first and foremost, on financial markets, as it helps to improve the transparency of transactions, to build trust with transaction participants, and to reduce costs of operations," Andrey Kamensky, vice president, finance, investments and M&A, MTS, says.

Russian commercial bonds are debt instruments which are unsecured and sold on the OTC market via private placement.

As part of the transaction preparation, NSD implemented a full Delivery versus Payment (DVP) settlement model based on blockchain allowing it to transfer securities and funds simultaneously. NSD added an option to change the composition of network participants to work with a wider circle of investors, and updated the system to the newest version – Hyperledger Fabric.

To process the transaction, National Settlement Depository provided its own decentralised blockchain platform based on Hyperledger Fabric 1.1. Sberbank CIB was the sole manager on the issue and main buyer of the issue of MTS' bonds with a six-month maturity term for a total sum of RUB750m.

The system processes only digitalised assets, making the process of placing, circulating, and record keeping securities highly transparent. Each party to the transaction can exchange documents online and follow the transactions’ status. Settlements are conducted directly in the record keeping system, and this accelerates the process of concluding the transaction.

The selected cryptographic protection scheme let all operations be conducted electronically using the signatures of the Moscow Exchange Group’s clients. The source code of smart contracts is available at https://github.com/altoros/nsd-commercial-paper/; it is open in accordance with the requirements of the Hyperledger project in which Sberbank and the Moscow Exchange Group have been participating since 2016.

“NSD was one of first Russian companies which were interested in blockchain. In the first quarter of 2017, NSD began developing the prototype of the platform to conduct bond transactions. The Sberbank and MTS transaction was the first one which gave blockchain the status of an industrial technology which ensured confidentiality and accelerated securities settlements. Our final task is to create digital asset accounting infrastructure together with market leaders; the existence of the infrastructure is a crucial condition for institutional investors to enter our market and for the market’s successful development and increase in its capitalisation," explains Eddie Astanin, chair of the executive board of NSD.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:29 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-17 02:31 编辑


比特大陆将与Circle合作开发基于以太坊的美元锚定币——与法币挂钩的加密通证,与美元挂钩的货币,称为USD Coin或者Circle USDC。吴忌寒称,这是比特大陆对“私人央行”愿景的第一步,这是一种基于区块链算法的货币,与政府没有联系。此前Financial Times报道,比特大陆将向Circle E论融资投资1.1亿美元。同时,CNBC报道,由高盛支持的支付公司Circle正在推出一种数字版的美元,这是一种与货币挂钩的数字货币。比特大陆相关人士向《币世界》证实,上述发币消息属实。

高盛投资的Circle 12月到2月加密币场外交易额三个月累计750亿美元,收入2.3亿美元, 二月份以4亿美元的价格收购了加密币交易所Poloniex。

The 'bitcoin unicorn' club now has another member.

Announced Tuesday, Circle has closed a $110 million Series E fundraising, a figure that effectively values the startup at nearly $3 billion, according to figures from the company. Led by China-based mining outfit Bitmain, the round includes support from Accel, Blockchain Capital, Breyer, Digital Currency Group, General Catalyst, IDG, Pantera and Tusk Ventures.

With the funding, the company is also revealing an ambitious plan to bolster its products and services by launching a "US dollar coin," or a blockchain native asset that would be both regulated and backed by real government currency, through its affiliate CENTRE project.

In this way, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire framed the round as one that helps it position itself as a true conglomerate of cryptocurrency services, as opposed to just an exchange or payment startup, both characterizations having been given to the company in the past.

Allaire told CoinDesk:

"A core part of vision is open-protocols that would enable the free movement of value. A real critical piece is there has to be open, interoperable standards for our how fiat money can move over blockchains. That's where fiat stablecoins and payment protocols come into play."

More than a technical novelty, Allaire positioned the stablecoin project as essential to Circle's maturation and continued expansion, painting it as integral for its mobile payments application, its over-the-counter (OTC) trading business and its exchange service.

The launch also comes at a time when Silicon Valley investors have shown a preference for investments in such products, owing to the massive role stablecoins play in facilitating global cryptocurrency exchange and the perceived issues with today's market leaders.

It's this vision, Allaire said, that made Bitmain, the controversial cryptocurrency mining giant, a natural fit to lead the funding round.

As recently as March, Bitmain co-CEO Jihan Wu had made appearances at major U.S. conferences where he vowed to back high-tech alternatives to central banking.

"Jihan is a visionary and he is a visionary for changing the global financial order," Allaire said. "They believe in the long-term potential of Circle."

All told, the funding will also help boost staffing at Circle, which today employs more than 200 employees globally in locations including Boston, San Francisco, Dublin, London, Paris, Madrid, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shenzhen.

A new twist on stablecoins
But while Circle's funding round and valuation are likely to grab a majority of headlines, it's perhaps its launch of a US dollar cryptocurrency initiative with participation from Bitmain that may most impact the crypto market.

As noted by Allaire, the play is a strategic one that finds Circle taking aim at one of the most important elements of the crypto economy.

"It's a big piece, as we acquired Poloniex and Poloniex was a crypto-only exchange," Allaire explained. "The way people have handled fiat on an exchange like that has been through something like Tether, and we see a lot of weaknesses and challenges with Tether."

Indeed, Allaire isn't alone, as many commentators have sought to position Tether as a systemic weakness that, through its affiliation with the troubled exchange provider Bitfinex, a company that has struggled with regulatory issues, threatens the integrity of the market.

Yet, it's important to note that Circle will be seeking to take an open approach to its USD-C token, framing it as an open-source project with a more robust governance model.

The vision is that regulated financial institutions, whether they're a crypto exchange or a money transmitter, would be authorized by CENTRE to become issuers of stablecoins, and that many issuers could offer and manage different fiat-backed cryptocurrencies.

"Circle can be an issuer of US dollar coin, Square could be an issuer. If I got US dollar coins from Circle, I could transmit those to another digital wallet for an issuer," he explained.

A foundation for payments
But if all the conversation about exchanges and crypto-plumbing lead to perceptions that Circle is straying from its more consumer-focused products, Allaire was quick to push back.

Rather, Allaire suggested that bolstering the exchange and fiat cryptocurrency ecosystems globally only strengthens products like its original mobile money application, enabling that product to work more effectively at scale in accordance with its original vision.

"To realize the vision for ubiquitous payments, we need there to be currencies that can be stored, settled and used," Allaire continued.

With the funding, the company is also publishing a new white paper on its stablecoin work, as well as an FAQ that will seek to educate others on they can engage in this new market Circle hopes to steward.

Of note in these materials is that all USD-C tokens will be issued on ethereum, a notable detail given the platform's issues in scaling to support its current diversity of users. (The company said more announcements on the project are expected this summer).

Still, the overall message was that this is an effort to bring an opaque offshore market back into the regulated cryptocurrency economy, as Allaire said CENTRE will require members to undergo compliance and balance sheet audits to ensure assets are properly backed.

In this way, Allaire summed up his message succinctly, dismissing existing market alternatives as nothing more than clever "regulatory hacks."

He concluded:

"The CENTRE model is out in the open in a regulated context with real banking connectivity and that's really based on an open standard."


        China’s biggest bitcoin mining company has led a $110m investment in Circle Internet Financial that values the fast-growing US mobile payments and cryptocurrency trading company at close to $3bn. 

The funding round, led by China’s Bitmain, propels Circle into the top tier of cryptocurrency companies by funds raised and brings together two of the nascent sector’s leading companies from the world’s two largest economies. 

Circle uses the blockchain technology that underpins bitcoin to provide peer-to-peer payment services, but also offers over-the-counter cryptocurrency trading. 

The investment comes as Circle launches a new type of token — a “stablecoin” — backed by fiat currency reserves at a central bank in an attempt to overcome the volatility that has hampered efforts to use cryptocurrencies as a mainstream method of payments. 

“We are creating a stablecoin, the USD Coin, backed by fiat currency reserves,” said Jeremy Allaire, the internet entrepreneur who co-founded Circle in 2013 and whose previous ventures include the online video platform Brightcove. 

“You can’t transmit dollars over the internet, or use them in smart contracts,” said Mr Allaire, referring to self-executing transactions on blockchain technology. “The ability to send a digital currency to anyone with a digital wallet is revolutionary, opening up the world to totally new forms of commerce.” 

Bitcoin cash is expanding into the void
Bitmain, which is based in Beijing but has offices in other cities including Amsterdam, Tel Aviv and Hong Kong, claims to be the world’s largest provider of high-powered computer servers used for “mining” cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum. 

Miners create new cryptocurrencies by solving complex maths problems to validate new transactions. The reliance on raw computing power makes the energy-hungry process more akin to industrial manufacturing than traditional high-technology businesses. 

China has recently started clamping down on cryptocurrency mining companies, as well as bitcoin exchanges and token issues for initial coin offerings. Bitmain has been expanding its operations outside China and has plans to open US bitcoin mining centres. 

Circle said Bitmain would help it to introduce other “stablecoins” — backed by different fiat currencies — and to help them become interoperable around the world. 

Some cryptocurrencies have been tied to cash deposits before, such as Tether, which is linked to US dollar deposits. But Tether has faced scepticism about the opaqueness of those reserves, which Mr Allaire said Circle would address by being more transparent. 

Mr Allaire said Circle turned cash-flow positive for the first time last year. It handled more than $75bn of cryptocurrency transactions between December and February, generating $250m of revenue, he said. Its user base has grown almost fivefold to 7m in more than 200 countries in the past year. 

The Boston-based company provides cryptocurrency investment and trading services, as well as a free payments service for people to send US dollars, pounds sterling and euros across borders. Earlier this year it acquired Poloniex, the US cryptocurrency exchange, in a deal reportedly worth $400m. 

It plans to expand from 230 staff to more than 400 by the end of the year and already has offices in New York, San Francisco, Dublin, London, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Beijing and Hong Kong. 

The latest funding round takes the total raised by Circle to more than $240m. Existing investors putting in fresh money include IDG Capital, Breyer Capital, General Catalyst, Accel, Digital Currency Group and Pantera, while Blockchain Capital and Tusk Ventures have become new investors. Goldman Sachs has previously invested in Circle but was not part of the latest round.


发表于 2018-5-17 02:33 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



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