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lipmove 发表于 2019-5-23 11:33 
我觉得说得有道理,我可能会支持雅思降到G类5分。但我只代表我自己的一票。大多数家庭成员是怎么认为的那 ...
Labor Senators note that many generations of women who have had little English because often because of their family responsibilities have made significant contributions to our nation, the current generation of migrants are not different, as
argued by Mr Achiek, who spoke of his South Sudanese mother.
“…I again take you back to my mum, who today still has basic conversational English, however basic that is. If you say four words at a time, she won't understand. That doesn't stop her being a committed Australian and being part of the community and it hasn't stopped her from producing great Australians like myself and my siblings. If you look at my family, there is me working to support other young people and I have a masters degree, which I wouldn't have dreamed of while I was in a refugee camp. My brother has a law degree and my sister has an accounting degree. It's not because we were smart kids; it's because we had support from our mother, who doesn't speak English and at the moment only has conversational language.” |