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whjheu 发表于 2017-12-15 10:54 
好吧,投射到电视玩游戏,我从未试过,从电脑直接投射屏幕确实是有延时,我家是一代,不知道新的怎么样。 ...
1. 画质和分辨率绝非原生
我不是很理解你这句话的意思,Airplay Mirroring会投射当前设备的分辨率至目标电视(如果目标电视分辨率小于当前设备则以小分辨率显示),至于画质我就更不明白你在说什么了。
2. 我承认不严谨,我主要是指网络视频投射这方面,chromecast真的提供了很好解决方案,但是绝不是限于google产品,除了YouTube还有很多,包括Netflix,NBA等等,我家里的NAS都支持chromecast播放电影。所以你那句:"我的PS4游戏机可以运行PS4的光盘游戏,你Xbox可以吗?"根本没有道理,不是恰当比喻。
另外网络视频投射这方面,Airplay的体验整体和Chromecast没什么太大区别,你所举的例子也全部支持Airplay,我看不出你想表达的内容(或许是Google Chromecast应用广泛?)
3. 苹果的问题就是太封闭了,给ATV投射一定要Apple的设备才行,你投射CSGo,必须要用mac玩才行,mac下的游戏体验如何?从来都没人推荐玩游戏用mac。另外你确定同步速度快到可以玩FPS?没吹点儿小牛?是什么分辨率?mac和ATV通过有线还是无线连接网络?
The latency of Chromecast mirroring is rather high, thus it's not suitable for interactive usage. The latency of AirPlay mirroring is much lower, and in most cases you probably would not notice. That's probably why in the coming OS X 10.9 Mavericks Apple dares to support using AirPlay to make your TV an extended screen of the desktop.
The root cause of the difference in latency between Chromecast and AirPlay mirroring seems to be a performance one. Chromecast mirroring uses Google's VP8 video codec, while AirPlay uses the industrial standard H.264. The devices I tested on all have hardware-accelerated H.264 encoding, but not for VP8. On my Retina MacBook Pro with Core i7 2.6 GHz CPU, the additional CPU load introduced by Chromecast mirroring is around 40% when choosing the highest setting (720p with bit-rate at around 6 Mbps), while the additional CPU load introduced by AirPlay mirroring is barely noticeable when outputting 1080p video with bit-rate at around 10 Mbps.