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https://www.aph.gov.au/DocumentS ... ba&subId=690781
2020 最近 congress paper 针对Exploitation of Unauthorised Migrant Workers in Australia: Access to the Protection of Employment Law
以前是不认illegall worker的right of protection under common law. 2014 后风向变了,QLD/NSW 高院已经有两个case 认同了黑工的 right of protection under commlon law, 包括fairwork wording 也改了,worker will be protected regardless the status of migration. 而已就如这篇congress paper结论如下:
“ While it is unlikely that unauthorised workers would rush to seek remedies on a large scale, even if
broader protections were instituted, there are several key reforms that would make access to justice
for unauthorised workers a clear possibility. These include, first, repealing section 235 of the
Migration Act which criminalises unauthorised work, and amending the Fair Work Act to clarify that
it applies to all workers regardless of immigration status. Second, a firewall should be established
within the FWO requiring that no information on workers’ immigration status be shared with the
DHA, with application to all workers. Third, and related, a protocol should be instituted within the
DHA to ensure referral to the FWO prior to removal of all non-citizens who have engaged in
unauthorised work.111 Fourth, consideration should be given to the introduction of a bridging visa to
regularise the status of migrants pursuing employment-related claims, whether through FWO,
unions or courts, to ensure unauthorised workers can recover wages in practice prior to their
removal from Australia. "
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