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How do we get rid of captured carp?
Captured carp must be killed in a humane manner. Guidance on humane euthanasia of fish is available on the animal welfare page.
Wherever possible, captured carp should be utilised (eg. for human consumption, pet or stock feed or fertiliser). Where there are no options for utilisation, captured carp must be disposed of appropriately.
For more information or advice on running a successful fishing event, the recreational fishing rules and regulations, and the Code of Practice for fishing competitions or to request attendance of Recreational Fishing Trust-funded education officers, contact Recreational Fisheries Management on (02) 4424 7417.
Catch-and-release fishing for carp
Is it illegal to return carp to the water?
It is not currently illegal to immediately return captured carp to the waters from which they were taken (defence under section 216 of the Fisheries Management Act). However, NSW DPI encouragehttps://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishi ... fishersrecreational fishers to retain and utilise any captured carp rather than returning them live to the water.
Carp is declared a noxious aquatic species in Victoria, which makes it an offence to possess, transport or release live carp, or use live carp (including all forms of carp and goldfish) as fishing bait.
The declaration of "noxious" fish does not mean that the species cannot be fished for, or eaten. Carp are widely fished for, and the flesh is enjoyed by many people, with a variety of methods of preparation and cooking.
Recreational Fishing Licence requirements and regulations affecting the taking of carp are provided in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide, available free from RFL sales agents and DEDJTR Offices and Information Centres.
Legal requirements
Carp is a restricted noxious fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
You must not keep, feed, give away, sell, or release carp into the environment without a permit.
If you catch these species, you must immediately humanely kill and dispose of them responsibly away from the waterbody.
By law, you have a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to take reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with restricted noxious fish under your control.
https://www.business.qld.gov.au/ ... ive/restricted/carp