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本帖最后由 kidneyball 于 2013-7-2 12:41 编辑
一时头脑发热,五月底时online预定了一台Dell的Alienware laptop。然后就是无尽的延期,等待,交涉,谎言。买电脑的朋友真的要小心。首先在你完成order之前,它不会告诉你正常的等待期会长达半个月。其次如果在处理过程中出现任何问题,没有任何人会主动联系你,即使你打电话去咨询,他们只会告诉你机器已经在production了。直到等待期满,他们会取消你的旧order,重新出一份,等待期重新算,且没有任何解释。在网上发起咨询ticket不会有任何回应,打电话去咨询如果说“20分钟后联络你”绝对是“尿遁”。 买机装机这么久,从来没享受过这么垃圾的服务。
这台机子已经等了一个多月,还没见到影子。order被无故cancel了两次,最新消息是payment verify都出问题了。我等了一个月,裤子都脱了,你给我看这个????一气之下在Dell论坛上发了如下帖子,第一次写这么多英文骂人。贴出来纪念一下,顺求批评指正……
I am so sick with the endless delay and lies from Dell
I am an ANGRY Australian customer for an alienware laptop! I purchased tens of personal computers in my life and the experience with Dell is the worst ever!! Not only because it has been delayed for more than a month, also the way you guys doing business.
Here is the story
My gaming desktop at home was dying and I was so stupid to think maybe Alienware is a good choice for a replacement because I heard good things about it and Dell is a big brand which should provide better services (which turns out absolutely not the case). So I placed an order online for an Alienware M17x (R4) on 25 May. The money got deducted from my account on 29 May, which was the only efficient move you guys made during the whole process.
The estimate delivery day was 11 June but till 6 June I noticed my order status in the tracking system was stuck in the Order Received stage. I called the custom support and was told that the machine was already in production (I assumed that meant I was not allowed to cancel the order then), but the delivery day would be delayed to 18 June. However, the only thing I got on 18 June was an conformation email for a new order!!! WTH? The custom support told me my original order was cancelled and replaced by the sales team for some unknown reason. And because of this replacement, the whole process was going to start all over again. The new estimate delivery day was 4 July! Okay, Okay, anyway, at least it looked like someone was taking care of my machine. But again, the new order was stuck in the Order Received status in the tracking system. I checked with the custom support a week later and was told the machine was already in production (AGAIN!!!).
Yesterday, 1 July, I checked up the order status on the tracking system (as usual). I got a notice saying my second order had been cancelled (AGAIN!!!). But this time NO new order was created for replacement. I called up the custom support and the guy told me that was MAYBE because the production team is waiting for parts. I was not convinced at all, and chased for the real reason of the cancellation. Then I got passed through to a lady in the sales team. I could barely communicate with her because of the terrible latency (Looks like she was in US). Again she told me that's because of the lack of parts. When I chased, she said she was going to figure it out and call me back after 20 minutes, which was never happened.
This morning, 2 July, I called the custom support again. This time they told me that the cancellation was because the financial team couldn't verify the payment. Because there was nothing he could on his end, he tried to pass me through to the financial team... After listening at the stupid ringtone for more than 30 minutes and nobody was answering the phone, I hung up the line.
Here is my questions:
1. If you guys truly run out of parts, why are you selling it online without any information on it. Once the order is placed, there is no way we can adjust it for available parts. Is it some kind of gambling games you set us up to guess which combination can be delivered on time?
2. Even I could accept the excuses of parts shortage, why not just wait for the parts and update the order status. I totally can't see the point why you cancelled my first order and reset the whole process given that the machine was already in production.
3. If because of the cancellation the second order was failed to verify payment, why didn't you inform me until the last moment? What made me more angry and could be considered as cheating was when I checked up the situation, you lied to me that the machine is already in production (to hold me back from cancelling the order).
By waiting on this never coming laptop, I missed out the whole End-of-Financial-Year sales, wasted hours of time listening boring ringtones in the phone just for lies. Now I am totally out of patience. Can you guys contact me ASAP to set up a fixed delivery date or arrange a full refund. Otherwise I am going to report the case to NSW Fair Trading as business cheating. |