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[其他信息] Survey: Fashion Affects Job Advancement [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-9-2 03:16 |显示全部楼层
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Fashion really does make a statement -- especially in the workplace. What you wear on the job could help determine whether you get promoted, according to a new survey.

In a Yahoo! HotJobs poll on workplace fashion issues, a majority of the general workforce (68%) and HR professionals (82%) believe that how employees dress at work affects their chances for a promotion.

"How you dress at work definitely shapes how others perceive you," says Susan Vobejda, vice president of marketing for Yahoo! HotJobs. "Our survey shows that it's worthwhile to choose your work attire carefully, because those choices could help to move your career forward." More than half of the survey respondents (57%) said they would be willing to buy a new wardrobe in order to get a promotion.

Time for a New Look?An entirely new wardrobe may not be necessary to enhance your promotion prospects, according to lifestyle and image consultant David A. McKnight, founder of DAMstyle. He recommends three tips that apply to men and women:

Purchase wisely for the long term. "Invest in high quality clothing with conservative colors and classic and simple cuts -- when in doubt they're always the safest."
Maintain clothes properly with professional pressing and cleaning. "It gives a polished look, and clothing is likely to last a bit longer. Shoes should always be shined, and the heels should not be worn down."
Pay attention to a proper fit. "A person can improve appearance drastically by wearing clothes that fit properly. Generally for men the biggest offenses include wearing pants or jackets that are too short or too long. For women, the biggest offenses include wearing skirts or pants that are too tight, or blouses and pants that are too low."
The Job-Interview ApproachOf course, achievement and job performance are they key drivers in determining promotions. But, just as in a job interview, how you present yourself sends signals regarding your attitude about work.

"Dress and act every workday like you might be called in unexpectedly to interview for a new job," recommends Richard Phillips, a career coach who founded Advantage Career Solutions in Palo Alto, California. "In fact, you are having an 'interview' every time you run into someone at a higher level who might have a say in whether you get promoted or not."
Enter for a chance to win $1000 towards a wardrobe from banana republic.Presenting the Complete PackageLindsay Olson, founder of Paradigm Staffing, advises three self-presentation tips that have little to do with clothing but nonetheless enhance an employee's prospects of moving ahead:

Be confident, not arrogant.
Keep yourself nicely groomed (hair and nails)
Avoid heavy perfumes or colognes
The experts' advice on promote-ability points to a common saying: Dress for success.

"Success and career advancement are significantly influenced by the image that one projects," McKnight concludes. "Not only does dressing for success affect self-esteem, but it can also be a lever used to determine such things as the pace and progression of your career."


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