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Tim Stephens 11月30日到12月6日星座来了 翻译一个星座加18分 done [复制链接]


发表于 2014-11-26 22:07 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 月亮 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 月亮 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 月亮 于 2014-11-28 14:42 编辑

ARIES March 21-April 19  done

Foreign born people, international affairs, lawyers, scholars, higher learning, life philosophy, cultural venues/events, and gentle love – these fill the weeks ahead. Thursday onward brings an indirect but significant change: your ambition, and temper tantrums by bosses, both dissolve. Lie low, rest, Sunday daytime – all’s well. Don’t do mentally taxing chores while your thinking’s a bit wonky. From Sunday eve (5 pm PT) to Tuesday eve, your energy and charisma soar. Love, intellectual matters, far travel and cultural involvements favour you – go out from yourself, seek new opportunities, seek romance. A couple of barriers exist – you and another have “different directions” Monday afternoon, or a bit of temperament can arise Tuesday eve – sidestep these. Or better yet, be ambitious during these short periods (start a new project) and pursue love, new horizons, the rest of the time. Chase money Wed./Thurs. – you could hit a jackpot! (This might, instead, bring more love, sensual contact.) Don’t buy used items Thursday. Charge into errands, trips, communications, emails, newspapers and news media Fri./Sat. – seek variety, be curious. All week, new friends, blossoming love, are strong possibilities!

taurus weekly forecastTAURUS April 20-May 20 done
This Is an easy, fairly fortunate week, Taurus. Keep your focus on major lifestyle changes, health cures, financial actions (e.g., debts, investments) and “doors to intimacy.” It’s a splendid time to buy real estate, especially as an investment. Research, dig beneath surface appearances, listen to your hunches. By Thursday onward, legal “dangers” dissipate, intellectual choices/work become easier. But Thursday to mid-January, be diplomatic at work – bosses grow impatient, testy. Earlier, Sunday’s optimistic, happy, you feel social, but you still worry – don’t. What will be will be. Retreat this night through Tuesday – contemplate, plan, rest, interface with civil servants, institutions. All’s fine – but avoid legal matters, far travel, and intellectual “displays.” Your energy and magnetism rise late Tuesday night through Thursday – charge ahead, start projects, talk to bosses, invest or reduce debt, solve old or intellectual problems. Huge luck comes to the brave and to innovators. Chase money, earn, seek new clients, sell unwanted items, and go shopping, Fri./Sat. Prices might be high, but you can make excellent computer or electronic purchases, especially Friday afternoon/eve (PST).

Gemini.svgGEMINI May 21-June 20   done

Relationships are paramount, Gemini. You remain in the assertive sexual mode (or is it just your magnetism?) of November, but only until Thursday. If you have not entered a primarily physical bond in the last six weeks, good – it seems to carry a high price tag at present. From Thursday onward, for six weeks, relations will leave a dark, mysterious, sensual zone and enter a light, more witty, open, fresh and intellectual mode. You leap from a lust-scape to a love-scape. You notice the cheerful, innocent, happy and talented side of others – and others treat you with affection. You might talk of co-habitation with someone. Remember, overall, others have the advantage – you’ll gain from co-operation, lose from challenging others. Work a little Sunday, then take the night off to meet friends. Monday/Tues. bring popularity, social joys, light romance, optimism and wish fulfilment. Don’t let friends influence you in financial or intimate areas. Retreat, rest midweek. All’s well – interact with civil servants, agents, charities and spiritual folk. Computer purchases are good. Your energy surges Friday/Sat. Friday emphasizes ambition and your worldly status early, friendships and hopes in the pm. Show someone you’re available! You might fall in love.

Cancer.svgCANCER June 21-July 22 done

Work, work and more work – that’s December for you. Holiday buying, planning meals, decorations – or you might merely be busy at your employment. Take care of your health; eat, dress sensibly. Co-workers are pleasant, even affectionate: you might invite one for dinner. Since late October, you have experienced assertiveness and impatience from your spouse, partners, even strangers. (Ambition, perhaps unwise ambition, has been at the root of this.) This “friction trend” will dissolve Thursday, leaving relationships much lighter, friendlier. Sunday daytime is gentle, contemplative, loving. But this night, through Tuesday, accents ambition, facing authorities, your worldly standing and community reputation. Here, again, ambition and your relationships might clash. If your ambition is solely to make more money, you’ll succeed here – but if it is prestige you want, be careful: traps lurk. In any case, work alone for now. Wednesday/Thursday bring celebration, wish fulfilment, social delights, perhaps light romance – now, when you least expect it, suddenly ambitious wishes come true, or an advantageous door is unexpectedly open for you. Retreat to mull over the week, to plan, Fri./Sat. Be spiritual, kind, charitable – all’s good!

Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO July 23-Aug. 22  done

Ah, sweet romance! December seems almost to wake someone up – to your charms. Your talents are showing, your personality shines, you’re feeling frisky and adventurous, lucky and confident – if single, chase someone: you’re very likely to succeed. If you’re married, children and their progress thrill you. A creative or “risky” action could well succeed, as you’re on a month-long winning streak. Be brave, bold and adventuresome – express yourself. A Gemini or Libra might prove to be a happy ally – might even become more than an ally. By Thursday, six weeks of hard (and somewhat thankless or unrewarded) work end. This day starts almost 6 weeks of assertive, “hot” liaisons or relationships. This heat can turn to anger, or to love. If someone wants to argue more than merge, though, even in business – walk away. Sunday’s mysterious, nudges your lustful side. This night through Tuesday accents far travel, law, higher education, media, life philosophy, cultural venues – and gentle love. Don’t dive too deeply into these: wait and decide. Be ambitious Wed./Thurs. – bosses and parents favour you (except Thursday night) so make your play, show your skills, ask for things. Your popularity and optimism soar Fri./Sat. – friends, light romance and flirtation, entertainment, a sense of celebration blesses you. All week, love is lively, aided by the cosmos!

Virgo.svgVIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 done

The accent lies on home, family, real estate, security, retirement, Mother Nature, nutrition, basements, footings, and all the basics. This is a good time to build a launching pad for a project you’ll debut later, or simply to rest up for the year ahead. Nap often, eat sensibly. (Thursday onward – to mid-January – will increase the pace of work, so get all the rest you can – even after Thursday.) Examine your life thus far: abandon or shuck off the stale and unworkable, and nurture what you think will grow in future – includes people as well as projects. (This might be easier after Thursday, when a month of romantic, sexual drives ends, and more light enters.) Sunday’s meetings please you (more if you get out early). This night through Tuesday brings secrets, research, financial “opportunities” and sexual yearnings (examine these, sex and finances, carefully before acting: traps exist). All goes well, but your romantic, creative side might be shouldered aside by circumstances. A gentle, loving, understanding mood flows over you Wed./Thurs. – read, learn, contact foreign people, look at international real estate trends. An important relationship might hit a glitch, misunderstanding Friday am, but the rest of Friday/Saturday holds success. You might finally say, “Okay, I’ll take the plunge.” The whole week is chock-full of real estate and/or home opportunities.

Libra.svgLIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22  done

Life’s busy, filled with errands, paperwork, applications, details, short trips, calls, emails, curiosity and variety. You hardly have to think – just do. You’re starting to send cards, notes; casual conversations flow with grace and amiability. The friction or unease you’ve felt since late October at home, with family/spouse, will dissolve Thursday onward. That starts 6 weeks of romantic fervour and courage for singles, six weeks of creativity, love of your mate, and closeness with kids. (But be gentle with kids – you might be a little too enthusiastic, pushy toward them.) These 6 weeks take you to mid-January, just as another, more powerful romantic phase begins. Go ahead, Libra, enjoy romance, but remember two things: 1) don’t marry or co-habit before late November 2015; and 2) a romantic partner met in a group, or even “playing the field” has a more fortunate result than heavy infatuation. (He was a famous, forgotten astrologer in the 1900’s.) Sunday’s jumbled. Eat right this morning. Tackle chores. You can mis-think a relationship this night – but relations go well Mon./Tues., as long as your home duties don’t interfere. Midweek’s very sexy and nudges you toward a financial commitment. Protect yourself in the clinches: don’t commit just to be as “nice guy.” A gentle, understanding, loving mood flows over you Fri./Sat. – a Gemini might flirt. You might fall in love. Travel, learning, culture are yours to enjoy.

Scorpio.svgSCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Chase money, Scorpio. You’re one-third into a year of fortunate career influences. Use the present few weeks to raise your income through your career – e.g., ask a boss for a promotion and raise, raise your profile at professional venues, conventions, etc., seek new clients in more elevated territories. (E.g., quit selling insurance to the poor – start selling it to the rich.) Purchases are also favoured now – especially of status items. So buy a BMW instead of a Ford Fiesta, or upgrade your stationery, buy an expensive pen, etc. The week ahead is smooth, easy and fortunate – so march forth. Sunday’s romantic, tweaks your beauty-sensors. But this night through Tuesday brings chores. Eat, drink and dress sensibly. All is fine here, you’ll accomplish a lot, but ask one question first: what is worth accomplishing? Toss aside time-wasting chores. Relationships, exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation themes and interfacing with the public – these fill midweek. Again, almost all the aspects are good, so go forth, bind yourself to another or to a project. Friday/Saturday bring financial and intimate opportunities, detective work, and, overall, success with a pile of chores. Romance won’t fly Friday am, though. All week, money, employment and career work together in a beneficial way.

Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21  done

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness ride a yearly peak now, Sage. Start important projects, approach someone you’ve always wanted to impress or embrace. Be outgoing, adventurous, risk-oriented. Express yourself. This year (July 2014 to August 2015) your legal, educational, far-travel, international, media, publishing, cultural and intellectual pursuits are splendidly supported – use this week and the next two to pursue these bright arenas. A recent swell in your income ends Thursday.(Hope you listened to me and banked it!) Until Thursday, the temptation continues to spend on love and luxury. (I wouldn’t.) Sunday daytime’s sluggish and peaceful – rest up. This night through Tuesday promotes romance, taking a gamble, self-expression, creativity, games/sports, beauty, pleasure, and charming kids. This arena will give you a little less than you anticipate, so step lightly, don’t let it interfere with making a living. Tackle chores Wed./Thurs. – all’s smooth, you’ll get a lot done. Friday/Saturday might bring an exciting meeting – some of you might be contemplating marriage. Or, a pending deal comes through. Opportunities, negotiations, reward you. Co-operate, don’t fight. All week, computer programs, purchases are favoured.

Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN Dec. 22- Jan. 19  done

Rest, seek sweet solitude. It’s an easy, lovely week. This is your recuperative cycle of the year (to late December). This is a good time to finish up old chores, contemplate and plan future action, deal with government red tape, and to work with others in a management or advisory capacity. You might shoulder a burden for a charitable or spiritual society. Mars, which has been making you more angry and aggressive than usual since late October, will leave your sign Thursday – after this, for six weeks, you’ll receive more money than usual. But you’ll also be tempted to spend it faster than usual. Pay down debts instead, or bank any extra funds. (They will serve you well when mid-February starts four months of splendid investments. Wait for it.) Sunday’s active, friendly, but this night through Tuesday brings you down to earth – or at least, to home, kids, security, gardening, nutrition and such basic themes. Do what’s necessary here, without expanding your activity. (E.g., lime your soil, but don’t re-landscape your whole yard.) Every day this week (except Sunday) holds some good luck, so those who try will fare better than those who delay for safety’s sake. Romantic notions beguile you Wed./Thurs. – you might not attract the attention you’d like, but all’s well. Hobbies, creative works bring peace. Tackle chores Fri./Saturday. Double-check instructions Friday morn.

Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18  done

Wishes can come true, Aquarius, during this easy, lucky week. You’re enjoying a renewed popularity, you feel optimistic. Social delights – including flirtations – entertainment, parties and group affairs – all keep your mood buoyant and happy. This is a splendid time to issue invitations, or to seek entry to a new group, club or circle. A few times in the past 40 days I’ve warned you to avoid dark alleys and belligerent people. Well, that possible physical threat ends Thursday – good. But now you become aggressive or assertive, Thursday to mid-January. (You might get into a big row over politics or ideals.) Try to step lightly, as this approach can impede your progress. Also try to avoid throwing too much time into errands, chatting, wild goose chases and “busy work” – now to mid-January especially, but to a large degree until November, 2015. If unsure, default to the profound – e.g., read a book rather than waste the afternoon with a newspaper. Marry someone rather than being “just friends.” You’ll be calmly glad you did, in a year or three. Sunday’s for cash. Monday/Tuesday, re-read this message regarding errands and time wasters. Midweek, turn your thoughts homeward, be domestic, protect your security and future retirement. Friday/Sat. are for romance – or for married folk, creative and pleasure pursuits, and joys with children – dive in!

Pisces.svgPISCES Feb. 19-March 20
The main accent, this week and the next two, lies on ambitions, prestige relations, your worldly standing and community reputation. You might have to deal with authorities – if so, be clear, concise, well-behaved but not overly humble. In fact, if the authority is one who could hire or benefit you, then blow your own horn, as loud as you can! Show your skills, propose smart projects or money-saving/time-saving methods, etc. You have a natural knack for management and administration, Pisces – now is a good time to seek a position on these elevated rungs. Bosses favour you strongly until Dec. 10 – don’t waste time! Until August, 2015 you will be swamped with work – you might as well channel your efforts into getting ahead, too. Sunday, you shine, others notice you. This night through Tuesday features income, buying/selling: go ahead, Pisces, the aspects are good, but examine your bank account, debts and credit card balances before you go on any spending sprees. Midweek brings errands, messages, calls, trips, casual friends – be curious, seek variety. Friday/Saturday steer you toward home and family. Soak up nature, take deep, luxurious naps. This entire week is easy, productive.

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2014-11-26 22:30 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

这是轻松还比较幸运的一周。注意力集中在主要的生活方式改变,健康治愈,财务行动(比如债务,投资)以及“通往亲密关系的大门”。这是很好的购买房产的时机,尤其是投资房。深入研究,倾听直觉。周四开始,法律“危险”消散,脑力工作变得容易。但是从周四到一月中,工作中要手段委婉- 老板耐心缺失很具挑战。早先,周日乐观快乐,愿意社交,但是还会担心。但是别担心啦- 担心也改变不了什么。周日晚到周二休息,计划,冥想,和大机构打交道。一切顺利,但避免法律事务,远行,以及脑力“展示”。 周二晚到周四能量和魅力上升 - 勇往直前,开始项目,和上司讨论,投资或者减少负债,解决老问题。那些勇敢者和创新者会有好运。周五周六追逐金钱,寻找新客户,卖不需要的东西并且去购物。价格可能挺高,但是你会买到很棒的计算机或者电子产品,尤其是周五下午。

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2014-11-26 22:42 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

你的能量魅力和效率达到全年最高峰。开始重要的项目,接近那些你一直想要留下好印象的人。外向,冒险,勇于承担风险,表现自我。从2014年7月到2015年8月你在法律,教育,远行,国际,媒体,出版,文化和智慧领域的追求会得到绝佳的支持 - 本周和接下来两周尤其是这样。最近钱不断涌入的现象到周四停止(希望你听了我的话没有乱花)周四之前,还是有为爱情和奢侈品乱花钱的倾向(最好不要)。

周日懒散平和,好好休息。周日晚到周二带来浪漫,赌博,自我表达,创意,体育,美,愉悦以及可爱的孩子。这些领域给予你的会比你期望的稍少,所以轻松对待,不要让其影响谋生。周三周四做杂事-顺利,效率佳。周五周六带来激动人心的会面- 有些人可能计划结婚。或者一个拖延已久的交易终于达成。机会和谈判会带来奖赏。合作,不要争斗。整周购买计算机程序都有益。


月亮  在2014-11-27 20:53  +36分  并说
月亮  在2014-11-27 20:53  +36分  并说

发表于 2014-11-27 07:12 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 shayy 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 shayy 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 shayy 于 2014-11-27 11:21 编辑




月亮  在2014-11-27 20:53  +36分  并说

发表于 2014-11-27 12:10 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 wuyu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 wuyu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 wuyu 于 2014-11-27 14:50 编辑


这周,休息养生,并寻求甜蜜的幽静之处。这是一个放松的,可爱的一周。这是一年中你的修养周期( 直到12月末) 。这是一个很好的时间来完成遗留的琐碎家务事,思考和规划未来的行动,处理与政府有关的繁文缛节,并与他人在管理或顾问方面一起工作。你可能会负担为慈善或精神层面的社会工作。火星,这个从10月下旬以来,使得你比平时更加火爆和好斗的行星,将在周四离开你的星座 - 在此之后的六个星期里,你会得到比平常更多的钱。但这也使得你花钱出手比平时更快。其实你应该偿还债务,或存银行里。 (这些钱将在二月中旬开始的4个月中让你的投资收益匪浅。拭目以待吧。 )周日是精力充沛的和友好的日子,这个夜晚直到周二会带给你脚踏实地的感觉 - 或者至少在对待家庭,孩子,安全,园艺,和营养这些基本的方面。做那些必要做的事,不要做额外的事情。 (例如,硬化你裸露的土地,但不重新美化整个院子的景观。 )本周(周日除外)每天都拥有好运气,所以为安全考虑拖延出行,比试图抢到一张飞机票更好。周三/周四,浪漫的信号诱惑了你 - 你想要的可能没有引起你的注意,但一切正常。你的爱好和创作工作带来平和的气氛。周五/周六,做家务事吧。周五早晨,无论你想做什么,都要仔细检查说明。
If speech is silver, then silence is golden

发表于 2014-11-27 14:53 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 wuyu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 wuyu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 wuyu 于 2014-11-27 16:32 编辑


生活很忙碌,充满了差事,文书工作,应用程序,细节,短途旅行,电话,电子邮件,好奇心和各种各样的东西。你几乎不能思考 - 只是做。你开始送贺卡,发信息;有风度又不失和蔼的闲谈。从十月下旬起你和家人/配偶之间的摩擦或不安,从周四起将烟消云散。从这天起,你会开始6周的浪漫、热情和勇气(如果是单身),你会有6周的创意,得到伴侣的爱,并更亲近孩子们。 (与孩子相处要温柔 - 你可能有点过于热情,太强求他们了)这6周直到一月中旬,对你来说就像开始了另一个更浪漫的阶段。来吧,天秤座,享受浪漫,但要记住两件事情:1)在2015年11月下旬之前不要结婚不要同居; 2)和大家一起聚会包括你喜欢的那一位,甚至“约会多个人”,都会比你只是深深地迷恋没行动有更幸运的结果。 (他是一个著名的,被遗忘的九十年代的占星家。)周日是混乱的。这天早上要合理饮食。处理家务。这个夜晚你可以误解一段关系 - 但周一/周二关系顺利发展,只要你的家务不干扰到它。周中是非常性感的,但你要有金钱上的付出。在争执中要保护你自己:不要只是一味地做“好人”。周五/周六,温和,善解人意,和爱的心情充满了你 - 双子座可能会调情。你可能会爱上。旅游,学习,文化,都是你要享受的。


月亮  在2014-11-27 20:54  +36分  并说
If speech is silver, then silence is golden

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2014-11-27 15:06 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2014-11-27 20:40 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 wuyu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 wuyu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


发表于 2014-11-27 21:37 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 yxl72 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 yxl72 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 yxl72 于 2014-11-27 21:01 编辑




月亮  在2014-11-28 13:54  +18分  并说

2007 年度奖章获得者 参与宝库编辑功臣 飞天奖章

发表于 2014-11-27 21:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 astina 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 astina 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

海外出生的人,国际事务,律师,学者,高等教育,人生哲学,文化场所/活动已经温柔的爱-这些充斥着未来几周。周四开始发生间接但重要的变化:你的野心,脾气,都烟消云散。周日白天低调,休息,一切都好。不要东想西想。周日傍晚到周二傍晚,能量和魅力急升。爱情,智慧,远行和文化活动对你有利-走出门去,寻找信的机会,寻找爱情。有点障碍-你和另外一个人在周一下午有“不同的方向”,或者周二傍晚有诱惑-绕开它。或者可以在这几天追逐野心(开始一个新项目),追寻爱情,新的平台。周三周四追逐金钱- 你可能会中奖!(或者也有可能带来爱,感性的接触)。周四不要买二手货。周五周六作杂事,短途出差,通讯,邮件,报纸和新闻媒体 - 寻找不同,保持好奇。整周很有可能带来新朋友以及盛开的爱情


月亮  在2014-11-28 13:54  +18分  并说

2009年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者 2015年度奖章获得者

发表于 2014-11-27 21:50 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 胡须康 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 胡须康 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 胡须康 于 2014-11-27 21:52 编辑

处女 Aug. 23-Sept. 22

重心仍然落在家,家人,房产,安全,退休,自然,营养,基础,和所有根本的事物上。现在正是时机为即将登场的项目做准备,或者干脆为了即将到来的一年休息调整。多补充睡眠,吃得有节制。(周四至一月中旬, 工作的节奏会加快,所以现在尽可能地休息,甚至是在周四之后。)审视你的生活:摒弃那些陈腐,行之无效的事物,培养你认为在未来会有所发展的人或者事。 (这些从周四开始更容易进行,因为性感浪漫的一个月终结之后,更多的光明在前。)



月亮  在2014-11-28 13:54  +18分  并说

发表于 2014-11-28 01:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 wuyu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 wuyu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

啊,甜蜜浪漫的狮子!十二月似乎是唤醒了某人 - 那就是你的魅力。你的天赋出现了,你的个性在闪耀,你感觉精力旺盛和想去冒险,你是幸运的和自信的 - 如果你还单身,去追一个你心仪的人吧:你是很容易成功的。如果你已经结婚了,孩子和他们的进步让你惊奇。一个富有创造性和“冒险”的行动很可能会成功,因为你正处在长达一个月的成功期。让自己勇敢,大胆和具有冒险精神 - 充分表达自己。双子座或天秤座可能是你快乐的盟友 - 甚至有可能变得不仅仅是盟友。到周四,六周艰苦的(有点吃力不讨好或没有回报的)工作会结束。从这一天开始有近6周的时间你会有强势的、“热切”的联络人或关系。这些过热的关系可以转化为愤怒,也可以转化为爱。如果有人想争辩而不是和解,那么,即便是在工作上 - 也要转身离开。周日的神秘,让你好色的一面浮现。从这一晚直到周二,重点是在远行,法律,高等教育,媒体,生命哲学,文化场馆 - 和温柔的爱。不要深陷其中:观看然后再决定。周三/周四,雄心勃勃 - 老板们和家长都看好你(除周四晚外),所以好好表现自己,展现你的技能,要求更多的工作。周五/周六,你的人气和乐观飙升 - 朋友,稍微的浪漫和调情,娱乐,和有庆典的感觉都在祝福你。所有这周,爱是栩栩如生的,整个宇宙都在帮助你!


月亮  在2014-11-28 13:54  +18分  并说
If speech is silver, then silence is golden


发表于 2014-11-28 14:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 月亮 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 月亮 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 月亮 于 2014-11-28 14:42 编辑


赚钱,天蝎座。你已经进入到了今年幸运职业生涯影响的三分之一。用现在的几个星期在你的职业生涯中提高收入 - 例如,向老板要求升职和涨工资,提升你在专业领域,会议上的形象等,在上升地区寻求新的客户。 (例如,停止卖保险给穷人 - 开始把它卖给富人。)现在购买也很好。所以买宝马,而不是福特嘉年华,或者升级你的文具,购买昂贵的笔等等。本周前景光明,顺利并且幸运 - 因此好好努力。周日的浪漫,调整你的美丽感官。但从这个夜晚到周二,带来琐事。吃,喝,穿衣服保持谨慎。这里一切都很好,你会完成很多东西,但问自己一个问题,首先:有什么值得完成?抛开浪费时间的家务。关系,令人兴奋的会议,机遇,搬迁,与公众的交互 - 这些充满了周中。同样,几乎所有的方面都不错,所以走出去,找个伴儿或者找个项目做。周五/周六带来的财务和亲密的机会,侦破工作,总体来说,虽然很多琐事,但也很成功。周五上午,浪漫不会飞。整个一周,金钱,就业和职业生涯都很有效的在为你带来利益。


本周和接下来的两周的重点在于野心,信誉关系,你的世俗地位和社会声誉。你可能要面对当局 - 如果是这样,清晰,简洁,乖巧,但不过分谦虚。事实上,当局是可以雇佣或让你受益的人,然后大声吹响自己的号角,你可以的!、展示你的技能,提出有创意或资金节约/节省时间的方法等等。你在管理和行政上有一种天生的诀窍,双鱼座 - 现在是寻求升职的一个好时机。直到12月10日,老板强烈青睐你 - 不要浪费时间了!直到2015年8月,你都会淹没在工作中 - 你不妨让你的努力走在前面。周日,你大放异彩,别人会注意到你。从这晚起到周二,重点在收入,购买/卖出:勇往直前,双鱼座,各方面都不错,但是在你狂热消费任何东西之前,检查你的银行帐户,债务和信用卡余额。周中带来差事,邮件,电话,旅行,休闲的朋友 - 好奇,寻求多种多样。周五/周六引导你走向家庭和家人。沐浴自然,奢侈的午睡。这整个星期都是是容易的,富有成效的。


月亮  在2014-11-28 14:42  +36分  并说


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