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Allowance 一般显示在Payment Summary, 它有专门一栏的.
最普遍的Allowance 是 Travel / Motor Vehicle / Car Allowance, 还有Overtime Meal Allowance, 等等. 一般Allowance给你,雇主很少会withheld tax的.
你可以通过claim deduction来减少allowance, 但不定是match的. 比如说:Car/Travel Allowance, 一般雇主是按每公里来给的, 如10,000km @ 0.70 = $7000 allownace.
但是你claim D1 - Work Related Car Expenses, 你只能有4个方法来claim:
1. Cents per km (capped at 5,000km), 也就是最大可以claim (>2.6L engine) = 0.70x5000=$3,500
2. 12% of original value (worthwile if it is a brand new car, luxury car limit $57,123 x 12% = $6,855
3. One-third of actual expenses (>$5,000km, 1/3=33% of car expenses, NRMA average car expenses of a family car like Falcon, Carmy, Holden 可能是$300/week, $300x52x1/3=$5,200).
4, Logbook (这个方法是可以claim最多的, 尤其是你开车的公里数大, 而且business usage proportion 很高. The catch is you have to keep a logbook for continuous 3 months). 所以你有可能claim超过雇主给的allowance, in this example $7,000.
而以上几个3个方法有只能claim <$7,000的D1 deduction, 多出的钱就要交税了. |