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不能笼统地说能拿多少,不过你可以参照我以下的 reduancy entitlement自己计算一下
According to NSW employment Act, if an employee is made redundant, she/he is entitled to be paid the followings:
1 Redundancy pay
The purpose of redundancy pay (also called 'severance pay') is to compensate an employee whose job has become redundant for things such as lost personal leave (including sick and carer's leave) and long service leave, as well as for the inconvenience and hardship imposed on the employee. This may include compensating for things such as loss of seniority, loss of security of employment and other kinds of losses.
The NES sets out the minimum amount of redundancy pay to be paid to an employee who is made redundant-
Period of continuous service Weeks
Less than 1 year Nil
1 year (less than 2 years) 4
2 years (less than 3 years) 6
3 years (less than 4 years) 7
4 years (less than 5 years) 8
5 years (less than 6 years) 10
6 years (less than 7 years) 11
7 years (less than 8 years) 13
8 years (less than 9 years) 14
9 years (less than 10 years) 16
10 years and over 12
However, the length of service of an employee is calculated from 1 January 2010, unless the employee had an existing right to redundancy before 1 January 2010.
Example- John commenced worked for Acme Tools in June 2006. He was not covered by an award or an industrial agreement. His contract did not give him a right to redundancy payments. He is therefore only entitled to redundancy pay from 1 January 2010. John is made redundant by Acme in August 2012. , He receives 6 weeks redundancy pay, for the 2 years and 8 months service from 1 January 2010 to August 2012.
A contract, company policy, award or industrial agreement may give a greater amount of redundancy pay.
2 Payment in lieu of notice
The period of notice depends on how long an employee has been employed.
The Industrial Relations Act 1999 (PDF, 1.9MB) specifies the following minimum notice periods to be given by an employer to an employee. If an employee is covered by an award or agreement that provides for notice period less than that contained in the Act, then the notice period prescribed by the Act must be given if that employee is dismissed.
Period of continuous service Notice Period
1 year or less 1 week
More than 1 year but not more than 3 2 weeks
More than 3 years but not more than 5 3 weeks
More than 5 years 4 weeks
If an employee is over 45 and has at least two years continuous service with the employer, the minimum notice period is increased by one week.
3 Long Service Leave entitlement
Long service leave is a period of paid leave for employees who have been working for the same business for a long period of time.
Long service leave:
• is generally governed by state and territory laws
• can generally be taken after 10 years continuous service
• is generally paid at the employee’s ordinary rate of pay
• generally can‘t be cashed out
• is paid out to eligible employees upon termination of employment (minus any amount already taken); and
• may apply to casual employees.
The entitlement to long service leave is 13 weeks within 15 years’ continuous service. The calculation to determine how much long service leave is owing is:
13 weeks /15 years * the years worked
ACT After 7 years service can take annual leave or entitled to be paid On termination for any reason
NSW NT QLD SA VIC WA After 10 years service On can take annual leave or entitled to be paid On termination for any reason
TAS After 15 years service can take annual leave or entitled to be paid On termination for any reason
Year Service requirement States
7 years ACT
15 years TAS
Unused Long Service Leave entitlement
An employee who has completed five years in NSW and ACT, 7 years in other states of service is entitled to a long service pro rata payment if he or she:
• Resigns as a result of illness, incapacity, domestic or other pressing necessity
• Is dismissed for any reason except serious and wilful misconduct
• Dies
Service requirement for pro-rata
Service requirement for
pro-rata of leave States
5 years ACT NSW
4 Unused Annual Leave entitlement
On termination of employment, an employee who has been employed for more than one year must be paid any annual leave entitlement not taken. They must also be paid a pro-rata payment for the period from their last anniversary date to the last day of their employment.