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Should universities teach alternative medicine?
这里alternative medicine:包括物理治疗师,指压治疗师,营养师与nature medicine与针灸师等。
如果这个游说组织的计谋得逞的话,以后的medicine treatment就只剩下药物一栏了。比如:如果受伤后,断骨合并损伤神经。现在的治疗是把断骨接上,然后去物理治疗师安排后续的功能恢复(有计划性,而且要排期)。如果university 都没有这些课程了,断骨合并损伤神经的未来治疗模式将会是:把断骨接上,回家慢慢恢复吧。痛?吃止痛药。神经损伤,试试新发明的营养神经药。还痛?加强止痛药。我们患者才真正变成医药公司的小白鼠。
个人比较赞同Dr Valerie Malka ( a surgeon and former director of trauma services at Westmead Hospital)的观点:
“There is no better than modern medicine when it comes to surgery, emergency and trauma, but for almost everything else, traditional, natural or alternative medicine is far more effective - particularly for chronic illness which modern medicine is completely unable to treat or cure. ”
“I can only presume that what lies at the heart of it is the threat to conventional medicine's power base and the unhealthy relationship it has long enjoyed with the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry.
It is about time the Australian medical profession started educating rather than medicating.”
一针见血的指出背后的医药公司巨大的利益。 |