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中国央行意外加息 澳元首当其冲汇价失守1.03关口 [复制链接]

发表于 2011-4-6 21:50 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 ivorsyd 于 2011-4-6 21:49 发表



发表于 2011-4-6 21:52 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 chiny 于 2011-4-5 20:58 发表



发表于 2011-4-7 07:40 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-4-7 08:13 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-4-7 22:32 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-4-9 01:52 |显示全部楼层
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Australian dollar passes 105.00 US cents

riday, April 08, 2011 » 02:12pm

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The Australian dollar was higher on Friday morning after rising past the 105.00 US-cent mark overnight amid optimism about the Australian economy.

The local unit then backed away after a strong aftershock hit northeastern Japan nearly a month after a devastating earthquake hit the same region.

At 0700 AEST the Australian dollar was trading at 104.73 US cents, up from Thursday's local close of 104.60 US cents.

Since 1700 AEST on Thursday, the local currency traded between 104.12 US cents and a new post-float high of 105.08 US cents.

The previous record high for the Australian dollar was 104.82 US cents set on Thursday morning after the release of better than expected jobs figures.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) announced that the unemployment rate fell to 4.9 per cent in March, from an unrevised 5.0 per cent in February.

Total employment rose by a seasonally adjusted 37,800 to 11.457 million in the month after jobs were lost in February.

Bank of New Zealand currency strategist Mike Jones said the good news about the Australian economy drove the local currency to new highs.

'The surprisingly strong employment result kick-started another bout of Aussie dollar strength and that positive momentum continued into the offshore session,' Mr Jones said from Wellington.

Overnight, the European Central Bank raised interest rates for the first time in nearly three years, but Mr Jones said that did not drive currency markets.

'It wasn't all that exciting that they raised rates, as expected, and suggested they were going to continue to do so,' Mr Jones said.

'The euro ended the night around about where it started, so there was no real direction for the Aussie from that front,' Mr Jones said.

'Risk appetite took a breather with equity markets falling modestly after that large Japanese afterhock.

'It's really been good news on the Aussie economy that has propelled the currency higher and we did see it fall back in the session as risk appetite was pared back somewhat.'

Mr Jones said it would be US dollar sentiment that would drive the Australian dollar over the next few days, in the absence of any major economic data.

He said he expected the Australian dollar to trade in a range between 104.40 US cents and 105.00 cents on Friday.
人們總是把幸福解讀為{有}, 有房 有錢 有权。但幸福其实是[無] 无憂 无慮 无病 无災 有, 多半是做給別人看的,無, 才是你自己的。

发表于 2011-4-10 21:50 |显示全部楼层
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