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[行情讨论] 澳洲房产投资新政策,对境外投资者不利 [复制链接]



发表于 2010-4-26 22:19 |显示全部楼层
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为了有效调控澳洲房地产产业,澳州联邦政府近日出台新政策,对非澳洲永久居民在澳买房进行了严格控制。境外居民在澳洲投资房地产,必须得到澳洲外资投资局的审核通过 (即Foreign Investment Review Board,FIRB)才能购房,临时居民在澳洲买房,离开澳洲前必须卖掉房产。
http://www.smh.com.au/national/f ... -20100423-tjb3.html

Foreign home buyers backflip
April 24, 2010
THE Federal government will scrap its controversial new rules on foreign investment in real estate, and instead tighten both the rules and their enforcement to head off a damaging political storm.
In a stunning about-face, Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry has announced that temporary residents will now have to seek approval from the) to buy any real estate in Australia.
Temporary residents will also be required to sell their Australian property when they leave Australia. And for the first time, the FIRB will be given the means to ensure that the laws are enforced.

In a surprising move, the crackdown will also target vendors and real estate agents. Senator Sherry said they would face civil penalties if they were involved in transactions that breached the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act. His spokesman could not explain how vendors and real estate agents are expected to know the immigration status of buyers.
The move comes barely three weeks after Senator Sherry denied that foreign investors were a factor in the Australian real estate market.
Since then, the opposition has been demanding action and there has been a growing crescendo of complaints and reports of massive buying by Chinese investors. Bloomberg newsagency reports that Chinese government companies and sovereign wealth funds have expressed interest in investing in Australian real estate, after Beijing ordered them to sell Chinese properties to bring down housing prices.
Senator Sherry now says he has consulted the community and the real estate industry, and concluded that the foreign investment regime needs to be strengthened, ''particularly in relation to the arrangements for temporary residents''.
''International investment that boosts the numbers of houses available for people to rent is a good thing, and temporary residents living here should, within very strict rules, have the opportunity to buy a home. ''But the rules have to be tough enough to ensure that the system works in that way, and that's what we're delivering.''

[ 本帖最后由 翔宇国际 于 2010-4-26 21:21 编辑 ]


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