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lilpiggie0522 发表于 2020-2-2 15:47 
我也求问 就这几个咋在简历和cover letter体现?
High-level organisational skills and excellent comput ...
High-level organisational skills and excellent computer skills
公司之前有个流程不明确 你用PPT或者Word做了流程图 然后把不同team的流程和责任明确了 还让大家都愿意follow 会写excel vba搞自动化就更好了
Be passionate about project delivery
举一堆你参与的项目 用数字说话
Commitment to delivering on promises to internal and external teams
有没有项目要超时或者超支了 然后你一顿神操作 协调内部外部的 让项目按时完成的例子啊?
Positive attitude and strong communicator with the ability to work with a range of project partners and stakeholders
举个例子 你靠嘴皮子让项目内外最难搞的人对你心服口服 自愿鞍前马后
Ability to take direction and work independently
有没有项目scope不清不楚 你不断和project client沟通细化 project scope objectives 然后带领猪队友完成任务的例子啊
Commitment to detail, quality, and accuracy
举个做monthly financial forecasting的例子 你说下个月花$100,000 下个月YTD Actual就绝不对不是$100,001 然后大书特书这有多难