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[全澳] Bank of Melbourne 开户送$75 [复制链接]

发表于 2018-9-21 19:44 |显示全部楼层
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$75 Cashback When Opening a New Complete Freedom Account (Deposit $500 or $250* in 45 Days) @ Bank of Melbourne

Get $75 when you open a new Complete Freedom account online or over the phone by 28 September 2018 and deposit $500 within 45 days. Conditions apply*

Deposit $2,000 by the last business day of the month for $0 monthly fees (otherwise it's $5 per month).

The fine detail:

Fees and charges apply. Read the terms and conditions available at bankofmelbourne.com.au before making a decision and consider whether the product is appropriate for you. Excludes customers who have held a Complete Freedom Account with BankSA, St.George Bank or Bank of Melbourne anytime from 3 September 2017. Not available with any other offer. To be eligible for this one off $75 cashback offer, customers must open a Complete Freedom Account online or over the phone between 3 September 2018 and 28 September 2018 (inclusive), deposit a minimum of $500 ($250 for customers under 21 or studying full time) within 45 days of opening the account; AND ensure the account remains open for at least 55 days from the date of account opening (“eligible customer”). Eligible customers will receive $75 deposited into their account within 55 days of account opening. Offer limited to one deposit per eligible customer. Where a joint account is opened, the offer is limited to only one deposit in respect of the account. If one of the joint account holders has already received their deposit in respect of another account, then none of the remaining joint account holders will be eligible for the offer in respect of the joint account. © Bank of Melbourne – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.

https://www.bankofmelbourne.com. ... ts/complete-freedom


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