a. Does the applicant wish to apply for Goods and Services Tax?
这个怎么答呀? LD打工的职位就算是会计吧
b. Does the applicant want to register for fuel tax credits?
这个怎么答呀? 难道跟上下班是不是开自己的车有关?
c. Is the applicant required to register for Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding?
这个怎么答呀? 没概念
d. Does the Entity want to register or be endorsed for any of the following?
Fringe benefits tax 这个是什么呀?
先问这几个吧, 后面的页面死活打不开了. off peak流量用完了, 碰到https的页面简直就是折磨... 明天接着弄, 有问题接着问吧.