此文章由 Artcore 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Artcore 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
1. 按你收到的group certificate来算.
2. 你太太在国内, 你如何可以开联名的帐号, 她不需要签名吗? 理论上, 不提供Tax File Number, 银行会扣最高的税, i.e. 46.5%.
举例: Joint Account $100 interest, Tax Withheld $46.5, Interest Credited = $53.5.
你个人的税 (assume you are a resident for tax purposes):
Interest Income = $100 x 50% = $50,
TFN Withheld = $46.5 x 50% = $23.25
你太太as a non-resident for tax purposes, have 10% of any interest earned from her Australian bank accounts withheld for tax. This interest is not included as assessable income. She needs to advise the Australian financial institution of your overseas address so that this tax can be withheld otherwise tax will be withheld at the higher rate of 46.5%.
She can get $100x50%x(1-10%)= $45, $5 will be tax withheld by the bank @ 10%.
3. 你个人在澳有医疗开销超过$1,500吗? 如无, 这条不适合.
以你现在的积分和权限, 是不可以加分的, 所以是白了不能在白的白条啊.
[ 本帖最后由 Artcore 于 2008-9-15 10:53 编辑 ] |