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英语学习 今日: 0|主题: 4375

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replacement 具体是什么意思 yans 2010-6-11 19:09 11133 dpcw 2010-6-11 23:43
有哪位筒子能总结一下如何用英文优雅地骂人? 宝宝猪 2010-6-10 19:22 41433 dpcw 2010-6-11 23:33
英语辛苦了怎么说 able 2010-6-11 20:33 61434 s4048987 2010-6-11 21:32
翻头条:Google's regrets for what it calls a mistake agree icetea2007 2010-6-8 12:32 31150 平常心 2010-6-10 12:58
请问一个公司的人员流动性比较大怎么说? 漫游 2010-6-9 16:32 62117 该用户不存在 2010-6-9 20:52
谚语求解及分享 azurechris 2010-6-8 02:53 11145 CHINAEZY 2010-6-9 14:56
他当时应该是拿错了东西 hehua53 2010-6-7 22:49 61264 hehua53 2010-6-8 17:44
有高手会写HAIKU吗? seaview 2010-6-6 16:13 31267 郁闷的蝎蝎 2010-6-8 08:41
翻头条:Security guard shot in CBD raid dies agree icetea2007 2010-6-7 12:48 41084 icetea2007 2010-6-7 12:59
翻头条 - Police investigate Google over Street View data agree floodp 2010-6-6 22:02 41280 astina 2010-6-7 10:35
求翻译个句子 谢 coolbijou 2010-6-3 12:54 11184 PACIFIC 2010-6-4 22:34
求翻译ICONIC forevermary 2010-5-7 22:23 81315 Yonny 2010-6-4 14:47
翻头条:Gas leak tragedy: grandfather slams Facebook page agree icetea2007 2010-6-3 12:28 31270 月亮 2010-6-3 12:37
翻头条:Service station attack: police yet to question man agree icetea2007 2010-6-2 12:49 31062 icetea2007 2010-6-2 17:50
翻头条:Mystery of shots fired into Centennial Park couple's bathroom agree icetea2007 2010-6-2 17:01 21123 xingbu 2010-6-2 17:25
求助: 贴在玻璃上的不干胶字 英语怎么翻译为好? Iamhere 2010-5-31 22:00 31478 Iamhere 2010-6-1 21:54
翻头条: Woman set alight at petrol station agree icetea2007 2010-6-1 15:10 91290 icetea2007 2010-6-1 16:51
“抠门”英语怎么说 attachment  ...2 lily2221 2010-5-28 20:54 454587 dagudboi 2010-5-31 22:20
“东方巴黎”英语怎么说? kimi 2010-5-22 17:49 252646 azurechris 2010-5-30 23:15
请帮忙改改,这几句英语是不是有很多语病??谢了,在线等,急! 花儿红彤彤 2010-4-20 11:34 101729 chugao 2010-5-29 14:56
from a co-worker's email~ please help me to understand kiddyzheng 2010-5-28 11:05 21416 dadumile 2010-5-28 14:50
哪里有听写新闻的资料下载啊?分分伺候~ wangrui1210 2010-4-4 14:49 21572 floodp 2010-5-26 22:21
Fobby English - walk it off agree fangqiangqiang 2010-5-2 00:20 81320 azurechris 2010-5-26 21:18
【正经八百学习贴】 lilac 八八学英语的那点事 dreamerinsh 2010-4-9 12:04 31552 azurechris 2010-5-26 21:13
距离产生美应该怎么表达合适呢 小侬 2010-5-7 19:38 81734 Gaoclub 2010-5-25 13:36
悉尼的tx有兴趣一起请一个local的雅思老师上课么?目标4个7 ken993 2010-4-27 04:02 21273 灰太狼 2010-5-22 22:54
请教这句话怎么说?谢谢 snow_white 2010-5-22 19:21 11104 doubleseven 2010-5-22 19:27
滥用职权 英语怎么说呢? axin 2010-5-20 21:09 71781 floraz 2010-5-22 00:18
请推荐 在线翻译网站 DEC 2010-5-19 12:28 71367 jesyl 2010-5-21 22:49
请教澳洲“2楼”的说法 了然在心 2010-4-27 13:51 61691 ys98 2010-5-21 19:05
请问这个单词的中文意思? pinkblue 2010-5-21 13:29 71218 zetex 2010-5-21 18:09
翻头条: Sydney's 'clever collector' reborn on eve of exhibition attachment agree chermside 2010-5-18 18:53 161542 BOC 2010-5-20 17:57
英语闲谈 sera_aus 2010-5-18 22:27 31083 见血封喉 2010-5-20 00:00
继续翻译新闻Drivers face fines for unlocked cars agree asmilesnail 2010-5-18 22:17 11241 BOC 2010-5-19 22:48
翻头条 -Teenager found dead after meeting new Facebook friend agree asmilesnail 2010-5-16 13:23 51170 steveking 2010-5-17 19:02
翻头条 - Re the NAPLAN test agree thelady 2010-5-14 00:05 21302 xingbu 2010-5-17 15:38
请教大家: Chua 这个姓怎么读? digger 2010-4-23 10:37 143561 tytangye 2010-5-14 12:25
问下大家这句话是什么意思? Karen2010 2010-5-7 14:06 61493 Karen2010 2010-5-7 18:01
紧急求助: 在线求最佳中文翻译 bffbffbff 2010-5-6 15:30 91534 keepdancing 2010-5-7 14:14
懂你在心口难开:一段法律文书法翻译,等高人 Gelen 2010-5-6 17:36 91356 floraz 2010-5-6 22:42


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