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音乐影视 今日: 25|主题: 22372

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(电影)战火逃城 attachment agree pangpang 2008-10-7 21:34 21480 pangpang 2008-10-7 21:49
香颂(chanson)——法语歌曲普及贴 - [阅读权限 1]attachment digest agree  ...23 人民 2008-10-1 00:06 687917 人民 2008-10-7 21:27
我喜欢的音乐剧之《猫》 agree 太阳星辰 2008-10-4 03:21 171669 太阳星辰 2008-10-7 20:09
曾经中国最知名的一个广告,补羊羊羊在13楼 agree dorin 2008-10-7 10:21 141612 dorin 2008-10-7 11:42
越狱第四季,谁有?  ...2 Tiger_Karen 2008-9-18 13:11 483659 BAICAI 2008-10-7 00:03
Aus Idol 2008 - Sophie Paterson - ABBA - Gimme agree coolioo 2008-10-6 20:15 51334 suosuo 2008-10-6 21:00
This Sunday night is ABBA night. -- #22参赛曲目 #45竞猜获奖名单 - [阅读权限 2]attachment digest agree  ...2 steveking 2008-10-3 16:15 46309 steveking 2008-10-6 17:03
推荐连续剧---双面胶 CMAO 2008-10-6 00:47 31334 sunrise 2008-10-6 14:59
刘德华的演唱会回来! 大飞熊 2008-10-5 01:27 292242 Tiger_Karen 2008-10-6 13:15
2 things I love <Sex and the city> kingpmp 2008-10-6 00:18 01760 kingpmp 2008-10-6 00:18
哪里能载奥运和残奥开闭幕式呀! Dance 2008-10-5 18:30 11235 一炷香 2008-10-5 20:09
Brian McFadden - Like Only A Woman Can agree Supercobra 2008-7-20 22:30 21281 xyang2 2008-10-5 17:13
Alfred Hitchcock Season: Suspicion 8:35pm Saturday, 04 Oct 2008 on ABC2 attachment agree jasonnewman 2008-10-4 20:57 41285 jasonnewman 2008-10-5 08:50
崔真实的死 attachment agree dorin 2008-10-3 15:32 262185 dorin 2008-10-5 00:26
推荐电影 The Mist 【严重剧透】 agree coolioo 2008-10-4 20:58 131699 coolioo 2008-10-5 00:11
What a waste! kingpmp 2008-10-4 22:54 11178 coolioo 2008-10-4 22:56
ZT《甲方乙方》:《编辑部故事》&《我爱我家》时代的华丽结尾 agree tonyju626 2008-10-3 20:23 21272 alyssa 2008-10-4 21:48
1 agree zmzhu 2008-10-3 23:03 21382 steveking 2008-10-4 18:01
新歌推荐The Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part + 专辑《Doll Domination》 agree RR 2008-10-4 01:31 31536 RR 2008-10-4 14:32
2008年度第22届ARIA颁奖礼讨论贴(7:30pm, 19/10/08, Network Ten) agree RR 2008-10-4 02:02 31407 steveking 2008-10-4 10:00
WALL-E ~ 好看:机器人也有感情! agree  ...2 Anihc 2008-9-22 00:27 322883 maomaowa 2008-10-4 08:39
有没有和我一样不敢看恐怖片的 agree y12345678 2008-9-30 02:38 192055 JESSICA-Y 2008-10-4 01:12
推荐电影 Felon coolioo 2008-10-3 18:22 01208 coolioo 2008-10-3 18:22
推荐一部老片《天生一对》 attachment agree 明天晴天 2008-10-3 12:28 152599 明天晴天 2008-10-3 18:08
《柴犬奇迹物语》- 看得我眼湿湿 agree Anihc 2008-10-2 23:37 01150 Anihc 2008-10-2 23:37
1 agree zmzhu 2008-9-29 23:34 31462 steveking 2008-10-2 18:22
地心游记3D agree 黑山老妖 2008-10-1 10:22 242209 jack2k 2008-10-2 16:46
影片推荐《DARK MATTER》---暗物质 agree alyssa 2008-9-28 23:03 151928 孔武 2008-10-2 13:44
《绝密押运》 agree sparrow 2008-10-1 23:53 21169 大飞熊 2008-10-2 01:14
木乃伊3的观后感 agree  ...2 油花生 2008-9-4 18:25 383325 loushenghong 2008-10-1 20:14
Super Natural 第四季 转播(更新第2集) Anihc 2008-9-21 23:36 121565 colaice 2008-10-1 20:08
庆祖国59年华诞--我们拥有一个名字叫中国 villa 2008-3-20 13:12 111550 迷失@森林 2008-10-1 20:03
介个,新录的,战战兢兢发上来 agree lyn 2008-9-29 23:19 211728 lyn 2008-10-1 19:58
我觉得这首歌蛮好听的 agree aalaalei 2008-10-1 00:47 131488 steveking 2008-10-1 19:56
【周杰伦08最新专辑】【 魔杰座 Capricorn】【强烈推荐!】【MU】 attachment addc 2008-9-30 17:57 12032 明天晴天 2008-10-1 12:00
我的中国心 agree villa 2008-1-24 21:37 262347 villa 2008-10-1 11:05
Eye of the tiger - Survivor agree 黑山老妖 2008-10-1 09:51 21105 黑山老妖 2008-10-1 10:23
The way we were。 agree 华丽丽的那个谁 2008-9-29 22:02 81258 蓝山小妖 2008-9-30 17:33
《少女小渔》读后感和观后感并转帖原著 agree redapple 2007-2-24 23:45 101847 Melway 2008-9-30 12:48
【Mad Money/女为财死】08年最新喜剧Katie Holmes - [阅读权限 1]agree 蓝月亮 2008-3-12 11:28 2826 蓝月亮 2008-9-30 12:47


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