原帖由 shuangchao 于 2009-3-1 19:45 发表 Accountants can conduct a review of the seller's business, however, a reliable review usually take a consider amount of time, depending on the size of the business you are buying. you may want to enga ...
原帖由 冬菇茶 于 2009-2-12 22:56 发表 偶也是最近发现的, LOTTO 可以在网上买, 但需要JOIN MEMBER $3.3 一年. 在LOTTO 的网站上购买就可以.
原帖由 tom911 于 2008-6-11 23:52 发表 我是个焊工,想利用自家的车库当工作间,焊些铁门,栅栏之类的. 不知是否可行,有熟悉这个行业的朋友吗?给点建议
原帖由 zhentalent 于 2009-2-10 21:03 发表 i don't want to be harsh BUT YOU SHOULD NOT RUN A ACCOUNTING BUSINESS IF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION!!!! there are plenty of bad accoutants out there as it is
原帖由 pcsun2000 于 2009-2-6 22:46 发表 LZ的情况可以领FTB-B,也就没有spouse rebate了 FTB-B, 是啥东西呀?
原帖由 mingyu 于 2009-1-28 11:56 发表 哦,是商场里的,珠宝展示柜台。对不起没说明白。谢谢。你知道吗?
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