kelly1774 发表于 2023-1-16 17:31 感谢各位建议,今天和现manager私聊了一下,出乎意料,人家完全没反对,说有钱为什么不赚呢,一下就都解决 ...
gwjtorock 发表于 2023-1-12 13:12 这个不太可能吧。 为什么政府肯定会立法强制所有企业必须使用区块链,为什么这样的法案肯定能通过,不会 ...
DBOY123 发表于 2023-1-14 22:48 坎村要是还难找工作,那其他地方都不用活了
oldqin 发表于 2023-1-13 19:06 估计给分期股票了
向日葵1 发表于 2022-12-22 18:01 当然如果已经有足够的本地工作经验,或者不需要寻求转型,我觉得没有必要加入tcs或者类似的consultant公 ...
urbb 发表于 2023-1-10 20:37 以前六万还行, 这两年六万就是起步价了。
CAHMEIANPOEARCS 发表于 2023-1-8 20:32 认识一个朋友,转行做这个的 肯定不会直接跟我们说后悔 但是言语当中能感觉到,不顺利,而且长期的,伤身体 ...
The Debate Swirling Inside HR Departments: How to Lay Off Workers 。。。 Is it better to get layoffs over with all at once even at the risk of cutting too deep? Is firing over Zoom more humane than making an employee come into the office to lose their job? How much severance pay is fair? 。。。 When Salesforce Co-Chief Executive Marc Benioff announced Wednesday that the cloud-software giant planned to eliminate roughly 10% of its staff, he told employees to check their email within the hour to see if their roles had been affected. Other corporate leaders, such as video-technology company Vimeo Inc., VMEO 1.62%increase; green up pointing triangle which said this week that it would cut about 140 people, have sent companywide notes after individual employees had been contacted. 。。。
xiaoyuewanli 发表于 2022-12-4 00:10 4大现在contractor rate这么低了吗?
stunner 发表于 2023-1-6 18:58 问下兄台是哪个COUNCIL的?
backpicker 发表于 2022-11-30 12:59 你入职了就知道了。 某一个产品里,之前用的angular,后面开始往angular里插React。 angular还不止一个版 ...
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