原帖由 zuozuo 于 2009-10-9 14:44 发表 试试carlingford Court里的。在三楼,Lowis旁边的过道上,写着surgery,里面有华人GP.
原帖由 autumn_zs85 于 2009-8-13 13:32 发表 想问一下妈妈们,当时买保险的时候,是买个人的?还是加了宝宝的? ***prior to baby's birth, your hosptial can be only under your name; 因为我现在就买了自己的,准备是在私立医院生的。 那如果宝宝生出来在私立医院,他们会不会多收钱? ***baby is also covered by the policy as long as you add baby on the membership within 2 months from date of birth; when you add baby to your membership, it becomes a single parent cover, premium will be increased; if your cover covers private hospital, then you don't need to pay accommondation and theatre fee if you admitted in medibank Member's Choice Hospital (you can check on www.medibank.com.au for hospital list); you may need to pay gap when doctor charges you higher than government schedule (MBS). 还有,就是刚打电话的时候问他们,他们说我 ...
原帖由 WTFAUS 于 2009-9-28 12:07 发表 Insurance is for peace of mind. I don't want to claim the insurance or use centerlink at any time. It's just there to help reduce the risks once something terrible happens. YOu don't have to pay ...
原帖由 jl162401 于 2009-9-28 14:12 发表 走公立的,基本都免费 走私立的,自己要出一定的费用,有75到80%可以从medicare claim
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