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CA/CPA学习和考试 今日: 0|主题: 8667

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
求删贴 waynepublic 2013-6-20 23:10 3829 waynepublic 2013-6-21 20:42
INTHEBLACK Assessment 讨论贴 --- Feb 2013 agree 龙宝顺利 2013-3-4 19:18 41432 节瓜瓜 2013-6-21 18:30
登陆不了,科目信息全没... Belle.ss 2013-6-20 21:36 1813 soul 2013-6-21 12:25
下学期修115+106好吗? rookie 2013-6-20 22:19 1774 rookie 2013-6-21 11:12
请教:Part time job能找mentor吗?谢谢 aonewstep 2013-6-19 23:03 5959 aonewstep 2013-6-20 23:21
关于填写membership assessment application的所在职位问题 fangfangbabyau 2013-6-19 10:51 6938 fangfangbabyau 2013-6-20 18:01
请问有人开始做intheblack的online assessement 了吗 节瓜瓜 2013-6-20 11:09 0713 节瓜瓜 2013-6-20 11:09
求CPA105 taxation study material, 有CPA104&CPA115书求交换 jzh82 2013-6-14 11:18 51077 jzh82 2013-6-19 20:18
考完怎么申请成为Full member啊 wjchen18 2013-6-18 21:02 31129 KKei 2013-6-19 13:00
求sma 和 CBI 电子版study guide xiaofeirou 2013-6-19 06:30 0880 xiaofeirou 2013-6-19 06:30
有沒有考過 FRM 的高手可以share心得和notes? 謝謝! yuenepenthesz 2013-6-17 02:42 1904 yuenepenthesz 2013-6-19 03:59
选择106FRM和116CIB,请求指点~~ agree 36015932 2010-12-21 12:31 202232 dream827513 2013-6-18 22:13
PER complete之后怎么告知CPA crystalzhang 2013-6-18 20:12 0690 crystalzhang 2013-6-18 20:12
12月通过CPA的没有参加庆祝会的什么时候能收到证 摩尔公园 2013-6-17 19:48 7893 donnie 2013-6-18 19:26
请问谁有电子版的101auditing krist808 2013-6-17 03:32 31002 fishsquare54 2013-6-18 17:10
关于PER 的问题求教! fishsquare54 2013-6-18 14:45 1954 fishsquare54 2013-6-18 17:07
cpa考试地点里面,sydney western area都有哪几个考点啊? 嘟嘟0809 2013-6-17 21:14 41200 fiddlehead 2013-6-18 16:16
117 Global Strategy and Leadership - 求组团 - Perth liuliuwillow36 2013-6-18 16:11 0837 liuliuwillow36 2013-6-18 16:11
SMA 或者 FRM 2013 S1求换auditing或者Global Strategy and Leadership ssis2010 2013-5-4 00:33 121116 fishsquare54 2013-6-18 15:20
CPA Contemporary business issue 1161樓有moduel weight 必看 - Finished agree  ...23456..7 bt123123 2010-12-7 12:21 19617479 yoyo6028 2013-6-18 13:18
愿意用2013年S1的GSL材料换取2013年Tax和FRM的课本 另外我还有FR,Ethic 还有SMA材料  cathyabc 2013-6-15 12:39 31123 zhen737 2013-6-18 12:46
2013下学期117leadership墨尔本东南区组团了(组团成功,关贴) agree lqyhannah 2013-6-15 00:24 131088 lqyhannah 2013-6-18 12:46
求CA FIN的资料 gu12345678 2013-6-18 11:04 0774 gu12345678 2013-6-18 11:04
CPA GROUP MELBOURNE KOO斑 2013-6-18 00:12 0865 KOO斑 2013-6-18 00:12
请问各路高手,除了118,那门比较容易?是106 Financial Risk Management还是115 FIANCIAL REPORTING? stella204646 2013-6-17 14:52 8989 stella204646 2013-6-17 22:51
求117的书!!! Vivianqiu 2013-6-14 23:24 1897 zhen737 2013-6-17 17:57
FRM and Leadership Alanabby 2013-6-17 14:53 31076 毛绒熊熊 2013-6-17 15:57
CPA 104 2013 S1 short answer 真心求解。请考过的人指点  ...23 jzh82 2013-4-30 19:52 694541 stella204646 2013-6-17 14:11
got 2013 s1's sma and ethics ,wants tax and fr FIREFLY25 2013-5-11 17:33 41041 stella204646 2013-6-17 12:34
CPA 117 - GSL 求组团 - Perth liuliuwillow36 2013-6-14 15:19 2857 krist808 2013-6-17 03:34
CPA 117 - Strategy & Leadership 找人组discussion group nicky123456 2013-6-14 14:34 91176 krist808 2013-6-17 02:58
急 找不到 update or complete form KKei 2013-6-14 11:51 51015 cycwong21 2013-6-16 23:46
送书 Mel 东区 - leadership & FRM agree NeoLife 2013-6-14 14:50 7898 NeoLife 2013-6-16 10:26
成绩出来拉 jjjjhhhh 2013-6-14 10:14 51172 风云1 2013-6-16 00:54
Deleted thinkpad 2013-6-16 00:42 0955 thinkpad 2013-6-16 00:42
<集思广益> 2013S1 CPA 117 case 1 讨论 - McDonald's (已上传case) attachment agree pr885 2013-4-12 01:24 172789 风云1 2013-6-15 23:33
请给个考试顺序的建议(115, 117, 105, 106) tzhnet 2013-6-15 02:22 41334 tzhnet 2013-6-15 23:15
115 Financial reporting 考情  ...23456..7 莉莉 2013-4-30 14:43 18611479 lqyhannah 2013-6-15 21:30
2013 s1 104 sma 送书。Epping pick up ssis2010 2013-6-15 19:06 3896 idonot 2013-6-15 21:27
微信/Q842944251/毕|业|证|成|绩|单.教|育|部|认|证|使|馆|认|证 happy521 2012-12-15 20:59 51358 nsynz 2013-6-15 20:40


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