原帖由 charmaine 于 2009-3-11 14:41 发表 刚买了房子,打算几年后转成投资房。本来想大装修一番,结果价钱把我给吓坏了。我就在想,如果现在只做小装修,转成投资房后再作大装修,那大装修的钱是不是就可以用来减税了呢?如果我的假设成立,那末怎样做才算‘ ...
原帖由 chyy 于 1/3/2009 18:41 发表 相差好像有点大的,应该business account,超过几笔免费的transacion 后,连direct credit都要收钱的.
原帖由 shuangchao 于 2009-2-26 11:08 发表 Conditions: Exported goods are GST-free if they are exported from Australia either before, or within, 60 days of the first of the following two events: the supplier receives any payment for the ...
原帖由 Nocturnal 于 2009-2-25 11:25 发表 i think its a good idea to make sure you have evidence (eg reasonable calcuations of KMs travelled) on whatever KMs you have claimed by using CPKM method. ATO can always ask for that when auditing you ...
原帖由 cooler 于 2009-2-17 12:12 发表 先打个传呼,英显的。
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