原帖由 yingwei..suoyi 于 2009-8-6 06:16 发表 Thanks yet again David. And I can't put them down as Professional Fee right? Even if I have gotten their ABN? Because it has to comply with the personal services income rule right?
原帖由 kirsty 于 2009-8-4 17:36 发表 请问如果sole trader年收入低于6000,是否还要报税呢?如果要报税,可以用etax报吗
原帖由 叶多爸爸 于 2009-8-3 13:40 发表 多谢楼上两位,还是希望离家别太远。
原帖由 yuan 于 2009-8-1 18:59 发表 想请教各位能人,年收入4万2,爱人没工作,有个小孩领FTA,B. 缴税6000.没有其他支出,退税时可以退多少回来?
原帖由 liveinaustralia 于 2009-7-31 17:20 发表 你这个还没有扣除1。5%的MEDICARE LEVY的钱。也是1200。
原帖由 lycans 于 2009-7-29 23:11 发表 why bother? I will claim it anyway and even I get caught, the worse outcome is to pay it back. Making such a phone call is a waste of my time and 20c.
原帖由 一辉 于 2009-7-30 10:21 发表 能否详细讲一下fbt如何影响family tax benefit呢
原帖由 water2008 于 2009-7-28 23:00 发表 现在退50%但得通过FAO (Family Assistance Office 13 6150. ) not ATO http://www.familyassist.gov.au/I ... ild_care_rebate.htm
原帖由 丹儿 于 2009-7-29 12:42 发表 个人用cash basis,什么时候拿到钱,记入当期。而且你的previous employer也应该给你payment summary了。
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