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这个是我父母送的生日礼物,但是我有THINKPAD 了,所以出手。而且我用不惯APPLE 系统。全新,还在保修内。市场价3199, 这里卖2399, 且还是中文系统。因为是国内带过来的。 需要自行负担邮费。
Model Number:
Serial No: C02L57J7FFT1.
Apple Macbook Pro 15.4 Retina Display Core i7 2.7 Quad Core 16GB RAM 512GB SSD
--------------------------TOP MODEL IN THE MARKET------------------------------------------
It is from my parent's gift but I don't need it as I have a New Thinkpad just before the gift comes.
This is brand new as I just have it on my hand for a few months.
It is unpacked as this is my first time to have an apple MacBook , so I opened and updated to new OS X Mavericks as per update instruction and then I found myself really NOT GET USED TO THE APPLE OS. So I put it for sale now(I am just a Windows person). Immaculate condition.
It only runs for 127 Hrs so far. you can check in the Macbook meter about running hours. (I guaranty I only used for about 4-5 hours myself just to update OS ,maybe Apple Retailer used around 100 hours for testing? I don't know. ) I just checked the reading on MacBook and it shows 127 hrs so far.
Already updated to the new OS X Mavericks
Market price now is $3199 if you can google it.
布里斯班地区可以不用邮费,SUNNYBANK 区域面交。 CASH ONLY。 嗯嗯