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99fatfree 发表于 2014-7-26 11:02 
commomwealth support是不是以后工资到一定数额要还的?
其实就是和本地学生上本科一样的 ,国家补助大部分,学生自己出几千刀
A Commonwealth supported place is a subsidised enrolment at university*. The Australian Government subsidises a Commonwealth supported place by paying part of the fees for the place directly to the university and the student pays the remainder of the fees through a 'student contribution' amount.
Commonwealth supported places are only available to domestic students. Most undergraduate students studying at university are enrolled in Commonwealth supported places. There is no cap to the amount of study you can undertake as a Commonwealth supported student.
Being eligible does not guarantee that you will be offered a Commonwealth supported place in the course of your choice or at your chosen university. Applications are assessed by universities, and offers are based on merit as students must also meet the course entry requirements set by the university. If successful, your university will let you know in writing whether you have been offered a Commonwealth supported place.
Only some universities offer Commonwealth supported places at the postgraduate level. Most postgraduate courses at universities are offered as fee paying, but you will need to check with your university to see if it offers Commonwealth supported place for the postgraduate course you intend to study. |