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Taurus in 2014
Major Trends
This is a year of change, expansion, personal growth and general good luck. You will feel a desire to expand your spheres of interest beyond that with which you are familiar. Your idealism will also increase, and you will feel a strong attraction to doing something different with your life. Uranus is now set in your personal and secretive part of your horoscope until March 2019 so don’t be at all surprised if you take up an interest in some form of personal study or read more about health, religion, philosophy, law, the metaphysical, and the higher sciences of life. For the first time in 29 years Saturn, planet of caution, conservatism, limitation and good management will continue to travel the zodiac sign of Scorpio until December opposite your own sign.
During 2014 you will make some of the biggest changes in your destiny that will affect your future direction for many years ahead regarding your personal security, partnerships, marriage, close personal and business relationships, or the people you share things with jointly. Such things as competition, opponents, jealousy, and rivalry will also influence you this year through new business ventures, job changes, or your neighbourhood dealings. Scorpio influences your sector of partnership, marriage, and personal relationships, during this year you will show deeper affections, dependability and determination in your relationships. Material security, home matters and family will be important to you now, opportunities to buy or sell real-estate, improve your living conditions or you may move away from your present town or city. With Jupiter in transit through your communications sector until July 17 your independence will be accentuated, together with a strong desire to travel and become acquainted with distant lands.
If you are planning travel this is a good year to holiday with family or friends, to places you would like to explore. You may value your personal possessions on the material plane, in addition, your sense of values on the psychological level. The process may include major changes in these areas over the next twelve months. Whilst thinking about the future, you may begin to feel a sense of anxiety, on how to carry out your plans successfully. With your ruling planet Venus in transit through your own sign during May 29 – June 23, your plans, in general will be big, you won’t be satisfied with smaller ones. With Mars in Libra for the first seven months of this year, you may have a tendency to be overly optimistic or, preoccupied with the outcome of a matter and to ignore any potential signs of danger. You won’t lack faith in yourself and your plans, but there is a risk of committing mistakes that you will later regret, because you ignored any potential problems by procrastinating or being stubborn.
Be realistic! Maintain your positive attitude and try to direct your energy along the most concrete possible road. If you are by nature a serious and reserved person, this year will surprise everyone because you will become more talkative, happy and spontaneous. If you feel you are more disorderly and irresponsible to a certain degree, your situation will be more complicated. Regardless of your basic temperament, good humour will prevail and help to resolve any problem that presents itself. 2014 will be a good year for social relationships and friendships; you may renew old friendships or dedicate more spare time with old friends and acquaintances. It also favours participation in group activities, clubs or committees that you may have thought of joining before, but have not acted upon. In spite of your sociability, tension may develop because of people who may try to limit your freedom. You are not in the mood this year to be told. During this year your professional success and the recognition of your work will increase. You could receive honour, a prize, satisfaction and increased prestige.
If you work for someone else, you will be promoted, getting more authority, power and economical improvement. If you are independent, you will have an increase in your clientele thanks to your good professional acting. In either case, you can count on the aid of upper-class and powerful people who will offer the necessary help for your advancement. Your ambitions and principal goals will thoroughly fill your mind and you will have the necessary energy to achieve them. It will be important that you are confident in your own decisions, ideas and intuitions, because success will only come if your trust yourself. In many ways, 2014 will be a very unusual year for you, especially during the first seven months with Mars clashing with an array of planets during this time. It will bring different circumstances and experiences, changes in your daily routine, and you will have a strong desire for more freedom. You may surprise others around you with changes in your habitual behaviour due to the influence of Uranus, planet of unusual circumstances and change. Your inner spirit needs space, freedom and movement and anyone or anything that stands in your way will be a cause for clash and friction. You are not willing to accept any kind of compromise and you will rebel against any authority.
With Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all on a collision path at times throughout 2014 your sphere of work and direction will often be the focal point of marked contrasts, differences, conflicts, ups and downs, obstacles or long delays which seem to hinder your progress from time to time. Don't be at all surprised throughout the year if you feel pulled in opposite directions concerning your work or employment opportunities but also in regards to personal relationships and family matters. Jupiter rules other people’s money such as a bank loan, saving accounts, insurance claims, superannuation, estate matters, joint finances, and your partner's income. Throughout 2014, don't be at all surprised if there are a few hick-ups regarding these matters that will have long-term effects for the future. Mars is the planet of excitement, enthusiasm, action, stress and strain, fast tempo, extra pressures, friction, heat, cuts, burns and increased aggression, so your daily routine will be very hectic at certain times whilst mars transits Libra in the first seven months of this year.
This year will bring a major change in your life. If you are not involved with anyone, you will find someone. If you already have a firm relationship you will experience major changes in your circumstances due to pressure caused by your insecurities. Care should be taken with all emotional relationships and all types of partnerships, between January and July, there may be friction, arguments, flare ups, mix ups, misunderstandings, or partnership domination over when and where you should be heading in your life’s direction. You should control your emotional and possessive reactions; they may be immature and capricious to a degree, which may complicate your relationships.
Your life could be exposed to the public, generating the possibility of gossip and slander about you. If you are single, your current relationship could take a more serious direction and you may announce your plans for permanency or marriage. This year’s planetary influence will allow you to enjoy the company of your partner, or improve your friendships during the second half of this year, especially in the month of October when Venus transits your partnership sector. Greater depth in your relationship is favoured during this cycle and you may search for the companionship of younger and happy people. There also is a tendency toward rivalries or jealousy in romantic situations, a third party may be the cause of it. If you have grown children, the possibility of wedding arrangements or pregnancies may be on the way. You may also meet and invite into your home, some very unusual, artistic, creative, or different type of people, who may stimulate your intellect for the moment, but they may also increase your nervousness and or your need for stability.
Your feelings may be divided between two people or two situations as the year progresses. If you are single, you could be attracted to two or more people at the same time as you may be undecided in regard to what you want in a relationship. If you are married, or in a permanent relationship, you or your partner may wish to have an affair with someone new, or find other facets of your matrimonial life that break the regular routine. If you are unhappy in your emotional situation, you may be tempted to talk about a change, separation or divorce. People of Gemini would be ideal companions during this period because of their inborn dual nature. Infidelity could be one of the consequences of you or your partner’s free spirit and your conquests during this year. Patience will be called for in your emotional life during 2014.
Libra and Aquarius rules your sectors of career opportunities, business ambitions, employment achievements, worldly goals, promotions, recognition’s, honour, and glory. As from 17, July, 2014 Jupiter planet of luck, good fortune and expansion, will enter Leo and mirror your career sector, bringing superb new opportunities and a change of direction. For those seeking employment, you may be offered an interesting or challenging position in one of the following. Financial investment, sales and marketing, public relations, advertising, medicine, cooking, police work, military, government service, butcher’s trade, mechanical engineering, clerical work, hospitality, farming, media, theatre, health and beauty or the fashion industry. Career opportunities should be pushed to the maximum, you may take up a form or studies of training to enhance your future job prospects, and you may come into contact with VIP’s or important people who can assist you with your chosen goals. Saturn, planet of responsibility, maturity and perseverance, does not give anything for nothing, Saturn makes you work hard for your living and at times brings with it delay’s and disappointment so be prepared.
During the next 12 months, Saturn (planet of limitation and stability) will also influence your partnership sector, business, cooperation, opponents, competitors, financial rivals, and secret enemies. Care should be taken not to upset others; they may prove to be too strong for you. It is also likely sharp conflict, difficult circumstances and fluctuating conditions may also occur around your workplace, from time to time. It is important to keep your equilibrium and avoid any form of hassle with others. Before signing legal papers, contracts or work place agreements, ensure you know your rights and read the fine print carefully, to avoid future problems. You have come to a period in your destiny where change is important for your long term wellbeing.
This is an excellent year to begin new projects, especially those that involve dynamic activity or some risk. Speculative activities may attract you and some windfalls are indicated. You will feel full of vitality and vigour to confront life and you won’t enjoy sitting down, wasting valuable time, or spending time on non productive projects. You may have an attraction to sport or some outlet for your increased dynamic energy that puts you on a winning streak. This is a year to gloat in the accolades; you may be in the spot light or receive a prise or some recognition for the things you do. You will expand your monetary possibilities and earn much money during this year.
Business will bring you the prospective result, and sometimes a little more. Your sense of growing and being more powerful economically will be very strong. With Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in collision course during January to May, this could incline you to spend more than you earn, you should control your purchases or expenses, and you could incur debts without realising it. You won’t want to deprive yourself of anything; you probably won’t know how to distinguish between, that which is real, and that which is not. You won’t lack money this year and it would be very profitable for you to include money in your goals. It is important to be coherent though, don’t disperse your finances for the sake of exaggerating your status or social position. Communication with people around you will increase and you may re-establish old contacts.
There could be some positive changes in your environment that will benefit you quite unexpectedly. Valuable communication with your brothers and sisters or other close relatives also will be emphasised. This year’s planetary influence could bring success to a family member or relative and at the same time benefit you. You may take one or several short trips or overseas journeys that will help you improve your overall situation and you may be lucky through legal settlements, insurance, superannuation, retrenchment packages, sale of real-estate; new business contracts, or in receipt of monies owed to you. This year induces the urge to put in order everything that has to do with your future security, money, correspondence, contracts, and paper work in general.
Stress will be constant in your life this year, use any means to get rid of it, before it gets the best of you, and learn to pace yourself. Overall health will be slight; however, you may encounter seasonal ailments, respiratory disorders, and ear, nose and throat problems. Your weight may also be a problem for you and this may cause circulation problem or joint pains to develop. Follow a strict diet, avoid overindulgence with alcohol, drugs etc. Pressures should be avoided, don’t take on more than you can handle. Physical fitness is recommended, walk, swim, dance, and join a gym to motivate the body. Sport or outdoor activities may attract you and there will be a need to burn off some of that stress and anxiety within you. You may also have some concern or tension regarding family or close relatives, who influence your life. Their health condition may deteriorate, or require patient care. Clinics, hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, may enter into your destiny. Contact your doctor or naturopath, at the first sign of health symptoms. |