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本帖最后由 chatchat 于 2013-4-19 21:50 编辑
Review – 101 Ways to Help Your Daughter Love Her Body
By Brenda Lane Richardson and Elane Rehr
Although this book was meant for parents, I read it out of interest. It is a book written by a group of mothers who were concerned about how the media was affecting their daughters. The book has 101 things for parents to do to help their daughters self esteem. It was an interesting read as it relates to the first unit of Personal Development in the secondary education curriculum. After I read it I thought I disagreed with some things in the book but more so disagreed with the whole purpose of the book. The book is well written and some strategies are certainly very useful, however some points of the book brought me to think the exact opposite of what the authors are trying to get across.
I want to say that there is no difference between these “caring mothers” and the “good for nothing” media. As both groups are trying to get teenage girls to follow a path that they think is best. The mothers mean no harm but what they are doing is exactly the same thing as the media they detest. Just because they have a closer relationship with the girls does not mean they have to force the teenage girls to go their way. The media is trying to get the girls to buy their products which results in the change in their sense of self. The parents are trying to get the girls to accept who they are which results in the change in their sense of self. I see no difference between the groups.
Teenage girls are mainly students so I think learning would be the first priority, however I do not think that aiming for good looks is anything to be ashamed about. My opinion is that teenage girls read broadly and develop who they really are and find what they truly want. Some girls may change their opinion and standards when they do not meet it, some girls may strive and endure pain to reach those standards. I think neither is right or wrong.
One of the key points of the book is that women trying to look pretty are ingratiating men and it is not good for a girl’s self esteem. Yes there is more to life than just pretty looks but we cannot deny that looks are a part of us, an important part in fact. Our looks can reflect our life, what we do, our upbringing and our personality. I believe women could strive for beautiful looks and strive for knowledge at the same time. Being beautiful and looking nice certainly do NOT mean ingratiating men.
Who said that the beautiful female body is only for the pleasure of men? I think that it is those parents telling girls that it is for the pleasure of men that makes girls think so. The authors of the book state that the media is influencing young girl’s to think they have to look pretty so boys would like them. However that is not what the media is doing. The media is saying that girls look pretty when they are thin, not girls have to look pretty to please boys. The media uses the word “attractive” and that makes parents concerned that the media is teaching girls to please boys. Parents should reconsider what the word means, rather than teaching girls not to watch and read things with the word in it. The word “attractive” means “arousing interest or pleasure” this applies to everybody, not only the opposite gender. Therefore I do not think being attractive is a bad thing at all.
In my opinion, the media can help girls become strong and independent females. If girls accept who they are and not make any effort to change they may become extremely lethargic or even narcissist. The book states that young girls trying to change their appearance is bad for their self esteem and should just accept who they are. I believe that having a goal and striving towards perfection would make girls stronger and just accepting who they are would not. Following media stereotype body and working towards a goal will sometimes bring pain but the skill of enduring would be very useful in later life.
Although the media has no intension of helping girls become independent, by advertising what the public think is a perfect body the media presents a goal and presents methods to reach the goal. Girls would follow the methods and those with strong will would achieve the goal and learn skills of endurance. If the method of getting to the goal is unhealthy, such as taking pills, law will charge the company. Healthy methods of improving the body would not harm anyone.
In conclusion I would like to say I disagree with the opinions of the book but it is still a very good book. It inspired deeper thoughts and made me think about the self-esteem issue that I never thought about when I was learning about it at school. I think it is a very interesting read and recommend it to any girls who are sick of the boring way they teach it at school. As everybody is different and everybody has a right, I still think parents who read this book should not go into their daughter’s bedrooms and say they should “love themselves”. No matter if the reader is a parent or a teenager, I do not think anybody but they have the right to manipulate the opinion's of others. Guiding and discussing is better and enough.
其实这算不得什么书评,更像是看了这本书对学校最近也在学的body image这个PD课题的一点感想吧。
嗯就这样了,推荐这本书,因为它的确让人思考这一争论不断的话题。 |