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[NSW] 贴200刀转Vodafone $59共10个月Plan [复制链接]

发表于 2013-1-22 15:05 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 look2046 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 look2046 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
因为工作关系需要提前离开澳洲,Vodafone的手机plan还剩10个月到期,Vodafone的Cancellation Fee实在太高,不太想一走了之,不知道贴200刀转让是否有人愿意要?


Standard Monthly Charge - 59

Included Value - $750 of included value including standard national and international voice and video calls, voicemail retrieval, national roaming, calls to National (1223) and International (1225) Directory Assistance, 13, 15 and 1800 numbers, Vodafone Central browsing (not purchases or downloads), Re-routed calls to numbers that divert to International services & Customer Care Calls.2

FREE access to Facebook®, MySpace, Twitter, foursquare & LinkedIn within Australia+

UNLIMITED Vodafone to Vodafone & 3 standard national voice calls within Australia

UNLIMITED Standard national and international TXT, PXT®, and video PXT® sent to personal mobile numbers*

Included data -2GB of mobile internet data or Unlimited BlackBerry® Email Internet Browsing4 + 2GB of data

Call Rates (included)   
Standard National calls 98 cents per minute plus 38 cent connection fee
Standard Video calls $1.47 per minute plus 38 cent connection fee
Standard and International National TXT $0.00 per 160 characters
Standard and International PXT® $0.55 per PXT®
Standard and International Video PXT® $0.75 per PXT®
13, 15 and 1800 numbers Charged at standard call rates
International Calls and video calls Variable rates apply  
Directory Assistance (1223) $2.60 connection fee plus standard call rates if thru-connected .
Voicemail Retrieval Free retrieval using Ring Alert. Standard call rates apply when dialling 121 to retrieve Voicemail
Customer Care (1555) Free of charge

Call Rates (excluded)   
123 Ask Anything $1.30 connect fee then $1.30 per 60 seconds
Mobile Internet $0.25 per MB. Minimum session 12KB
Divert to Callscreen If message left within the first 10 seconds, then 5.5 cents, otherwise 99 cents flat rate
Premium TXT and Premium Numbers Variable charges apply
Vodafone Central Free to browse, variable charges apply for downloads/content
International Roaming Variable charges apply


发表于 2013-1-22 21:47 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 barry.wang1 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 barry.wang1 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2013-1-23 00:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 look2046 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 look2046 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
barry.wang1 发表于 2013-1-22 22:47
贴200刀可能有点少,我刚刚看到带机上台的计划不用合同的29就有你这个计划了,只是电话费少点,所以估计有 ...

下面是vodafone 45刀sim only plan,700刀话费比我的计划少50刀,1G数据流量比我的计划少1G,别的还有些小差距可以忽略不计。仅供参考。

$45 Vodafone SIM Only plan

$45 per month gives you $700 each month to spend on Plan Inclusions, plus:
INFINITE Vodafone to Vodafone & 3 standard national voice calls within Australia
1GB of mobile internet data or INFINITE BlackBerry® Email Internet Browsing + 1GB of data for video streaming
INFINITE Standard national and international TXT sent to personal mobile numbers
Remember, your monthly spend may exceed your plan amount.

Plan Inclusions
Calling        National rates        International rates
Standard TXT        Infinite        Infinite
Standard PXT® (text, pic, audio, video)        55c each        55c each
Standard voice calls        
98c per minute + 40c flagfall
($2.36 per 2min call)

INFINITE Vodafone to Vodafone & 3 standard national voice calls within Australia

See International Call Rates
Standard video calls        $1.47 per minute + 40c flagfall        1.5 x international call rate + 40c flagfall
Other calling        Rates
13, 15 & 1800 numbers        13 & 18 numbers: standard call rates apply
15 numbers: dependant on service you are calling
Customer Care (1555)        FREE OF CHARGE
Voicemail retrieval        98c per minute + 40c flagfall
Re-routed calls to numbers that divert to international services (Pivotel/Satellite)        $1.20 per minute + 40c flagfall
Directory Assist (1223)        $2.60 a call (+ standard call rates if you're THRU-connected)
TXT Delivery Report        5c per message
Other services        I can enjoy
National Roaming        See National Roaming Rates
Voicemail deposit        FREE OF CHARGE
Vodafone Central browsing        Free, only pay for what you download
Call diversions within Australia        Infinite
Plan services you pay for
Premium TXT
Rates dependant on service

Vodafone Central STK and Content Downloads
Price specified at time of purchase

International Roaming
See International Roaming information

Mobile Internet Data Inclusions per month
100MB with minimum session of 12KB

Additional Data charge per MB (on Vodafone)
25c per MB with min session of 50KB (included value)
2c per MB with min session of 50KB (when using a data pack)

123 ‘Ask Anything’ (includes calls to 0414100123 & 0414123123)
123 Connect Fee: $1.30
123 rate per min: $1.30


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