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[地区选择] 房产可承受指数自2009年9月来最高 [复制链接]



发表于 2012-8-24 15:37 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 gordon88 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 gordon88 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

2012年6月季房产可承受指数为62.5,比1年前增长了10.6%, 6个百分点
2年前 该指数为52.5

ADL 的指数为70, 增加4.1
BRI的指数为64.7, 减少0.8
PER的指数为62.5, 增加2.8
MEL的指数为59.3, 减少1.0

Housing affordability at highest level since September 2009, led by improvements in Perth and Adelaide: HIA/CBA index
By Larry Schlesinger

Friday, 24 August 2012

Perth and Adelaide have led a sixth straight quarter of improving housing affordability in the June quarter, taking the HIA-Commonwealth Bank Housing Affordability Index to its highest level since September 2009.

The index improved by 1.1% (0.7 points) in the June 2012 quarter to be 10.6% (6.0 points) higher over the year with an index value of 62.5.

Two years ago the index stood at 52.5.

The affordability multiple – number of average full-time adult wages required to affordably service a mortgage on a median-priced dwelling – improved slightly from 1.62 to 1.6. Two years ago it stood at 1.91.

Affordability peaked in March 2009 quarter, at a time when the cash rate was falling to its lowest level as the RBA cut rates steeply to counter the effects of the GFC. Between December 2008 and April 2009 the cash rate fell from 5.25% to 3% with 100-basis-point rate cuts in December 2008 and February 2009. These rate cuts followed state governments introducing the boosted first-home owners' grant, which provided up to $14,000 in additional handouts.

The chart below illustrates this improving affordability picture but also shows that  affordability in capital cities (the grey line) has flattened out, while there has been a sharper improvement in affordability in housing markets outside of capital cities (the black line).

"Excluding the GFC period when interest rates dropped sharply, housing affordability is at its healthiest level since 2003," says HIA chief economist Dr Harley Dale.

"That is heartening news for Australian households."

"Now is a great time to buy for those who are financially set to take that decision," Dale says.

Perth’s affordability index improved from 59.7 to 62.5, and Adelaide’s affordability index improved from 65.9 to 70.

Affordability in Perth was driven by average monthly loan repayments falling from $3,331 to $3,184.

There was a small improvement in Sydney – 50.1 to 51.9 – but it remains the least affordable capital city in Australia.

Affordability worsened slightly in Melbourne (60.3 to 59.3) and in Brisbane (65.5 to 64.7).

Outside of the capital cities, affordability improved everywhere except South Australia and Western Australia.

"The recent improvement in affordability is welcome news for those trying to get a foothold into or advance within the housing market," says Dale. "It is also an encouraging bright spot for an industry that, in terms of current activity, remains a clear area of weakness within the Australian economy."

"The improvement in housing affordability is largely cyclical and there remains considerable work to be done to address the high and inefficient taxation embedded in housing, especially for new homes."

"Policy reform remains very slow, to the detriment of households, businesses, and overall economic performance," adds Dale.

发表于 2012-8-24 15:40 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-8-24 16:10 |显示全部楼层
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〉〉〉Affordability worsened slightly in Melbourne (60.3 to 59.3) and in Brisbane (65.5 to 64.7).



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