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出处: http://easyspeak.hubpages.com/hub/asian-fail
An Asian fail started out being a phrase referring to Asian students who made lower than an 'A' on anything in school. Why is a B+ considered an Asian fail? Well, it begins with the Asian parents. Asian parents are notorious for putting enormous amounts of pressure on their children to excel in school and to become successful.
Asian parents are incredibly competitive with their children. They expect nothing less than their children being the best, not just the best they can be, but to be the best among their peers. This translates not only in academics, but also in other areas such as music.
Background On The Asian Fail
Asian parents, especially immigrant parents, come from a culture that values having money as the highest virtue in life. Just like most eastern and traditional cultures, a high value is placed on becoming wealthy and on money as the answer to most of life's problems.
Immigrant asian parents in particular are sensitive to this because many of them have come from humble backgrounds in their native countries, and have worked tirelessly to come to the US to make a better life for themselves and their families. Many asian parents work 16 hour days to support the family and send their children to the best schools. Asian parents understand what it is to have a hard work ethic, and expect the same from their children in school.
Nationalistic Pride
The primary motive for Asians to impose such great pressure on their children is money, however, a secondary motive, one in which they will use to justify their actions in something greater than just money, is nationalistic pride.
In this sense, the Asian fail isn't just about one person and their achievements, but in a way, they come to represent their nation and culture as a whole. If an Asian kid is number 3 in their class below a white American and Hispanic kid, Asians see this as America and Mexico (or whatever other Latin America country they are from) being superior to Asians. It's a bit ridiculous, but that's how it's viewed. In turn, an Asian fail doesn't just bring shame upon the person, but on the nation they represent as well.
In the extreme case, you can even say that some Asians take this to the point of racism. Really. I'm not just saying it, ask any Asian kid if he doesn't think his parents have a little racist tendencies in them. |