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[外汇债券] 美联储新一轮宽松举措招致国际批评 US feels backlash over Fed initiative [复制链接]

发表于 2010-11-7 18:00 |显示全部楼层
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美联储新一轮宽松举措招致国际批评 US feels backlash over Fed initiative

英国《金融时报》 艾伦•贝蒂 华盛顿, 凯文•布朗 新加坡, 珍妮弗•休斯 伦敦报道

The US Federal Reserve’s decision to pump an extra $600bn into the economy has galvanised emerging market central banks into preparing defensive measures and sparked criticism from leading global economies.

美联储(Federal Reserve)向美国经济额外注入6000亿美元的决定,已促使多个新兴市场国家的央行准备出台防御措施,并招致了一些全球主要经济体的批评。

The Fed’s initiative, in response to rising concern about the weakness of the US economy, has fuelled fears of a sharp drop in the dollar and a fresh flood of capital inflows into emerging markets.


China, Brazil and Germany criticised the Fed’s action on Thursday, and a string of east Asian central banks said they were preparing measures to defend their economies against large capital inflows.


Guido Mantega, the Brazilian finance minister who was the first to warn of a “currency war”, said: “Everybody wants the US economy to recover, but it does no good at all to just throw dollars from a helicopter. You have to combine that with fiscal policy. You have to stimulate consumption.” Germany also expressed concern.

最先发出“汇率战争”警告的巴西财长吉多•曼特加(Guido Mantega)表示:“大家都希望美国经济复苏,但只是从直升机上空投美元根本无益。你必须将其与财政政策结合。你必须刺激消费。”德国也表示了关切。

An adviser to the Chinese central bank called unbridled printing of dollars the biggest risk to the global economy and said China should use currency policy and capital controls to cushion itself from external shocks.


“As long as the world exercises no restraint in issuing global currencies such as the dollar – and this is not easy – then the occurrence of another crisis is inevitable, as quite a few wise Westerners lament,” Xia Bin wrote in a newspaper under the Chinese central bank.


Korn Chatikavanij, Thailand’s finance minister, said the Thai central bank had told him it was “in close talks” with regional central banks over measures “to prevent excessive speculation”.

泰国财长空•乍滴甲瓦尼(Korn Chatikavanij)表示,泰国央行已告诉他,该机构正与亚洲地区其它央行“密切磋商”,准备出台措施“阻止过度投机”。

The renewed tension is likely to complicate US efforts to get leaders of the world’s leading economies countries meeting in Seoul next week to press China to sign up to a new accord promising to limit current account balances.


The Fed’s initiative, however, boosted markets, with equities rising in Europe, London and the US following the lead set in Japan, where the Nikkei 225 Average gained 2.2 per cent – its best day in nearly two months.

不过,美联储的举措提振了金融市场,继日本股市大涨之后,欧洲大陆、伦敦和美国股市均大幅上涨。日经225指数(Nikkei 225 Average)上涨2.2%,创下近两个月来的单日最大涨幅。

“The no-asset-market-left-behind approach is officially endorsed,” said Steven Englander, at Citigroup. “If the intention is that US households and investors buy US assets, there is also little to stop them from buying foreign assets as well.”

“不放过任何资产市场的方式得到了官方支持,”花旗集团(Citigroup)的史蒂文•英格兰德(Steven Englander)表示。“如果说意图是让美国家庭和投资者购买美国资产,那么与此同时,也没有什么阻止他们同样购买海外资产。”

Oil hit a six-month peak above $86 a barrel and gold rallied to $1,383.7, just shy of its all-time peak. The euro hit $1.428, its highest since January. Measured against its major trading partners, the dollar has fallen more than 3 per cent this week.



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