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翻头条--方艳娜一家“被判”终生无止境悲伤(关于澳籍华裔地产商蒋明海被害一案) [复制链接]

发表于 2010-7-21 19:08 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 江南一梦 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 江南一梦 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Yanna Fang's family condemned to 'lifetime sentence of endless sorrow'
July 21, 2010 - 3:15PM
Yanna Fang says her heart aches to know her young children don't speak of their murdered father to save her and their grandparents from more tears.

"In their young, misguided and innocent minds they have self-taught not to mention dad's name," she said at the NSW Supreme Court sentence hearing for her husband's killer.

Ms Fang broke down repeatedly today while reading her victim impact statement, which described her family's "lifetime sentence of endless sorrow and indescribable pain".

Earlier this month, a jury found Sydney handyman Jian Dong, 47, guilty of murdering Jiang Ming Hai, 27, on January 13, 2009.

He died from a combination of head injuries and drowning at a property he owned in the north-western Sydney suburb of North Ryde.

Dong, who claimed he acted in self defence, was employed by Mr Jiang to carry out renovations on the house and the men had disagreed about the quality of the work and the bill.

The bloodied body of Mr Jiang, who was hit up to nine times with the hammer, was found face down in a bath.

"Seeing a bath tub is a brutal reminder of how his already dead and lifeless body was submerged," Ms Fang told the court.

"I had the bathtub removed, and when in close proximity of a hammer I experience panic attacks for which no amount of medication or counselling can diminish."

Ms Fang said her husband had been her soul mate.

"He proved to me that true happiness existed by being himself - happy, outgoing, warm hearted and most of all kind and gentle."

At the time of the murder, she and the children were in China.

Their last conversation had been on the phone when they spoke of "renewing our marriage vows with our children and family".

She read out a moving poem, which began: "The most I miss him is late at night, When I want him there to hold me tight".

She said her heart ached for their children especially when she heard other youngsters call out for their fathers.

"One night my three-year-old daughter discovered our wedding photos," she said.

"I asked her if she remembered her dad and her reply ripped out my heart - that if she mentioned him I will cry."

The distraught widow said she did not agree that time heals all wounds.

"My pain, like my love for my husband, will never be gone but will be for all eternity," she said.

Justice Derek Price adjourned the hearing to October 1 to enable the defence to obtain a psychiatric report on Dong.

蒋明海死于悉尼西北方向的north ryde的寓所内,死因是头部撞击和被溺。
方女士称“看到浴缸我就想到了我丈夫是怎么死的” “我把浴室拆了,现在一靠近锤子我就觉得无比恐惧,这是再多的治疗都无法治愈的伤痛。”
为了等董建的精神状况报告,审判员Derek Price把审讯推迟到了10月1日。


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退役斑竹 参与宝库编辑功臣

发表于 2010-7-21 19:32 |显示全部楼层
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that handyman is so devil!

发表于 2010-7-22 17:06 |显示全部楼层

1 facet of australia

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if you look intelligent , you will be excused from Jury duties...

if you kill someone, declare that you have mental problems...

if you are killed, make sure you are not minority groups...


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