


· 一口好牙, 得来不易, 小心照看, 受益终生! (2008-10-22) 旋木 · 一种格调,一点宠爱,芳香疗法 (2009-4-4) tritri
· 老陶做西餐 (2009-6-15) 老陶 · 五天南澳行, 德国小镇, 袋鼠岛, Barossa Valley酒庄-已更新 (2019-10-11) Sydneier
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[外汇债券] [信息]澳洲下周金融大事(22/03/2010-26/03/2010) [复制链接]

发表于 2010-3-20 09:09 |显示全部楼层
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MONDAY, March 22
Sydney - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) sales of new motor vehicles for February
Sydney - Australian Industry Group CEO survey, Industry in Recovery Mode in 2010
Melbourne - Premier Investments Ltd half year results
Melbourne - AustralAsian Cleantech Forum (day 1 of 3)
Bendigo, Victoria - Greater Bendigo Gold Mines Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Sydney - MMG 2009 financial results

TUESDAY, March 23
Sydney - NSW Energy Minister John Robertson to address Committee for Economic Development of Australia on NSW energy policy and leadership
Sydney  - Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) tender for $300 million of the September 2025 Treasury indexed bonds.
Melbourne - Sigma Pharmaceuticals Ltd annual results
Melbourne - AustralAsian Cleantech Forum (day 2 of 3)
Brisbane - Eastern Corporation Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Brisbane - Orocobre Ltd general meeting
Launceston, Tasmania - MyState Ltd annual general meeting
Perth - Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Conference (day 1 of 3)

Canberra - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations vacancy report (survey of skilled job vacancies advertised on 13 January
Sydney - AOFM tender for $500 million of March 2019 Treasury bonds.
Melbourne - AustralAsian Cleantech Forum (day 3 of 3)
Perth - ABM Resources NL general meeting
Perth - Brainytoys Ltd general meeting
Perth - Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Conference (day 2 of 3)
Perth - Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference (day 1 of 3)
Brisbane - Early Learning Services Ltd general meeting

THURSDAY, March 25
Sydney - Reserve Bank of Australia assistant governor (economic) Philip Lowe to address Australian Industry Group’s 10th Annual Economic Forum
Sydney - RBA Financial Stability Review
Sydney - Brickworks Ltd half year results
Sydney - AOFM tenders for $600 million of Treasury notes maturing on 25 June 2010 and $300 million of Treasury notes maturing on 13 August 2010
Sydney - Washington H Soul Pattinson and Co Ltd half year results
Sydney - 4C Security Solutions Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Sydney - Tiaro Coal Ltd general meeting
Melbourne - OceanaGold Corporation Ltd special meeting
Melbourne - Starpharma Holdings Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Perth - Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Conference (day 3 of 3)
Perth - Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference (day 2 of 3)

FRIDAY, March 26
Sydney - RBA governor Glenn Stevens to address ACI 2010 49th World Congress
Brisbane - Auzex Resources Ltd general meeting
Sydney - AOFM - tender for $700 million of June 2014 Treasury bonds
Sydney - Axiom Mining Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Sydney - Strathfield Group Ltd annual general meeting
Brisbane - Mesa Minerals Ltd extraordinary general meeting
Perth - Regis Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Uran Ltd general meeting
Perth - WAG Ltd general meeting
Perth - Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference (day 3 of 3)
Perth - American Chamber of Commerce in Australia business briefing featuring Douglas-Westwood Ltd chairman John Westwood
Singapore - Koon Holdings Ltd annual general meeting


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