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[信息讨论] [信息]澳洲下周金融大事(07/03/2010-12/03/2010) [复制链接]

发表于 2010-3-6 17:48 |显示全部楼层
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SUNDAY, March 7
Sydney - Advantage Professional Job Index for February (formerly called Olivier Job Index)

MONDAY, March 8
Sydney - 2006 Nobel Prize for Peace winner and Grameen Bank founder Professor Muhammad Yunus to address Power of Small Events seminar presented by Business for Millennium Development
Melbourne - Labour Day public holiday Victoria - Australian Securities Exchange normal business hours
Hobart - Labour Day public holiday Tasmania
Canberra - Canberra Day public holiday ACT
Adelaide - Adelaide Cup public holiday
Perth - NSL Consolidated Ltd general meeting
Selangor, Malaysia - Overseas and General Ltd extraordinary general meeting

TUESDAY, March 9
Sydney - ANZ job advertisements survey for February
Sydney - Dun and Bradstreet business expectations survey   

Sydney - Speech by Reserve Bank of Australia RBA) assistant governor (economic) Philip Lower to the Urban Development Institute of Australia  National Congress 2010
Sydney - Westpac/Melbourne Institute Survey of Consumer Sentiment for February
Sydney - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ASB) housing finance data for January 2010
Sydney - Inaugural Commonwealth Bank quarterly Economic Vitality Report
Canberra - AOFM to tender $700 million of June 2014 bonds
Perth - BPH Corporate Ltd general meeting
Melbourne - Telstra chief financial officer John Stanhope addresses Trans Tasman business circle luncheon
Calgary, Canada - Viterra Inc annual general meeting

THURSDAY, March 11
Sydney - RBA monthly bulletin, March issue
Sydney - ABS labour force data for February
Sydney - Melbourne Institute Survey of Consumer Inflationary Expectations for March
Sydney - Westpac-Melbourne Institute Survey of Consumer Unemployment Expectations for March
Sydney - 6th Australian Zinc Briefing 2010 (day 1 of 2)
Sydney - Australian Telecommunications Users Group pre-conference dinner
Canberra - AOFM to tender $600 million of notes maturing on June 11, 2010 and $300 million maturing July 23, 2010
Melbourne - Myer Holdings Ltd first half result
Perth - Australian Capital Equity executive director Ryan Stokes to address The West Australian’s Leadership Matters
Perth - Redbank Copper Ltd general meeting

FRIDAY, March 12
Sydney - RBA credit/debit card data for January
Sydney - Fairfax Media Ltd chief executive Brian McCarthy speaks to Trans Tasman Business Circle luncheon
Sydney - Metminco Ltd general meeting
Sydney - 6th Australian Zinc Briefing 2010 (day 2 of 2)
Sydney - Australian Telecommunications Users Group conference
Canberra - AOFM to release details of next tender of indexed bonds
Melbourne - Golden Gate Petroleum Ltd general meeting
Perth - Beadell Resources Ltd general meeting
Perth - Mamba Minerals Ltd general meeting
Perth - Manhattan Corporation Ltd general meeting
Auckland, New Zealand -  The Warehouse Group Ltd first year results


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