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最近拿了一个 offer 准备要辞职了,突然发现在这公司已经干了 6年半,
再加上 notice period 就是6年7个月. . . . .
在这之前用 ABN 做目前公司的 freelancer, 做了约莫7个月吧. . . .
想请问一下这7个月的 freelancer 能并入我的年资计算吗?
如果可以的话我就 entitle LSL了. . . .
我的情况不知能否算他们的 casual staff 呢?
Victoria's long service leave laws
Long service leave is a long-standing entitlement for Australian employees.
Most Victorian workers qualify for long service leave if they have worked continuously with one employer for at least 7 years. This applies to work that is:
full time
part time
fixed term.
Long service leave accrues at a rate of one week for every 60 weeks of continuous service – that's about 0.866 of a week each year. |