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For tax periods starting on or after 1 October 2006, an optional simplified accounting method (SAM) for calculating input tax credits for trading stock purchases is available to eligible restaurants, cafes and caterers.
This additional method is provided by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Simplified Accounting Method Determination (No 1) 2006 ("SAM 2006/1").
This determination can be used by restaurants, cafes and caterers ("eligible food retailers") that:
• mainly sell a range of food that is commonly sold by restaurants, cafes and caterers, and
• have an annual turnover of $2 million (excluding GST) or less.
SAM 2006/1 allows eligible food retailers to estimate input tax credits on trading stock by taking a sample of acquisitions over a four-week period (sample period) and calculating the percentage that represents GST-free acquisitions. The percentage must be calculated twice during the financial year and should take place between:
• 1 June - 31 July (used for July to December tax periods)
• 1 December - 31 January (used for January to June tax periods).
Two new calculations of the GST-free percentage must be done about six months apart for each financial year. The percentage is multiplied by total trading stock acquisitions in each tax period to determine an estimated amount of GST-free acquisitions in each tax period. SAM 2006/1 allows the input tax credits to be calculated by subtracting the estimated GST-free acquisitions from total acquisitions and multiplying it by 1/11th. The rationale behind this formula is that the percentage of acquisitions which are creditable acquisitions at one point in time would be expected to be in line with the percentage of creditable acquisitions in subsequent tax periods.
For an existing business which starts to use the simplified accounting method where the start date does not fall between 1 June and 31 July or between 1 December and 31 January, the first sample period can either be:
• a four-week period in the tax period in which it starts to use the SAM, or
• a four-week period during either 1 June to 31 July or 1 December to 31 January, whichever has just elapsed.
For example, an entity with monthly tax periods which elects to use SAM 2006/1 from 1 October 2006 can use the GST-free percentage of their trading stock for the sample period in the July 2006 tax period (or any four-week period during 1 June to 31 July 2006). This percentage can be used to calculate the amounts of GST-free stock for tax periods October, November and December 2006. Alternatively, the entity can record the amounts and GST status for stock purchases in October 2006 to work out the GST-free percentage. This percentage can be used for the tax periods November and December 2006.
⇒ Example
Syama has been operating a restaurant for some time and she is on quarterly tax periods. Her annual turnover is below $2 million. From 1 October 2006 she elected to use SAM 2006/1 to work out her input tax credits.
Syama can use a sample period from 1 June to 31 July 2006 or choose a four-week period from 1 October to 31 December 2006. Prior to 1 October 2006 Syama had already identified the GST status and the amounts of all trading stock she acquired because she was not using a SAM. As such, she decided to use a sample period in June 2006. She calculated the GST-free percentage of trading stock for the sample period to be 70%.
During the tax period October-December 2006, Syama purchased $65,000 of trading stock. Using SAM 2006/1, the amount of GST-free trading stock for the October-December 2006 tax period is $45,500 (ie 70% of $65,000). The amount of input tax credit is 1/11th of the difference between $65,000 and $45,500. Therefore, the input tax credit entitlement on trading stock purchases for the October-December 2006 tax period is $1,773.
The next sample period is a four-week continuous period between 1 December 2006 and 31 January 2007. The GST-free percentage of trading stock from this sample period is used to calculate the amounts of GST-free trading stock for the tax periods January-March and April-June 2007.
For each financial year, Syama is required to do two new calculations of the GST-free percentage about every six months in order to calculate the amounts of GST-free trading stock.
When the accounting method in SAM 2006/1 is used, tax invoices for the acquisitions need not be held. It is also not necessary to have adequate point-of-sale equipment.
An eligible food retailer who wishes to use the accounting method set out in SAM 2006/1 must complete an "Election to use a simplified GST accounting method" (NAT 4370) and forward this notification to the Commissioner. The SAM must then be used for 12 months or more. To revoke such an election, a "Notice to revoke an election to use a simplified GST accounting method" (NAT 4371) must be completed and forwarded to the Commissioner.
[ 本帖最后由 nswm 于 2009-8-29 15:37 编辑 ] |