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K6370 发表于 2018-5-16 16:47 
不用啊。不知道西澳的tafe是怎么样的。NSW的可以直接入学的。因为certificate应该是教的比较有针对性的。 ...
西澳的south metropolitan tafe的diploma of software development读半年,网站上是这样写的
It is expected that students entering Diploma level studies have the knowledge and/or experience equivalent to that gained in completing the relevant certificate IV course. The course builds on existing skills and does not “start from the beginning.”
Fast Track: Students who meet the entrance requirements for the Diploma, but who may need to build lower level skills, may complete the Certificate IV foundation skill set. This skill set consists of only the essential units from the Certificate IV, done over one term, which then leads into a three term Diploma. Ask us about this exciting option.
读的有点一头雾水,看来要去学校问问。 |