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[修房建房] 求助:房子在West Penant Hill, 一年前被冰雹砸了, 也用保险修了. 但保险公司说related to a catastrophe [复制链接]

发表于 2018-3-14 17:42 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 TGT 于 2018-3-14 18:55 编辑

房子在West Penant Hill. 一年前被冰雹砸了, 当时Claim 了. 用保险修了.
但是今天保险公司email说your claim may be related to a catastrophe. 不懂什么意思。求教求教。

email 是这样的:

Claim Finalisation Letter

Dear XXX,
We're reaching out to say sorry. Recently, we became aware of an issue that prevented us from sending you an important letter after your claim was finalised.
Not to worry - we've fixed the issue and have attached the letter to this email. In summary, it is to let you know that because your claim may be related to a catastrophe, you can still request a review of your claim if you think the assessment was incomplete or inaccurate.
If you have any questions or if you wish to review your claim assessment, please call us on 13 YOUI and quote your claim number, which you can find on the attached letter.
The Youi Crew

PDF 文件

Dear XXX,
Claim Finalisation
Policy No: XXXXXXX
Incident date: 18/02/2017
We’re writing to let you know that since your claim may be related to an event that the
Insurance Council of Australia deemed to be a catastrophe, you can request a review of
your claim if you weren’t satisfied with our assessment or settlement. This is your right
under section 9.3 of the General Insurance Code of Practice:
If you have a property claim resulting from a Catastrophe and we have finalised
your claim within one month after the Catastrophe event causing your loss, you
can request a review of your claim if you think the assessment of your loss was
not complete or accurate, even though you may have signed a release. We will
give you 12 months from the date of finalisation of your claim to ask for a review of
your claim. We will inform you of:
a) this entitlement when we finalise your claim; and
b) our complaints handling procedures.
Please don't hesitate to call us on 13 YOUI if you have any questions or if you wish to
review your claim.
Should we be unable to resolve this to your complete satisfaction, you may also refer the
matter to our Internal Dispute Resolution Service (IDRS) via disputes@ youi.email.
Yours sincerely,
The Youi Team


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