99.85 ⭐ 1st in James Ruse 物理化学/状元⭐ 物理 STATE RANK (NSW 状元) ⭐ 66% -> 98%最后更新时间:2025-2-3 16:13 5人阅读
详细信息:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
☺️概括 ✅ Year 11 and 12年级物理和化学辅导 ✅ 2019 年HSC新南威尔士州物理状元 名列第 7 ✅ ATAR: 99.85 ✅ James Ruse 物理第一名(新教学大纲) ✅ James Ruse 化学第三名(新教学大纲) ✅ 悉尼大学Doctor of Medicine (MD)医学生 ✅ Eric Vuong 物理学从 75% 提高到 94% ✅我提供在线物理 和 化学小班课程辅导(5-10 人) ✅课外随时可以问我问题! ✅ 我会一直陪着你,1对 1直到你理解所学的知识点! ✅ 为即将到来的考试提供个性化帮助! ✅ 我传授如何在考试中停止失分秘笈! ☀️提供物理和化学: ☀️11 年级: Sunday 10 AM - 12 PM: $47/h ☀️12 年级: Sunday 2:30 – 4:30 PM: $57/h ☀️注册物理和化学 10 年级 ♦️联系 ♦️Call/Text: 0490 496 078 ♦️Email: hello@tutorgum.com ♦️Website: tutorgum.com ♦️WeChat: BobChenAAA 我会及时回复你的任何咨询!一般5分钟内,最多12小时! 总结结束。 阅读以下内容,或访问 ☀️ tutorgum.com ☀️ 以获得更好的格式 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Bob Chen是2019年新南威尔士州的物理高考状元。James Ruse 校内排名物理第一,化学第三。自 2019 年毕业以来,已经辅导了200名学生,并帮助多人跃升James Ruse校内排名前 5和 ATAR 99.90 的好成绩。 ****************************** ♦️我讨厌科学 ****************************** 我曾讨厌过科学,在 10 年级时的科学成绩很糟糕,10 年级结束时年级排名倒数 35%。然而,到 11 年级结束时,我已经成功反超成为了 James Ruse 物理学排名第一;到 12 年级结束时,我在物理排名第一的同时,在化学校内排名也成为了前 5 名。 我怎么做到的? 是因为我真正深入地理解了所学内容。深入研究考题和概念背后的含义并认真思考。“开动脑筋 -> 真正理解 -> 运用” - 我将传授你如何真正理解和掌握这项技能,以帮助你取得超出你预期的更好的成绩。 ****************************** ♦️经验 ****************************** Some of my previous students: ✍️ [Michelle Oh, Meriden 2021] Dux, got a 99.95, with 2 state ranks in Maths. ✍️ [Eric Vuong, James Ruse 2020], moved from 75 in Physics Trials to 94 in HSC in just 2.5 months with me. ✍️ [Jade Yang, Meriden 2021] moved from 49% in Year 11 Exams to 91 in HSC Chemistry. ✍️ [Sathmi Ranasinghe, James Ruse 2021], moved got 97 in Physics with 99.75 ATAR. ✍️ [Josh Taleb, Sydney Grammar 2021], moved from 64% in Year 11 Phys to 97 in HSC, 98.8 ATAR. ✍️ [Kirsten Chu, Meriden 2022], moved from a 56% in Chem Trials to 91 in HSC You can find more stories if you google tutorgum ****************************** ♦️为什么我有效 ****************************** 在学校你可能只是得到一些重复的,泛泛而谈的学习材料,没有精辟的解释,你有很多不懂的问题也不知道该去问谁,然后考试当然就会丢分,并恶性循环。 What if it could be different? ❤️ [Intuitive, In-depth Explanations]. My explanations are in-depth which are critical to create understanding. A complete understanding of the topics will make you more confident, quick and accurate in exams. It helped Jade Yang, Meriden move from 49% to 91% in the HSC. ❤️ [1-1 Help]. In class, we go through the content to get you ahead. Afterclass, I'll help you 1-1 with questions, school work, or to review your assignment. No more getting stuck for hours. Or we can have a 1-1 meeting through the week (free of course). ❤️ [7,520 Questions]. That's how many questions I practiced for the HSC. Practice questions show you what concept to apply and where. This made Eric Vuong, James Ruse, more confident and accurate in exams. Every week, you'll get exam styled questions as homework. ❤️ [Mentorship]. We'll have regular checkins. You'll know where best to put your effort to maximise results. Eric Vuong, James Ruse, only got 75% in Trials. We realised it was his silly mistakes. By using mindfulness, it helped him get 94% in the HSC, and UNSW Med. ****************************** ♦️课程详情和定价 ****************************** 我提供小班(~ 5-10 人)辅导,这些课程将通过 Zoom 在线授课。不喜欢在线教学?我的在线体验与学校不同,我一直践行以明快幽默的授课方式最大化地帮助你考获满意的分数,所以我的课堂互动有趣 - 我经常问学生问题,让他们参与进来。我购置了专业的麦克风和绘图板,以获得高度身临其境的体验。学生们更喜欢这种互动方式,因为这不仅节省他们在 HSC 中宝贵的复习时间,还可以互相交流。为什么不试试呢?第一节课是免费的。 $47/hr for Year 10/11 $57/hr for Year 12 ⚙️ 11 年级物理 (Sunday 2:30 - 4:30PM) ⚙️ 12 年级物理 (Sunday 10AM - 12AM) ⚗️ 11 年级化学 (Saturday 7 - 9PM) ⚗️ 12 年级化学 (Saturday 2 - 4 PM) ❓ "No, group/online lessons don't work for my child." If your primary concern is to have a 1-1, or face to face setting, then you should hire someone else. But, is the setting more important to you, than your child deeply understanding the concepts, and exam technique? There’s a lot of tutors out there. But how many of them have topped NSW like me? Not all of them know the topics like I do. Or why students lose marks. Or how to fix it. And that means they won't produce results, like helping Kirsten Chu move from 56% to 91%. Yes, often students do get lost in group lessons. This happens when the tutor doesn’t care. • I ask every student questions during class – so they pay attention. • I monitor every student to see if they’re falling behind. • I help out 1-1. ❓ "But what if my child has questions?" Our group is run differently to most tutors. I am willing to spend 1-1 time with you. If you have questions – you can ask me 1-1 after class! And throughout the week! I’ll spend an hour with you if you need it. Why not give it a try? First lesson is only charged if you continue - free otherwise. There's no risk. I wouldn't be here recommending this if I didn't believe it. I am not here to waste your time. Or mine. ****************************** ⭐️ 联系 ⭐️ ****************************** 我会及时回复你的任何咨询!一般5分钟内,最多12小时 ⭐️电话/短信: 0490 496 078 ⭐️Email: bob.chen.smile@gmail.com ⭐️Website: tutorgum.com ⭐️WeChat: BobChenAAA ______________________________ ****************************** ♦️成就 ****************************** - 新南威尔士州最高的 2019 年物理 HSC 考试分数 - HSC 物理状元名列第 7 名 - 99.85 ATAR - James Ruse Physics Yr12 第一名 - James Ruse Physics Yr11 第一名 - James Ruse Chemistry Yr12 第 3 名 - 12 和 11 年物理和化学课程深度研究全部满分 - 3020 UCAT (94th Percentile) - 99.95th GAMSAT (研究生医学院入学考试) - 丘成桐中学科学奖竞赛(Yau, HKSA)上发表物理研究论文并荣获亚太区第二名。 !!