钢琴一对一教学,钢琴启蒙,流行钢琴,钢琴乐理最后更新时间:2019-5-9 19:24 770人阅读
详细信息:英国布里斯托音乐学院钢琴表演硕士,十年授课经验,全国社会艺术水平考级评委。现Melbourne primary school 钢琴老师,主要针对幼儿钢琴启蒙,钢琴兴趣培养,钢琴考级,音乐理论教育。从事钢琴教学多年期间,学生均通过中央院,英皇各种考级,并参加国内外比赛取得优异成绩。现招钢琴启蒙,兴趣培养,钢琴考级学生。
主要针对幼儿钢琴启蒙,钢琴兴趣培养,钢琴考级,音乐理论教育。 从事钢琴教学多年期间,学生均通过中央院,英皇各种考级,并参加国内外比赛取得优异成绩。 现招钢琴启蒙,AMEB,ABRSM钢琴考级, 乐理考级的学生。 钢琴启蒙没有固定的年龄,建议4岁半-5岁开始,鼓励孩子在可以接受并且有兴趣的情况下尽早学习,会根据每个孩子的特点进行合理的引导。 澳洲AMEB考级注重学生对音乐的全面认识,包括aural test, technical work,general knowledge. 会针对需要考级的学生进行全面的音乐培养。 但对于想要培养兴趣爱好的学生,则会更注重乐曲的趣味和多样性。 联系方式:0422785698 I am a piano teacher with over ten years of teaching experience (and counting), working with students of all ages and grades ranging from beginner to diploma level. I got a Master’s degree in Piano Performance Pathway from the University of Bristol in UK and a Bachelor degree in Music Education in China. I am skilled at working with a wide variety of ages and abilities.I am passionate about teaching children to play instruments and music theory. It has always been my belief that creating a good relationship with students is essential in instilling interest and motivation in the mastery of piano playing. Lessons will be catered to each and every individual student’s needs and abilities. I also prepares students for both practical and music theory exams using the AMEB and/or ABRSM 授课范围: 初级(30min): 《encore on keys》 小汤系列 菲伯尔教程 Bastien basic piano >巴斯蒂安教程 中级 (30min-45min) 大汤系列 Ameb考级大纲 英皇考级大纲 高级(60min): classical piano 古典钢琴 pop piano 流行钢琴 考级 Ps.成人学生只接受女性