几乎全新Euromaid炉灶+烤箱最后更新时间:2019-2-11 14:44 1097人阅读
详细信息:Euromaid 90cm Gas Cooktop and Electric Oven
家里换了全套中式厨房用品,这个只烧过一次水的全新炉灶+烤箱闲置,有意请速联系。 Euromaid 90cm Dual Fuel Upright Cooker in excellent condition. The cooktop was JUST used once; the oven is BRAND NEW, NEVER USED! We need to change this unit because we are upgrading to a Chinese brand cooktop which is more suitable for Asian cooking style. RRP @ Goodguy is $1990, JUST $899 NOW! price is negotiable