墨尔本西区花园设计和施工木地台 搭建凉棚和车棚最后更新时间:2018-9-26 23:48 1333人阅读
花园设计和施工,具有精良设备,及丰富的施工经验,积极团结的团队精神,从事花园建造和改造。 建造木地台decking . 搭建凉棚和车棚, 铺设各种不同地砖,铺设水泥路和水泥车道,水泥品种花祥可以选择。 建各种不同材料的挡土墙,和花坛, 铺真或假草皮,种各种花,草,树。建立鱼池,小桥流水,亭子间,及各种观景,假山,建木,铁围栏和铁艺围栏,电动门, 平整土地,填游泳池,挖土方, 免费报价,并热忱为广大华人同胞提供优质服务。 联系电话:0498 992 939 Work scope: Landscape, garden, landscape design, garden design and construction, with excellent equipment, rich construction experience, active teamwork, garden construction and renovation. Construction of wood decks. Decorating sheds and carports, paving all kinds of floor tiles, paving concrete roads and cement lanes, and choosing cement varieties for Huaxiang. Build a variety of different material retaining walls, and flower beds, paved with genuine or fake turf, a variety of flowers, grass, trees. Establishing fish ponds, bridges, pavilions, various viewing spots, rockery, building wood, iron fences and wrought iron fences, electric gates, leveling the land, filling swimming pools, excavating earth, Free quotes. Contact Jack:0498 992 939