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墨尔本市中心 MY80 2房 带家私家电 RMIT旁

最后更新时间:2018-8-30 23:42     280人阅读

地址地区: melbourne city
价格范围: 620
房屋类型: 公寓
属性: 私人
详情介绍: 您好
我是房主 林先生
这套是我自己的房产 这栋公寓楼很出名! 就在RMIT 大学的旁边 应该是 这所大学 学生们的首选!
地理位置非常好 应有尽有!交通便利 特别是在CBD环线内 公共交通更是免费使用!
周边 州立图书馆 墨尔本中心商场 大型超市 亚洲超市就有3家之多
冰箱 洗衣机 都是当时新买。
次卧和主卧 分别配了一个 Queen Size 和 一个King Size 的大床
客厅还有2个双人沙发,茶几 和一张 4人的餐桌

本大厦 保安非常好! 大堂的物业还提供了免费代收快递的服务!大厦内还提供有偿的酒店式衣服送洗服务等等。
大厦内的泳池 烧烤 桑拿 影视厅 空中花园 都是免费使用的!


林 Hello,
I\\\'m Mr. Humphrey I\\\'m lanlord.
This is my own property. This apartment building is famous!
Right next to RMIT university should be the top choice for students in this university!
The location is perfect!
Convenient transportation especially in the CBD circle line public transport is free to use!
Around the state library in Melbourne central mall large supermarkets in Asia supermarkets are as many as three
In addition to the above photos, now only rent a year!
Refrigerators and washing machines were new.
The second and master bedrooms are paired with a Queen Size and a King Size, respectively
The living room also has two double sofas, a coffee table and a table for four

The security of this building is very good!
The property in the lobby also provides free express delivery service!
There are also paid services such as hotel laundry service.
The swimming pool grill, sauna and garden in the building are free to use!

Please feel free to contact me and make an appointment to see the room
thank you





联系电话: 0432123508


我是房主 林先生
这套是我自己的房产 这栋公寓楼很出名! 就在RMIT 大学的旁边 应该是 这所大学 学生们的首选!
地理位置非常好 应有尽有!交通便利 特别是在CBD环线内 公共交通更是免费使用!
周边 州立图书馆 墨尔本中心商场 大型超市 亚洲超市就有3家之多
冰箱 洗衣机 都是当时新买。
次卧和主卧 分别配了一个 Queen Size 和 一个King Size 的大床
客厅还有2个双人沙发,茶几 和一张 4人的餐桌

本大厦 保安非常好! 大堂的物业还提供了免费代收快递的服务!大厦内还提供有偿的酒店式衣服送洗服务等等。
大厦内的泳池 烧烤 桑拿 影视厅 空中花园 都是免费使用的!


林 Hello,
I\\\'m Mr. Humphrey I\\\'m lanlord.
This is my own property. This apartment building is famous!
Right next to RMIT university should be the top choice for students in this university!
The location is perfect!
Convenient transportation especially in the CBD circle line public transport is free to use!
Around the state library in Melbourne central mall large supermarkets in Asia supermarkets are as many as three
In addition to the above photos, now only rent a year!
Refrigerators and washing machines were new.
The second and master bedrooms are paired with a Queen Size and a King Size, respectively
The living room also has two double sofas, a coffee table and a table for four

The security of this building is very good!
The property in the lobby also provides free express delivery service!
There are also paid services such as hotel laundry service.
The swimming pool grill, sauna and garden in the building are free to use!

Please feel free to contact me and make an appointment to see the room
thank you

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