汉方美容(COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE)最后更新时间:2018-7-3 11:10 1313人阅读
详细信息:rebate available from all major health funds.
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE (汉方美容) K-Beauty Therapy Cosmetic Acupuncture often involkes the image of a natural, non-surgical facelift. (汉方美容借助自然力量,不需外科手术实现脸部提升) It works by stimulating the underlying tissues and muscles to give a lifting and tightening effects. (它通过刺激皮下组织和肌肉来达到提升和紧致效果) Narrowing of Pores (收缩毛孔) Reducing the Secretion of Sebum(渐少油脂分泌) Face Lifting (脸部提升) Skin Rejuvenation (嫩肤) Improving Appearance (改善面色) Acne Scar Treatment (痘痕治疗) 1. Micro-needling Therapy System (A-MTS) (微针治疗系统) - Creates hundreds of miniscule injuries on the face in the upper dermis. 用微针在真皮上层制造成百个微小创伤 - Induces proliferation fibroblast, which in turn synthesise production of collagen as a mean to repair the skin. 诱导纤维细胞增生的同时揉合进胶原蛋白产品来修补皮肤 2. Ampoule (Supercharged Serum with High Concentrations of Active Ingredients)(安瓶浓缩精华素) · StemCell Culture Ampoule for Moisturising (干细胞保湿安瓶) · Stem Cell Culture Ampoule for Whitening &Wrinkle (干细胞美白去皱安瓶) · Stem Cell Culture Ampoule for Acne (干细胞祛痘安瓶) · EGF Gold Ampoule (Mixed with 99.9% Gold) (纯金EGF修复安瓶) 3. LED Light Therapy (LED光源疗法) Use different LED light source with specified wavelength to improve the skin condition, repair damaged skin, shrink pores, increase skin elasticity etc. 使用不同波长的LED光源照射来改善皮肤,修护损伤肌肤,紧缩毛孔和恢复肌肤弹性等等。 4. Body Acupuncture Use traditional Chinese acupuncture to adjust the body condition to improve the appearance. 使用中医针灸调节身体以提亮气色。 Korean practitioner 韩国医师 Qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cosmetic Practice in Australia 澳洲中医&美容双证医师