【毕业季如何找工作】会计专业的未来-对话CFO最后更新时间:2018-6-4 11:07 1019人阅读
详细信息:大家好(学会计的,会计工作,会计师的小朋友们),六月21号下午1点我们(accountingpod)与Xref CFO 及 Xero Head of Accounting 的 James Solomons 先生·与大家分享对话探讨Tech 和 会计专业的未来。戳这里注册:https://accountingfuture.eventbrite.com。
We will be talking about Tech and the Future of accounting with our special guest: James Solomons – Xref's CFO, Aptus Director & Co-founder and Head of Accounting at Xero – who'll be answering some of your questions and sharing some of his knowledge. James is a passionate accountant and recognised industry leader. His varied & extensive portfolio of roles give him a unique perspective on the direction of the accounting industry. As an advocate, entrepreneur & educator that leads by example he is committed to supporting the profession & business community globally. Skilled in Business Planning, Professional Services, Software as a Service (SaaS), Risk Management, and Marketing Strategy. Strong business development professional with a strong focus on Governance & Leadership. 谁是AccountingPod AccountingPod是一家由多名澳新注册会计师建立的在线数字化财务实战培训平台,提供培训现今大中型会计师事务所,以及小型企业或者小会计师事务所使用的财会实战(云)技术,求职面试技巧培训,安排获得宝贵本地工作经验的实习及工作机会内推。从2016年以来,已经帮助不少财会毕业生进入专业相关行业,开始他们的财会职业生涯,在澳洲新西兰定居生活。 更多详情,访问我们的官方网站www.accountingpod.com。 我们有什么项目,什么时间,什么地点? Winter School of Real Business+Job Assistance 1. 冬季课程6月27日开课,共6周,每周15小时,自行安排时间在线学习或自定义每个工作日打卡监督。 培训课程结束后2周。 2. 开启全方位财会职业就业指导和工作内推,共4周,时间取决于你的情况和需要。 你将有自己的1对1职业支持指南,并安排时间使用最新的求职和职业技术的1对1讲话!在求职辅导后,1对1导师会从准备简历到面试到入职全程持续跟踪,以及进行合适岗位内部推荐。 3.冬季远程实战财务培训+职业就业指导包含: 真实处理财快日常工作 简历求职信修改 澳新相关财会职位内推